Evaluación de riesgos de contraer zoonosis en la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria en la Universidad de La Salle
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Medicina Veterinaria
El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar los riesgos de contraer enfermedades zoonóticas, riesgos a los que están expuestos docentes, estudiantes y trabajadores de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad De La Salle por la interacción que existe con los animales, muestras biológicas y desechos de laboratorios y clínicas, siendo éstos los mecanismos más importantes de transmisión de estas enfermedades, así se incrementa el riesgo de exposición en la población anteriormente mencionada. En este trabajo se realizó un trabajo descriptivo en el cual se tuvo en cuenta el análisis de unas encuestas aplicadas a cerca del 56% de los docentes, el 80% de estudiantes, al 100% del personal de Servicio Médico y al 85% de los trabajadores de las diferentes áreas de la Facultad, se evaluó el conocimiento, la actitud y el comportamiento del personal de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria con respecto a temas como enfermedades zoonóticas y bioseguridad, ya que estos principios son la bese para la promoción y la prevención de factores de riesgo que puedan estar presentes en las actividades desarrolladas a diario por el personal de la Facultad. Además, se revisaron los registros de las historias clínicas de Servicio Médico y de las Clínicas de la Facultad para hallar posibles zoonosis. Después del análisis de las encuestas se obtuvo que la población en general desconoce el tema de las enfermedades zoonóticas, al igual que no sabe las normas mínimas de bioseguridad que debería aplicar cuado manipula muestras biológicas y animales. El análisis de los registros médicos dio como resultado que existen enfermedades en la población universitaria que podrían relacionarse con los casos presentes en las clínicas de animales, como las siguientes: enfermedad diarréica aguda bacteriana, micosis cutáneas, dermatitis atópica y por contacto, conjuntivitis, enfermedades de las vías respiratorias altas, entre otras y algunos casos de accidentes rábicos. Lo anterior permitió que se determinaran los factores de riesgo y se plantearan soluciones tales como: la realización de un manual informativo en donde el personal encuentre los conocimientos básicos sobre zoonosis y bioseguridad, para disminuir dichos factores de riesgo y con ello poder proteger la salud e integridad física de todo el personal de Facultad, al igual que la salud de los animales con los cuales se trabaja. Por otra parte, se sugiere plantear la implementación de programas de vigilancia epidemiológica en las Clínicas de la Universidad al igual que para el Servicio Médico, para así poder realizar seguimiento e investigación de la epidemiología animal y humana teniendo en cuenta las zoonosis que se puedan presentar y que signifiquen un alto riesgo para la Salud Pública.
The objective of this work is to determinate the risks to acquire zoonosis diseases, those that are exposed teaching, students and hard-working of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of La Salle University, all this because of the interaction that exists with animals, biological samples and waste from laboratories and clinics being the most important mechanisms in the transmission of these illnesses. In this work it is done a descriptive study in which the surveys are analyzed after it has been applied to 56% of the teaching, 80% of the students, 100% of the personnel that work at Medical Service and 85% of the hard-working, those surveys evaluate the knowledge, the attitude and the behavior of the whole personnel of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine related to subjects like zoonosis illness and bio-safety, being these subjects basic for the promotion and prevention of risks factors that can be present in the daily work of the whole personnel of the Faculty. Besides, the Medical Service and Animal Clinics records were checked to look for possible zoonosis. After the survey analysis, it was found that majority of the subjects of this study doesn’t know about zoonosis and also about the bio-safety rules that might be applied when animals and biological samples are handled. The medical records showed that there are human illness that can be related to some cases from the animal clinics such as: acute bacterium diarrhea, skin illnesses (fungus, by contact), conjunctivitis, respiratory diseases, amongst other diseases and some cases of rabies accidents. All this let to determined the risks factors and posed such as: the realization of an informative manual where the personnel found the basic knowledge on zoonosis and bio-safety, so this way to be able to diminish this risks factors and with it to be able to protect the health in the whole personnel’s of ability physical integrity, the same as the health of the animals with which one works. On the other hand it is suggested it outlines the implementation of programs of epidemic surveillance in the Clinics of the University the same as for the Medical Service, so this way to be able to carry out pursuit and investigation of the animal and human epidemiologist keeping in mind the zoonosis that can be presented and those that could mean a very important risk to Public Health.
The objective of this work is to determinate the risks to acquire zoonosis diseases, those that are exposed teaching, students and hard-working of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of La Salle University, all this because of the interaction that exists with animals, biological samples and waste from laboratories and clinics being the most important mechanisms in the transmission of these illnesses. In this work it is done a descriptive study in which the surveys are analyzed after it has been applied to 56% of the teaching, 80% of the students, 100% of the personnel that work at Medical Service and 85% of the hard-working, those surveys evaluate the knowledge, the attitude and the behavior of the whole personnel of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine related to subjects like zoonosis illness and bio-safety, being these subjects basic for the promotion and prevention of risks factors that can be present in the daily work of the whole personnel of the Faculty. Besides, the Medical Service and Animal Clinics records were checked to look for possible zoonosis. After the survey analysis, it was found that majority of the subjects of this study doesn’t know about zoonosis and also about the bio-safety rules that might be applied when animals and biological samples are handled. The medical records showed that there are human illness that can be related to some cases from the animal clinics such as: acute bacterium diarrhea, skin illnesses (fungus, by contact), conjunctivitis, respiratory diseases, amongst other diseases and some cases of rabies accidents. All this let to determined the risks factors and posed such as: the realization of an informative manual where the personnel found the basic knowledge on zoonosis and bio-safety, so this way to be able to diminish this risks factors and with it to be able to protect the health in the whole personnel’s of ability physical integrity, the same as the health of the animals with which one works. On the other hand it is suggested it outlines the implementation of programs of epidemic surveillance in the Clinics of the University the same as for the Medical Service, so this way to be able to carry out pursuit and investigation of the animal and human epidemiologist keeping in mind the zoonosis that can be presented and those that could mean a very important risk to Public Health.
Palabras clave
Zoonosis, Enfermedades epizoóticas