Formulación y estandarización de un snack tipo embutido para canino adulto basado en los principios de la dieta barf
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
El presente trabajo fue realizado en la ciudad de Bogotá, durante el mes de octubre del año 2016 en la Planta piloto de carnes de la Universidad de la Salle, se pretendía establecer la factibilidad de elaborar y estandarizar un snack bajo los principios de la dieta BARF, haciendo evaluación y uso de subproductos de la industria cárnica, en especial la avícola y estandarizar la fórmula de un snack tipo embutido. Las materias primas usadas en la elaboración del snack fueron: cuellos de pollo, hígados de pollo, corazones de pollo, mollejas de pollo, zanahorias y acelgas; estas fueron de alta calidad nutricional y se encontraron con facilidad en el mercado. La formulación del snack se realizó teniendo en cuenta el análisis composicional a las materias primas seleccionadas y acorde a los requerimientos de perros adultos que se encuentran en el National Council Research (2003; 2006), además se tuvo en cuenta las restricciones de uso de las materias primas seleccionadas. El snack tuvo una composición de mínimo 10,06% de proteína y mínimo 13,5% de grasa, con estos y otros nutrientes se logró estimar que el snack cubre el 27,8 % del requerimiento de energía metabolizable (Kcal) de un perro de 15 Kg cuando éste consume 37,5 gramos del snack al día. Se elaboraron porciones de 20 gramos tipo chorizo en tres presentaciones tripa natural de cerdo, funda comestible de colágeno y funda no comestible de celulosa; los snacks fueron empacados al vacío y refrigerados a -4°C. Al día siguiente de la elaboración se realizó la prueba sensorial con 60 perros de la Fundación Dame Vida del Municipio de Tenjo (Cundinamarca) dando como resultado un nivel bueno de aceptación según la escala hedónica propuesta (3,95); además se realizó una encuesta a 60 propietarios de mascotas con un excelente nivel de aceptación según la escala hedónica propuesta (4,8). 10 Por último, se hizo una evaluación económica de la elaboración del snack y se pudo determinar que elaborar el snack con funda de celulosa es más económico que realizarlo con funda de colágeno o con tripa natural de cerdo, siendo ésta última la presentación más costosa. Además, se pudo determinar que los costos de producción del Snack propuesto son mayores al precio de venta del Menú Natural de Chunky® de la empresa Italcol®, lo que hace pensar que el precio de venta del snack propuesto será superior. En general los resultados obtenidos son positivos y muestran un panorama bastante claro acerca de la necesidad y viabilidad de poner en el mercado un snack tipo BARF en presentación de embutido como el propuesto en este trabajo.
This work, carried out in the city of Bogotá, it is shown that it is feasible to elaborate and standardize a snack under the principles of this diet, since the results were very favorable. In addition, the aim was to evaluate the use of byproducts of the meat industry, especially the poultry industry, and to standardize the formula of a snack sausage type in accordance with the principles of the BARF diet. The raw materials used in the preparation of the snack were: chicken necks, chicken livers, chicken hearts, chicken sweetbreads, carrots and swiss chard. These were of high nutritional quality and were easily found in the market. The snack formula was made based on the requirements of adult dogs found in the National Research Council “NRC” (2003; 2006), and restrictions on the use of selected raw materials were taken into account. The snack had a composition of minimum 10.06% of protein and minimum of 13.5% of fat, with these and other nutrients it was possible to estimate that the snack covers 27.8% of the metabolizable energy requirement (Kcal) of a dog of 15 Kg when it consumes 37.5 grams of the snack per day. The snack type inbuilt with principles of the BARF diet was made in October 2016 at “Planta de Procesamiento de Alimentos de la Universidad de la Salle” where portions of 20 grams of sausage “chorizo” type were made in three presentations: natural pig casings, edible collagen sheath and non-edible cellulose sheath. The snacks were packed in vacuum and refrigerated at -4 ° C. The day after the experiment was carried out the sensorial test with 60 dogs of the “Dame Vida” Foundation of the Municipality of Tenjo (Cundinamarca) resulting in a very good level of acceptance according to the proposed hedonic scale (3.95); In addition, a survey was carried out on 60 people with dogs as mascot and the results showed an excellent level of acceptance according to the proposed hedonic scale (4.8) by the respondents. 12 Finally, an economic evaluation of the preparation of the snack was made and it was possible to determine that the elaboration of the snack with non-edible cellulose sheath is more economical than to do it with an edible collagen sheath or with natural pig casings, the latter being the most expensive presentation. In addition, it was possible to determine that the production costs of the proposed Snack are higher than the sale price of “Menú Natural Chunky®” of company Italcol®, which suggests that the sale price of the proposed snack will be higher. In general, the results obtained are positive and show a clear picture about the necessity and feasibility of putting on the market a snack BARF type in presentation of sausage like the one proposed in this work.
This work, carried out in the city of Bogotá, it is shown that it is feasible to elaborate and standardize a snack under the principles of this diet, since the results were very favorable. In addition, the aim was to evaluate the use of byproducts of the meat industry, especially the poultry industry, and to standardize the formula of a snack sausage type in accordance with the principles of the BARF diet. The raw materials used in the preparation of the snack were: chicken necks, chicken livers, chicken hearts, chicken sweetbreads, carrots and swiss chard. These were of high nutritional quality and were easily found in the market. The snack formula was made based on the requirements of adult dogs found in the National Research Council “NRC” (2003; 2006), and restrictions on the use of selected raw materials were taken into account. The snack had a composition of minimum 10.06% of protein and minimum of 13.5% of fat, with these and other nutrients it was possible to estimate that the snack covers 27.8% of the metabolizable energy requirement (Kcal) of a dog of 15 Kg when it consumes 37.5 grams of the snack per day. The snack type inbuilt with principles of the BARF diet was made in October 2016 at “Planta de Procesamiento de Alimentos de la Universidad de la Salle” where portions of 20 grams of sausage “chorizo” type were made in three presentations: natural pig casings, edible collagen sheath and non-edible cellulose sheath. The snacks were packed in vacuum and refrigerated at -4 ° C. The day after the experiment was carried out the sensorial test with 60 dogs of the “Dame Vida” Foundation of the Municipality of Tenjo (Cundinamarca) resulting in a very good level of acceptance according to the proposed hedonic scale (3.95); In addition, a survey was carried out on 60 people with dogs as mascot and the results showed an excellent level of acceptance according to the proposed hedonic scale (4.8) by the respondents. 12 Finally, an economic evaluation of the preparation of the snack was made and it was possible to determine that the elaboration of the snack with non-edible cellulose sheath is more economical than to do it with an edible collagen sheath or with natural pig casings, the latter being the most expensive presentation. In addition, it was possible to determine that the production costs of the proposed Snack are higher than the sale price of “Menú Natural Chunky®” of company Italcol®, which suggests that the sale price of the proposed snack will be higher. In general, the results obtained are positive and show a clear picture about the necessity and feasibility of putting on the market a snack BARF type in presentation of sausage like the one proposed in this work.
Palabras clave
Industria y comercio de la carne, Embutidos, Conservación de carnes, Consumo de carne