Aprovechamiento de la cáscara de papa (solanum tuberosum l) para elaborar de un coextruido con cartón
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El objetivo de este proyecto fue analizar la viabilidad técnico-económica de la inclusión de la cáscara de papa de un coextruido en la elaboración de una caja de cartón; con el fin de analizar la viabilidad de la incorporación de este subproducto generado por el proceso industrial de la papa (Solanum Tuberosum L), se optó por incluirlo en la formulación de cartón reciclado proveniente de las cubetas de huevo. Para esto, se realizaron seis formulaciones en las cuales se determinaron diferentes porcentajes de inclusión de la cáscara de papa, junto al cartón obtenido de cubetas de huevo. Se incluyó, en la formulación, el Carboximetilcelulosa (CMC), con el fin de mejorar la flexibilidad del producto terminado. A cada una de las muestras, se le realizaron pruebas mecánicas como Resistencia de compresión (ECT – NTC 973), Resistencia a la tensión (NTC 381), Absorción a la gota de agua (Prueba Cobb - NTC 596), Prueba de determinación de fibra (NTC 5122), Prueba de presencia de almidón (yoduros) y Prueba de colorimetría (escala CIELAB). De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos se determina que la muestra que más se aproxima al cartón comercial es la formulación 20% cáscara de papa, 79% de cubeta de cartón de huevo y 1% de CMC. El CMC incrementó el contenido total de luminosidad y las propiedades reológicas (tensión y viscosidad), en todas aquellas muestras en las cuales se utilizó este hidrocoloide, así mismo, esta muestra presentó la resistencia más alta en compresión (13.0093N) y una carga de elongación (21.4027 N).
The objective of this project was to analyze the technical and economic feasibility of including potato peel from a co-extruded product in the production of a cardboard box; in order to analyze the feasibility of incorporating this by-product generated by the potato (Solanum Tuberosum L) industrial process, it was decided to include it in the formulation of recycled cardboard from egg cartons. For this purpose, six formulations were made in which different percentages of potato peel inclusion were determined, together with the cardboard obtained from egg cartons. Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) was included in the formulation to improve the flexibility of the finished product. Each of the samples was subjected to mechanical tests such as compressive strength (ECT - NTC 973), tensile strength (NTC 381), water drop absorption (Cobb test - NTC 596), fiber determination test (NTC 5122), starch presence test (iodides) and colorimetry test (CIELAB scale). According to the results obtained, it was determined that the sample that is closest to the commercial carton is the formulation 20% potato peel, 79% egg carton and 1% CMC. CMC increased the total brightness content and the rheological properties (tension and viscosity), in all those samples in which this hydrocolloid was used, likewise, this sample SHOWED THE highest compressive strength (13.0093N) and elongation load (21.4027 N).
The objective of this project was to analyze the technical and economic feasibility of including potato peel from a co-extruded product in the production of a cardboard box; in order to analyze the feasibility of incorporating this by-product generated by the potato (Solanum Tuberosum L) industrial process, it was decided to include it in the formulation of recycled cardboard from egg cartons. For this purpose, six formulations were made in which different percentages of potato peel inclusion were determined, together with the cardboard obtained from egg cartons. Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) was included in the formulation to improve the flexibility of the finished product. Each of the samples was subjected to mechanical tests such as compressive strength (ECT - NTC 973), tensile strength (NTC 381), water drop absorption (Cobb test - NTC 596), fiber determination test (NTC 5122), starch presence test (iodides) and colorimetry test (CIELAB scale). According to the results obtained, it was determined that the sample that is closest to the commercial carton is the formulation 20% potato peel, 79% egg carton and 1% CMC. CMC increased the total brightness content and the rheological properties (tension and viscosity), in all those samples in which this hydrocolloid was used, likewise, this sample SHOWED THE highest compressive strength (13.0093N) and elongation load (21.4027 N).
Palabras clave
Residuos orgánicos, Problema ambiental, Economía circular, Cubetas de huevo, Salud pública, Cáscara de papa