Evaluación de diferentes niveles de energía y proteína sobre el desempeño productivo de alevinos de Oreochromis niloticus variedad chitralada
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el desempeño productivo de alevinos de Oreochromis niloticus variedad chitralada, alimentados con diferentes niveles de energía y proteína. Se implementaron seis dietas con dos niveles de energía (3300 y 3600 kcal/kg.) y tres niveles de proteína (35, 40 y 45%) generando seis diferentes relaciones energía/proteína (10,28; 9,42; 9,00; 8,25; 8,00 y 7,33 kcal ED/g PC). Se utilizó un lote de 192 alevinos provenientes de una granja comercial localizada en el municipio de Guamal (Meta), los cuales fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en cuatro acuarios por tratamiento a una densidad de 8 individuos por acuario. El alimento fue ofrecido a voluntad dos veces al día (8:00 y 15:00 horas). Fue registrado el peso de los alevinos al inicio del experimento y posteriormente cada 15 días, hasta el día 45, día en el cual se concluyó el ensayo. Fueron evaluadas la ganancia de peso (GP), la tasa de crecimiento específico (TCE), el factor de conversión alimenticia (FCA), la eficiencia de utilización de energía y de proteína (EUE y EUP), la tasa de retención de energía y de proteína (TRE y TRP) y la sobrevivencia. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con 6 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones; los datos fueron sometidos a un análisis de varianza (ANAVA) y las medias comparadas por la prueba de Tukey (5%). Se concluyó que para GP las relaciones energía/proteína de 8,25 y 9,42 fueron las que mejores resultados mostraron (p0,05); similar comportamiento se observó en la TRP, sin embargo la TRE fue significativamente superior (p0,05).
The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the productive performance of Oreochromis niloticus fry chitralada variety, feed with different energy and protein levels. Six diets with two energy levels (3300 and 3600 kcal/kg.) and three protein levels (35, 40 and 45%) were implemented, generating six different energy / protein levels (10.28, 9.42, 9.00, 8.25, 8.00 and 7.33 kcal ED/g PC). A batch of 192 fries which came from a commercial farm located in Guamal municipality (Meta) was distributed at random in four treatment aquariums with a density of 8 individuals per aquarium. Food was provided at will twice a day (8:00 and 15:00 hours). The starting weight of the fry was registered, and later every 15 days, until day 45, in which the essay finished. Weight gain (GP), specific growth rate (TCE), alimentary conversion factor (FCA), the efficiency in energy and protein evaluation (EUE y EUP), energy and protein retention rates (TRE y TRP) and survival were evaluated. The experimental design was done completely at random with 6 treatments and 4 repetitions. A Variance analysis (ANOVA) of the data was performed and the Medias were compared with the Tukey test (5%). It was concluded that for the (GP), 8.25 and 9.42 energy / protein relations were the best results (p0.05); a similar behavior was observed in TRP, but TRE was significantly superior (p0.05).
The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the productive performance of Oreochromis niloticus fry chitralada variety, feed with different energy and protein levels. Six diets with two energy levels (3300 and 3600 kcal/kg.) and three protein levels (35, 40 and 45%) were implemented, generating six different energy / protein levels (10.28, 9.42, 9.00, 8.25, 8.00 and 7.33 kcal ED/g PC). A batch of 192 fries which came from a commercial farm located in Guamal municipality (Meta) was distributed at random in four treatment aquariums with a density of 8 individuals per aquarium. Food was provided at will twice a day (8:00 and 15:00 hours). The starting weight of the fry was registered, and later every 15 days, until day 45, in which the essay finished. Weight gain (GP), specific growth rate (TCE), alimentary conversion factor (FCA), the efficiency in energy and protein evaluation (EUE y EUP), energy and protein retention rates (TRE y TRP) and survival were evaluated. The experimental design was done completely at random with 6 treatments and 4 repetitions. A Variance analysis (ANOVA) of the data was performed and the Medias were compared with the Tukey test (5%). It was concluded that for the (GP), 8.25 and 9.42 energy / protein relations were the best results (p0.05); a similar behavior was observed in TRP, but TRE was significantly superior (p0.05).
Palabras clave
Alevinos, Alimentación de peces, Proteína