Eficiencia comparativa entre dos diluyentes para la criopreservación de semen en toros brahmán en el departamento de Antioquia
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Medicina Veterinaria
En los últimos 50 años en Colombia se ha venido utilizando la inseminación artificial como herramienta para el mejoramiento genético de un hato, aumentar la productividad y evitar pérdidas económicas en el remplazo de toros. Para esto se ha utilizado la criopreservación de semen, teniendo en cuenta que la eficiencia de fecundación de este semen congelado depende de diferentes factores, los cuales llegan a influir sobre la vida de la célula espermática bovina, tales como: el diluyente, el crioprotector utilizado, la calidad seminal y la curva de enfriamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar la efectividad de dos medios diluyentes Botu-Bov® y Tris citrato yema de huevo en semen bovino en el proceso postdescongelamiento en toros brahmán, mediante la evaluación de cuatro pruebas específicas: integridad y funcionalidad de la membrana plasmática en la cola del espermatozoide mediante la prueba HOST; la viabilidad espermática por medio de la prueba de termo resistencia, la morfología espermática por medio de coloraciones, la supervivencia y longevidad espermática post-descongelación del semen bovino congelado con los dos diluyentes. Para esto se utilizaron diez (10) toros de la raza brahmán con edades (entre 2 y 5 años), manejados en sistema de pastoreo rotacional; los toros se encuentran ubicados en el municipio de Sonsón Antioquia. El semen se obtuvo por medio de la técnica de electroeyaculación, cada muestra seminal se analizó tanto microscópica como macroscópicamente. Los eyaculados fueron fraccionados en dos muestras sometidas a la criopreservación con los diluyentes Botu-Bov® y TRIS posteriormente se congelo con una curva de enfriamiento realizada en una nevera convencional a 5°C durante 4 horas sin abrirla para evitar el cambio de temperatura. Con este estudio se demuestra que el uso de diluyentes a base yema de huevo se obtienen mejores índices de viabilidad pos-descongelación en semen de toros brahmán en la región de Antioquia, debido a la acción de las lipoproteínas y fosfolípidos protegiendo las membranas espermáticas aumentando la proporción de colesterol y fosfolípidos presentes en los espermatozoides, reduciendo así la ocurrencia del choque térmico y favoreciendo la manutención del espermatozoide.
During the last 50 years in Colombia has been used artificial insemination as a tool for genetic improvement of a herd, it is also used to increase productivity and avoid losses during replacement of bulls. In order to achieve this goal has been used Cryopreservation of semen; taking into account that the fertilization efficiency of this frozen semen depends on different factors, that affect the life of the bovine sperm cell, such as: the diluent, the cryoprotectant used, semen quality and freezing curve. The principal aim of the present work was to compare effectiveness of two extenders Botu-Bov® and Tris-egg yolk in bovine semen at the post-thaw process on bulls Brahman, in order to achieve this objective are evaluated four specific test: integrity and functionality of the plasma membrane in the sperm tail using Host test, sperm viability through Thermal resistance test, sperm morphology employing staining, survival and longevity sperm post-thaw of the bovine semen freezing in TRIS-egg yolk or Botu-Bov® . For this study, ten bulls Brahman between 2 and 5 years old, handled in rotational grazing system, these bulls are located in Sonsón. Antiquia. The semen was obtained by electroejaculation technique; each seminal sample was analyzed using microscopic and macroscopic methods, the samples were split into two groups for freezing in TRIS-egg yolk or Botu-Bov® with a freezing curve. This study demonstrates that the use based thinner yolk obtain better rates postthaw viability in Brahman bull semen in the Antioquia region, due to the action of lipoproteins and phospholipids protect the sperm membranes increasing cholesterol and phospholipid ratio present in the sperm, thereby reducing the occurrence of thermal shock and facilitating the maintenance of sperm.
During the last 50 years in Colombia has been used artificial insemination as a tool for genetic improvement of a herd, it is also used to increase productivity and avoid losses during replacement of bulls. In order to achieve this goal has been used Cryopreservation of semen; taking into account that the fertilization efficiency of this frozen semen depends on different factors, that affect the life of the bovine sperm cell, such as: the diluent, the cryoprotectant used, semen quality and freezing curve. The principal aim of the present work was to compare effectiveness of two extenders Botu-Bov® and Tris-egg yolk in bovine semen at the post-thaw process on bulls Brahman, in order to achieve this objective are evaluated four specific test: integrity and functionality of the plasma membrane in the sperm tail using Host test, sperm viability through Thermal resistance test, sperm morphology employing staining, survival and longevity sperm post-thaw of the bovine semen freezing in TRIS-egg yolk or Botu-Bov® . For this study, ten bulls Brahman between 2 and 5 years old, handled in rotational grazing system, these bulls are located in Sonsón. Antiquia. The semen was obtained by electroejaculation technique; each seminal sample was analyzed using microscopic and macroscopic methods, the samples were split into two groups for freezing in TRIS-egg yolk or Botu-Bov® with a freezing curve. This study demonstrates that the use based thinner yolk obtain better rates postthaw viability in Brahman bull semen in the Antioquia region, due to the action of lipoproteins and phospholipids protect the sperm membranes increasing cholesterol and phospholipid ratio present in the sperm, thereby reducing the occurrence of thermal shock and facilitating the maintenance of sperm.
Palabras clave
Semen de toros, Inseminación artificial, Mejoramiento de las especies, Genética animal