Identificación de los problemas de comportamiento más frecuentes en caninos adoptados provenientes de una fundación de protección animal de Chía, Cundinamarca
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Medicina Veterinaria
En la actualidad, la sociedad ha llegado a considerar a los perros como un miembro más de la familia, sin embargo, es preocupante la situación de abandono, reabandono y devolución que sufren muchos animales. Entre las conductas indeseadas en perros más reportadas se encuentran, la agresividad, la ansiedad por separación, la eliminación inadecuada y los trastornos compulsivos (estereotipias). Por lo que este trabajo de investigación estuvo orientado a identificar los problemas comportamentales más referidos de 30 caninos adoptados provenientes de una fundación de protección animal del municipio de Chía, Cundinamarca. Basándose en los resultados obtenidos, se procedió a determinar, conforme a su grado de presentación, las conductas que dificultan la relación entre animal y adoptante(s). Durante la realización del cuestionario, los adoptantes consideraron que sus perros presentan problemas de comportamiento en un 57% de los casos analizados mientras que el 43% restante considera lo contrario. Se encontró que de los comportamientos estudiados, hay cuatro que se presentan en más del 50% de la población (agresividad 83%, ansiedad por separación 87%, trastornos compulsivos 90% y otros comportamientos 87%), mientras que el único que estuvo por debajo de la mitad de la muestra fue el comportamiento de eliminación inadecuada con un 37% de presentación. Además de esto, se realizó una pregunta sobre otras conductas repetitivas que pudieran ser molestas para los adoptantes, allí el 63% manifestó que no las había, y el 37% restante se agrupó en conductas propias como, llamar la atención, fobias, instinto, y un grupo final referido como otros. Entre las acciones ejecutadas por los adoptantes para intentar eliminar, corregir o prevenir los comportamientos indeseados están: adiestramiento (4 personas); cuidado o cariño en las situaciones de fobias (4 personas); corrección verbal (15 personas); corrección física (4 personas); encierro del animal (2 personas); prevenir contacto del animal con otras personas o animales (2 personas), y se presentaron 8 casos de personas que no hacían nada para corregir y terminaban por acostumbrarse al comportamiento del animal o no les parecía incómodo. Posterior a esto, se identificaron las posibles causas de acuerdo a la bibliografía reportada, donde se encontró que los caninos que provienen de refugios son propensos a presentar problemas de comportamiento que podrían deteriorar el vínculo cuidador-animal. Además de esto, se evidenció que es importante que los futuros adoptantes tengan una adecuada formación y conceptualización en cuanto al proceso de adaptación, así como de los comportamientos propios de la especie canina, para así poder identificar las conductas problemáticas, y de esta manera iniciar un adecuado proceso de manejo del animal ante estas situaciones. Para lo anterior, se elaboró un material didáctico, para la Fundación María Inés Acosta (MIA), fundaciones interesadas y público en general que busca fortalecer los procesos de adopción, centrándose específicamente en la adquisición y tenencia responsable de animales de compañía, y las pautas básicas para contrarrestar los principales comportamientos indeseados.
Currently, society has come to consider dogs as another family member. However, the abandonment, relinquishment and return that many animals suffer are worrying. Among the most unwanted dog behavior, aggressiveness, separation anxiety, inappropriate elimination and compulsive disorder (stereotypies) are often reported. That’s why this research was oriented to identify the most common behavioral issues in 30 canines adopted from an animal protection foundation located in Chía, Cundinamarca. Based on the results found, it was determined, according to the occurrence level, the behaviors that hinder the adopter-animal relationship. During the construction of the questionnaire, the adopters considered that their dogs happen to have behavioral issues in 57% of the analyzed cases, while 43% considers this does not occur. It was found that out of the studied behaviors, there are four of them that occur in over 50% of the population (aggressiveness 83%, separation anxiety 87%, compulsive disorder 90% and other behaviors 37%) while the only factor that was left under the average was inappropriate elimination, with a 37% of occurrence. Besides this, a question was directed to find about repetitive behaviors that could annoy the adopters, who manifested in 63% of the sample that there were not, while the remaining 37% clustered in behaviors such as looking for attention, phobia, instinct and a final group labeled as “others”. Among the actions executed by the adopters to try to remove, correct or prevent the unwanted behaviors, we can find: training (4 people); care and affection in phobia cases (4 people); physical correction (4 people); animal confinement (2 people); preventing the animal from being in touch with further people or animals (2 people), and there were 8 people who would not take action and ended up getting used to the animal behavior or would not find it annoying. Following this, the possible causes were identified according to the reported in literature, where it was found that canines that come from shelters are behavioral-issues prone which lead to affect the adopter-animal bond. Moreover, it was evident that it is important for the keepers to have an adequate education and conceptualization in regards of the adaptation process, as well as proper knowledge about the inherent canine-species behavior, in order to identify the troubling manners and start a suitable animal management process to face these situations. In order to support the conclusion, teaching material was created for the Maria Inés Acosta Foundation, interested entities and general public looking forward to strengthen the adoption processes, focusing specifically on responsible acquisition and possession of household animals, and basic guidelines to counter the main unwanted behaviors.
Currently, society has come to consider dogs as another family member. However, the abandonment, relinquishment and return that many animals suffer are worrying. Among the most unwanted dog behavior, aggressiveness, separation anxiety, inappropriate elimination and compulsive disorder (stereotypies) are often reported. That’s why this research was oriented to identify the most common behavioral issues in 30 canines adopted from an animal protection foundation located in Chía, Cundinamarca. Based on the results found, it was determined, according to the occurrence level, the behaviors that hinder the adopter-animal relationship. During the construction of the questionnaire, the adopters considered that their dogs happen to have behavioral issues in 57% of the analyzed cases, while 43% considers this does not occur. It was found that out of the studied behaviors, there are four of them that occur in over 50% of the population (aggressiveness 83%, separation anxiety 87%, compulsive disorder 90% and other behaviors 37%) while the only factor that was left under the average was inappropriate elimination, with a 37% of occurrence. Besides this, a question was directed to find about repetitive behaviors that could annoy the adopters, who manifested in 63% of the sample that there were not, while the remaining 37% clustered in behaviors such as looking for attention, phobia, instinct and a final group labeled as “others”. Among the actions executed by the adopters to try to remove, correct or prevent the unwanted behaviors, we can find: training (4 people); care and affection in phobia cases (4 people); physical correction (4 people); animal confinement (2 people); preventing the animal from being in touch with further people or animals (2 people), and there were 8 people who would not take action and ended up getting used to the animal behavior or would not find it annoying. Following this, the possible causes were identified according to the reported in literature, where it was found that canines that come from shelters are behavioral-issues prone which lead to affect the adopter-animal bond. Moreover, it was evident that it is important for the keepers to have an adequate education and conceptualization in regards of the adaptation process, as well as proper knowledge about the inherent canine-species behavior, in order to identify the troubling manners and start a suitable animal management process to face these situations. In order to support the conclusion, teaching material was created for the Maria Inés Acosta Foundation, interested entities and general public looking forward to strengthen the adoption processes, focusing specifically on responsible acquisition and possession of household animals, and basic guidelines to counter the main unwanted behaviors.
Palabras clave
Enfermedades en perros, Animales, Hábitos y conducta, Animales domésticos