Evolución del trabajo doméstico en Colombia: Análisis de las empresas registradas por su actividad económica
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Economía, Empresa y Desarrollo Sostenible – FEEDS. Finanzas y Comercio Internacional
El trabajo doméstico en Colombia ha experimentado grandes cambios. El más importante fue su reconocimiento con la aprobación del convenio de la OIT en el año 2012. Gracias a eso, actualmente, en Colombia existen varias empresas pertenecientes al sector del trabajo doméstico. A pesar de esto, no se tiene mayor información respecto a sus capacidades a nivel organizacional. Por ello, esta investigación busca realizar una encuesta para conocer las capacidades a nivel financiero y comercial de una muestra de 10 empresas pertenecientes al sector trabajo doméstico. Por otro lado, mostrar las principales características de los factores que afectan este sector. Para finalmente identificar el tipo de relación que tienen estos factores con las capacidades de las empresas. Los resultados dan evidencia de las características que relacionan estas dos partes que dan cuenta de la realidad que enfrenta el trabajo doméstico en Colombia.
Domestic work in Colombia has undergone great changes. The most important was its recognition with the approval of the ILO agreement in 2012. Thanks to this, there are currently more than 250,000 companies in the domestic work sector in Colombia. Despite this, there is no further information regarding their capacities at the organizational level. That is why this research seeks from a sample of 10 companies belonging to the domestic work sector, to carry out a survey to know their financial and commercial capacities. On the other hand, show the main characteristics of the factors that affect this sector. To finally identify the type of relationship that these factors have with the capacities of the companies. The results give evidence of the characteristics that relate these two parts that account for the reality faced by domestic work in Colombia.
Domestic work in Colombia has undergone great changes. The most important was its recognition with the approval of the ILO agreement in 2012. Thanks to this, there are currently more than 250,000 companies in the domestic work sector in Colombia. Despite this, there is no further information regarding their capacities at the organizational level. That is why this research seeks from a sample of 10 companies belonging to the domestic work sector, to carry out a survey to know their financial and commercial capacities. On the other hand, show the main characteristics of the factors that affect this sector. To finally identify the type of relationship that these factors have with the capacities of the companies. The results give evidence of the characteristics that relate these two parts that account for the reality faced by domestic work in Colombia.
Palabras clave
Trabajo doméstico, Capacidades financieras, Capacidades comerciales, Ministerio de Trabajo, Condiciones laborales, Mercado laboral