Propuesta de la sistematización de los procesos de información de las modalidades de grado de la carrera de Contaduría Pública en la Universidad de La Salle
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Economía, Empresa y Desarrollo Sostenible - FEEDS. Contaduría Pública
Cursar una carrera universitaria conlleva cumplir múltiples requisitos establecidos por La Universidad de La Salle, uno de ellos corresponde a realizar una modalidad de grado. A este respecto, el programa de Contaduría indica los requisitos y las opciones presentadas a los estudiantes mediante el acuerdo N.º 004 de 2018. Dicho proceso involucra estudiantes, profesores, coordinadores del comité y personal administrativo. Ahora bien, puesto que a la hora de culminar sus modalidades a los estudiantes se les había presentado problemas de comunicación, falta de entendimiento de los pasos a cumplir, lo cual genera desorden y demoras que ocasionaron malestar y mala percepción del éxito de la gestión de las partes involucradas, en 2021 la estudiante Alejandra Laiton realizó una propuesta de mejor organización mediante una base de datos en Microsoft Excel que eliminó la duplicidad de información, unificó la información de los tutores y profesores a cargo de cada modalidad, sin embargo, tal base no cumplió las expectativas de los directivos del programa debido a que su diligenciamiento era complejo y la lectura de este no facilitaba los controles requeridos, de tal manera que, se determinó la necesidad de sistematizar las modalidades de grado por medio del aplicativo de Microsoft Access, además de realizar flujogramas por cada modalidad, de modo que, se tenga claro el proceso y se tenga herramientas para optimizarlo.
Studying for a university degree entails fulfilling multiple requirements established by La Salle University, one of them corresponds to carrying out a degree modality. In this regard, the Accounting program indicates the requirements and options presented to students through agreement No. 004 of 2018. Said process involves students, professors, committee coordinators and administrative staff. Now, since at the time of culminating their modalities students had been presented with communication problems, lack of understanding of the steps to be fulfilled, which generates disorder and delays that caused discomfort and poor perception of the success of the management of the parties involved, in 2021 the student Alejandra Laiton made a proposal for better organization through a database in Microsoft Excel that eliminated the duplication of information, However, this database did not meet the expectations of the program's directors because its completion was complex and the reading of it did not facilitate the required controls, so that the need to systematize the degree modalities through the Microsoft Access application was determined, in addition to making flowcharts for each modality, so that the process is clear and there are tools to optimize it.
Studying for a university degree entails fulfilling multiple requirements established by La Salle University, one of them corresponds to carrying out a degree modality. In this regard, the Accounting program indicates the requirements and options presented to students through agreement No. 004 of 2018. Said process involves students, professors, committee coordinators and administrative staff. Now, since at the time of culminating their modalities students had been presented with communication problems, lack of understanding of the steps to be fulfilled, which generates disorder and delays that caused discomfort and poor perception of the success of the management of the parties involved, in 2021 the student Alejandra Laiton made a proposal for better organization through a database in Microsoft Excel that eliminated the duplication of information, However, this database did not meet the expectations of the program's directors because its completion was complex and the reading of it did not facilitate the required controls, so that the need to systematize the degree modalities through the Microsoft Access application was determined, in addition to making flowcharts for each modality, so that the process is clear and there are tools to optimize it.
Palabras clave
Modelo de base de datos, Investigación de mercado, Gestión de proyectos, Flujograma de proyecto, Microsoft Access, Duplicidad de información