Estudio documental de la categoría del buen vivir en el periodo 2007 - 2013 y posibles aportes al trabajo social
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Universidad de La Salle. Escuela de Humanidades y Estudios Sociales. Trabajo Social
La presente investigación, le apuesta a la comprensión de la categoría Buen Vivir la cual emerge desde la Calidad de Vida y de igual manera es asumida fundamentalmente por las comunidades indígenas en Ecuador y Bolivia. La investigación se centró en la caracterización, descripción y análisis de los componentes que integran esta categoría, a su vez se centró en identificar la relación y el aporte que desde el Buen Vivir se le hace a la disciplina del Trabajo Social. El Buen Vivir mencionar temas como el respeto por el otro y los otros, la promulgación y ejecución de derechos en todas sus dimensiones, el cambio de una visión individualista a una visión colectiva y principalmente el respeto y el reencuentro con la madre naturaleza, se retoman a lo largo de este trabajo de grado buscando una relación con el quehacer profesional del Trabajo Social. En el trascurso de la investigación se identificó que el Buen Vivir no solo tiene raíces indígenas, pues también está influenciado por el pensamiento Europeo del Decrecentismo que basa su argumento en la idea de detener el crecimiento indiscriminado, a la vez que le apuesta a disminuir el abuso con los recursos naturales por parte del sistema capitalista. Por otro lado, se hizo evidente que el Buen Vivir es una categoría de pensamiento que se ha trabajado desde la cosmovisión indígena desde hace muchos años, pero hasta el 2007 se pudo evidenciar su visión a través de documentos e informes de investigación, los cuales fueron identificados por el grupo investigador. Finalmente, se espera que esta investigación contribuya a generar nuevas maneras de ver y entender el mundo, así como aportar en los procesos de investigación e intervención de nuestra profesión.
This research is betting on understanding the category which emerges Good Living Quality of Life and is primarily undertaken by indigenous communities in Ecuador and Bolivia. The research focused on the characterization, description and analysis of the components that make up this category, in turn focused on identifying the relationship and the contribution from the Good Life is doing to the discipline of social work. To mention the Good Life issues such as respect for others and the others, the enactment and enforcement of rights in all their dimensions, changing an individualistic to a collective vision and especially respect and reunion with Mother Nature are taken up along of this paper grade looking for a relationship with the professional work of Social Work. In the course of the investigation it was identified that the Good Life not only has indigenous roots, it is also influenced by European thought Decrecentismo that bases its argument on the idea of stopping indiscriminate growth, while bets on decrease abuse to natural resources by the capitalist system. On the other hand it became clear that the Good Life is a category of thought that has worked since the indigenous thought for many years, but until 2007 it was evident his vision through documents and research reports, which were identified by the research group. Finally, this research is expected to contribute positively to generate new ways of seeing and understanding the world and contribute in the process of investigation and intervention of our profession.
This research is betting on understanding the category which emerges Good Living Quality of Life and is primarily undertaken by indigenous communities in Ecuador and Bolivia. The research focused on the characterization, description and analysis of the components that make up this category, in turn focused on identifying the relationship and the contribution from the Good Life is doing to the discipline of social work. To mention the Good Life issues such as respect for others and the others, the enactment and enforcement of rights in all their dimensions, changing an individualistic to a collective vision and especially respect and reunion with Mother Nature are taken up along of this paper grade looking for a relationship with the professional work of Social Work. In the course of the investigation it was identified that the Good Life not only has indigenous roots, it is also influenced by European thought Decrecentismo that bases its argument on the idea of stopping indiscriminate growth, while bets on decrease abuse to natural resources by the capitalist system. On the other hand it became clear that the Good Life is a category of thought that has worked since the indigenous thought for many years, but until 2007 it was evident his vision through documents and research reports, which were identified by the research group. Finally, this research is expected to contribute positively to generate new ways of seeing and understanding the world and contribute in the process of investigation and intervention of our profession.
Palabras clave
Trabajo social, Desarrollo humano, Calidad de vida