Variaciones en los costos de la expansión de sistemas de transmisión debido a incertidumbres en la generación eólica
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Eléctrica
En este documento se evalúan las variaciones en los costos de la expansión de sistemas de transmisión debidos a la incertidumbre en la generación eólica. Para modelar la incertidumbre se ha considerado la función de distribución de probabilidad Weibull reportada por el Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM) ya partir de estos datos se han recreado distintos escenarios de inclusión de generación eólica. El sistema de Garver de 6 nodos ampliamente utilizado en la literatura y el sistema eléctrico colombiano de 93 nodos. Por otro lado, para el modelado del problema de planeamiento de la red de transmisión se emplea el modelo lineal disyuntivo. Los resultados presentan el planeamiento para diferentes valores de generación, así como para dos ubicaciones dentro del territorio colombiano.
This paper evaluates the cost variation of the transmission system expansion cost variation due to the uncertainty in wind generation. To model the uncertainty, we have considered the Weibull probability distribution function reported by the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM). Different wind generation inclusion scenarios have been recreated from this data. The Garver system of 6 nodes widely used in the literature and the Colombian electrical system of 93 nodes. On the other hand, for the modeling of the planning problem of the transmission network, the disjunctive linear model has been used. The results present the planning for different generation values, as well as for two locations within the Colombian territory. The results show that including wind generation in the network could reduce the costs of the expansion of the transmission network
This paper evaluates the cost variation of the transmission system expansion cost variation due to the uncertainty in wind generation. To model the uncertainty, we have considered the Weibull probability distribution function reported by the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM). Different wind generation inclusion scenarios have been recreated from this data. The Garver system of 6 nodes widely used in the literature and the Colombian electrical system of 93 nodes. On the other hand, for the modeling of the planning problem of the transmission network, the disjunctive linear model has been used. The results present the planning for different generation values, as well as for two locations within the Colombian territory. The results show that including wind generation in the network could reduce the costs of the expansion of the transmission network
Palabras clave
Variaciones en los costos, Expansión de sistemas de transmisión, Incertidumbres, Generación eólica