Fundamentos curriculares para la creación de programas de formación de profesores militares con énfasis en investigación formativa en escuelas militares de formación del Ejército de Colombia
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La presente tesis doctoral aporta fundamentos curriculares para la formulación de lineamientos de formación inicial (licenciatura) de los profesores militares, los cuales orienten la profesionalización y la interacción en ambientes de investigación formativa en el quehacer de la educación militar. Se debe tener en cuenta que los profesores militares no son licenciados en áreas de las ciencias de la educación y poseen titulaciones profesionales en el campo de las ciencias militares y en áreas complementarias como la ingeniería, la administración y el derecho. El territorio de investigación que se adelanta la presente tesis son los profesores militares de las escuelas de formación de Ejército de Colombia, una tiene el carácter de institución Universitaria (Escuela Militar de Cadetes General José María Córdoba) y la otra de Institución Tecnológica (Escuela Militar de suboficiales sargento Inocencio Chincá), el personal de profesores militares no tienen la profesionalización desde las ciencias de la educación, haciendo evidente algunos vacíos desde la planeación, diseño microcurricular y en el desarrollo de las actividades de prácticas docentes y educativas, así como en el desarrollo de investigaciones de tipo formativo.
This doctoral thesis provides curricular bases for the formulation of initial training guidelines for military teachers, which allow their professionalization and interaction in formative research environments in the work of military education. It must be taken into account that military teachers do not have degrees in areas of educational sciences and have professional qualifications in the field of military sciences and in complementary areas such as engineering, administration and law. The research territory carried out in this thesis are the training schools of the Colombian Army, in those institutions that have the character of a university institution (General José Maria Córdoba Military Cadet School) and a Technological Institution (Non-Military Cadet School). University students). non-commissioned officer Sergeant Inocencio Chincá), military teaching staff does not have professionalization from the educational sciences, evidencing some gaps in the planning and development of teaching activities and educational practice, as well as in the development of formative research.
This doctoral thesis provides curricular bases for the formulation of initial training guidelines for military teachers, which allow their professionalization and interaction in formative research environments in the work of military education. It must be taken into account that military teachers do not have degrees in areas of educational sciences and have professional qualifications in the field of military sciences and in complementary areas such as engineering, administration and law. The research territory carried out in this thesis are the training schools of the Colombian Army, in those institutions that have the character of a university institution (General José Maria Córdoba Military Cadet School) and a Technological Institution (Non-Military Cadet School). University students). non-commissioned officer Sergeant Inocencio Chincá), military teaching staff does not have professionalization from the educational sciences, evidencing some gaps in the planning and development of teaching activities and educational practice, as well as in the development of formative research.
Palabras clave
Profesor militar, Práctica docente, Práctica educativa, Investigación formativa, Ejército de Colombia, Fundamentos curriculares