Metodología para el diseño de sistemas de generación distribuida para zonas rurales en Colombia
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Eléctrica
El suministro de energía eléctrica durante el último siglo se ha convertido en un factor que contribuye al desarrollo de sociedades y / o comunidades. Una de las problemáticas en Colombia es que posee zonas que carecen de este recurso, debido a diversas causas de tipo económico, social, geográfico, cultural o político. Entorno a solución esta problemática, desarrolla una metodología para el diseño de instalaciones fotovoltaicas detectadas en Zonas no interconectadas (ZNI), desde la definición de la posición óptima del conjunto de paneles y el dimensionamiento del sistema a partir de una base de datos que caracterizan los principales componentes de este y su precio. Además, se compara el costo total de un proyecto de instalaciones separadas contra una microrred
The electrical energy supply during the last century has become in a contributing factor to the development of societies and/or communities. One of the issues in Colombia is that has areas that lack of this resource, owing to various causes of economic, social, geographical, political and culture type. Around to solve this issue, a methodology is develops for the design of photovoltaic installations in no interconnected zones (ZNI), since the denition of the optimal position of panels array and the sizing of the system from a database that characterizes the main components of this and its price. In addition, the total cost of the project of specic separate facilities is compared against a microgrid based on the results obtained from an optimal power ow (OPF) in a designed topology of 8 nodes, this allows to determine that the cost is lower when make microgrid installation.
The electrical energy supply during the last century has become in a contributing factor to the development of societies and/or communities. One of the issues in Colombia is that has areas that lack of this resource, owing to various causes of economic, social, geographical, political and culture type. Around to solve this issue, a methodology is develops for the design of photovoltaic installations in no interconnected zones (ZNI), since the denition of the optimal position of panels array and the sizing of the system from a database that characterizes the main components of this and its price. In addition, the total cost of the project of specic separate facilities is compared against a microgrid based on the results obtained from an optimal power ow (OPF) in a designed topology of 8 nodes, this allows to determine that the cost is lower when make microgrid installation.
Palabras clave
Comparación, Conexión, Costos, Dimensionamiento, Instalaciones fo- tovoltaicas aisladas, Microrred, OPF, ZNI, Comparison, Connection, Costs, Isolated photovoltaic installations, Mi- crorred