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Ítem Social Justice in Reconciliation: A Pathway to the Positive Transformation of Conflict(IM-Pertinente) Martínez Posada, Jorge Eliécer; Neira Sánchez, Fabio Orlando; Martínez Posada, Jorge Eliécer; Neira Sánchez, Fabio Orlando; Martínez Posada, Jorge Eliécer; Neira Sánchez, Fabio OrlandoÍtem Rethinking the University in its Political-Democratic Dimension for Peace Scenarios(IM-Pertinente) Gómez Restrepo, Fsc., Hno. Carlos; Gómez Restrepo, Fsc., Hno. Carlos; Gómez Restrepo, Fsc., Hno. CarlosÍtem Impact of Forced Displacement in the Development of Citizenship in Colombian History(IM-Pertinente) Rdoríguez Urrego, Marcela; Rdoríguez Urrego, Marcela; Rdoríguez Urrego, MarcelaÍtem “When You Remember, There Is Still a Part of Your Heart That Is Hurting”. Assigning Meanings to the Violent Past in Colombia(IM-Pertinente) Cancimance López, Jorge Andrés; Cancimance López, Jorge Andrés; Cancimance López, Jorge AndrésÍtem Week for Peace: A Space for Meetings and Possibilities(IM-Pertinente) Elizalde Prada, Oscar Augusto; Elizalde Prada, Oscar Augusto; Elizalde Prada, Oscar AugustoÍtem Rights and Responsibilities for Preventing Violence and Building Peace within the Context of Family(IM-Pertinente) Arias Campos, Rosa Ludy; Arias Campos, Rosa Ludy; Arias Campos, Rosa LudyÍtem Christian Peace Based on the Proposal of John XXIII(IM-Pertinente) Lukomski, Andrzej; Lukomski, Andrzej; Lukomski, AndrzejÍtem Shaquira(IM-Pertinente) Peralta Gómez, David Andrés; Peralta Gómez, David Andrés; Peralta Gómez, David AndrésÍtem Construction of Time in the Student Experience. Trajectories and Temporal Transitions in Young University Students from Mexico City(IM-Pertinente) Pérez, Elisa Marina; Pérez, Elisa Marina; Pérez, Elisa MarinaÍtem Childhood and Lasallian Education: Some Considerations for Reflection(IM-Pertinente) Mora Arenas, Fsc., Hno. Diego Andrés; Mora Arenas, Fsc., Hno. Diego Andrés; Mora Arenas, Fsc., Hno. Diego AndrésÍtem Red de Investigadores en Infancia(IM-Pertinente) Narváez Sánchez, Mónica; Narváez Sánchez, Mónica; Narváez Sánchez, MónicaÍtem The “Statement about the Brother of Christian Schools in Today’s World” in Dialogue with the Pedagogies of its Time(IM-Pertinente) Coronado Padilla, Fsc., Hno. Fabio Humberto; Coronado Padilla, Fsc., Hno. Fabio Humberto; Coronado Padilla, Fsc., Hno. Fabio HumbertoÍtem A Look at the Citizenship Status of Youth in Latin America. Latest Studies and Debates(IM-Pertinente) Graterol Acevedo, Gloria Lisbeth; Graterol Acevedo, Gloria Lisbeth; Graterol Acevedo, Gloria LisbethÍtem El sentido de IM-Pertinente(IM-Pertinente) Mora Arenas, Fsc., Hno. Diego Andrés; Mora Arenas, Fsc., Hno. Diego Andrés; Mora Arenas, Fsc., Hno. Diego AndrésÍtem Interview with Giampietro Schibott, Researcher in Child Labor(IM-Pertinente) Martínez Posada, Jorge Eliécer; Martínez Posada, Jorge Eliécer; Martínez Posada, Jorge EliécerÍtem Recognizing Claimants: About the Single Victims Registry in Colombia as a Socio-Technical Assembly(IM-Pertinente) Mora-Gámez, Fredy A.; Mora-Gámez, Fredy A.; Mora-Gámez, Fredy A.Ítem On the Trail of a Childhood under Investigation: Remembering María Cristina Salazar(IM-Pertinente) Buitrago Peña, María del Pilar; Buitrago Peña, María del Pilar; Buitrago Peña, María del PilarÍtem Learning through Play: Using Gamification Techniques in Learning Environments(IM-Pertinente) Aguilera Castillo, Andrés; Fúquene Lozano, Camila Andrea; Ríos Pineda, William Fernando; Aguilera Castillo, Andrés; Fúquene Lozano, Camila Andrea; Ríos Pineda, William Fernando; Aguilera Castillo, Andrés; Fúquene Lozano, Camila Andrea; Ríos Pineda, William FernandoÍtem Polisemia de las juventudes: una lectura desde las políticas del acontecimiento(IM-Pertinente) Forero Sánchez, Karenth Andrea; Arango Orejuela, Angie Andrea; Forero Sánchez, Karenth Andrea; Arango Orejuela, Angie Andrea; Forero Sánchez, Karenth Andrea; Arango Orejuela, Angie AndreaÍtem Family Diversity and Disclosure of Genetic Origins to Children Born from Donors and/or Surrogacy(IM-Pertinente) Álvarez Plaza, Consuelo; Álvarez Plaza, Consuelo; Álvarez Plaza, Consuelo
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