Tutor 1

Jaime Arias, Yamile Ariana


El flujo y gestión de la información es determinante para el éxito en la administración de la cadena de suministro, es por esto por lo que enlazar las cadenas de valor de los proveedores, distribuidores y clientes contribuyen a mejorar la competitividad industrial de las empresas y del país en general.

Este documento presenta el desarrollo de una propuesta para el diseño de un módulo en el manejo de los datos del área de bodega de la empresa ZEVEN LOGISTICS SAS de Bogotá; una empresa del sector logístico que presta el servicio de almacenamiento, transporte, acondicionamiento del producto e intermediación aduanera de mercancías importadas a otras compañías dedicadas a la comercialización en Colombia de productos provenientes del extranjero. La investigación tiene como finalidad optimizar y hacer más eficientes las actividades, de manera que se pueda presentar los datos requeridos por los clientes en cualquier momento que se solicite de la mercancía que ingresa o sale de la bodega.

Resumen en lengua extranjera 1

Information management and information flows are key elements for a successful supply chain management. Hence, linking the value chains from suppliers, distributors and clients contribute to improve the industrial competitiveness of companies and the country as well. This document presents a proposal to design a module for data management in the warehousing area of the company ZEVEN LOGISTICS SAS based in Bogota, which is a logistics company that provides services such as storage, transport, product packaging and customs brokerage of imported goods to other companies focused on trading foreign products in Colombia. This research aims to improve and make more efficient the company’s activities, in order to provide for clients, the required information of entering or departing goods at the warehouse whenever they need. To accomplish the above, an assessment is conducted to diagnose the current situation and identify issues and their causes through the problem tree analysis facilitating a workplan. A characterization of procedures in the warehousing area is proposed within the methodological design. This covers the moment the goods are registered in the information system, until the evidence of warehousing is sent to the client. Then, with the results from this process, the minimal requirements for the module users are stablished and the external design of the tool is developed with navigation map and mockups. Finally, there is a proposal for the development of an operational prototype, and a module implementation plan with timeline analysis and associated costs. This project is a result of applying engineering tools to propose a module for information management in the warehouse area, to optimize the procedures in the area, increase quality levels and information reliability.

Palabras clave

Sistemas de información, Bodega, Módulo, Productividad empresarial, Logística

Tipo de documento

Trabajo de grado - Pregrado

Licencia Creative Commons

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Fecha de elaboración


Programa académico

Ingeniería Industrial


Facultad de Ingeniería


Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Industrial
