Relaciones entre la formación integral y la educación en derechos humanos en el Colegio Estanislao Zuleta I.E.D
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Maestría en Docencia
La presente investigación se enmarca en el macro proyecto “Formación Integral”. La cual se llevó a cabo en el colegio Estanislao Zuleta I.E.D, ubicado en la localidad quinta de Usme, contando con la participación de 13 docentes y 3 directivos docentes. Se plantea como principal objetivo interpretar las relaciones que establecen los docentes entre la Formación Integral (FI) y la Educación en Derechos Humanos (EDH). La investigación se define dentro de un enfoque cualitativo, en donde se planteó para su aplicación un estudio de caso, el cual permitió recoger y conocer información en torno a las ideas, conceptos y prácticas en aras de alcanzar el objetivo propuesto, para ello, las técnicas empleadas fueron, la entrevista semiestructurada y el grupo focal. El análisis de la información se llevó a cabo a partir de lo expuesto por Torres, quien planteo cuatro operaciones analíticas: categorización y codificación, ordenación y clasificación, establecimiento de relaciones y por último el establecimiento de redes causales y modelos analíticos. Los hallazgos de la investigación se basan en las relaciones entre la Formación Integral (FI) y la Educación en Derechos Humanos (EDH) en la escuela, lo que suscita y da lugar a una de las conclusiones y sugerencias que plantea la investigación, la cual se teje en torno a la necesidad de que en los contextos educativos, se instaure una educación en derechos humanos como componente en el desarrollo de la Formación Integral (FI)
This research is part of the macro project "Integral Formation", Which was held at the Estanislao Zuleta I.E.D. School, located in the fifth bureau of Usme, having the participation of 13 teachers and 3 teaching principals. Proposing as a main objective interpreting relationships that teachers establish between the Integral Formation (IF) and Human Rights Education (HRE). Research is defined within a qualitative approach, where it was propounding for its application a study case, which allowed collecting and acknowledging, information around the ideas, concepts and practices in order to achieve the proposed objective, so the techniques used were the semi-structured interview and focus group. The analysis of the information was held having in mind, Torres who proposes four analytical operations: categorization and codifying, management and classification, to establish of relations and finally establishing causal networks and analytical models. The research findings are based on the relationships of Integral Formation (IF) and Human Rights Education in the school, which procure and lead to one of the conclusions and suggestions posed by the research, which is woven around the need that can be established in the educative contexts of Human Rights Education, as a component of the development of Integral Formation
This research is part of the macro project "Integral Formation", Which was held at the Estanislao Zuleta I.E.D. School, located in the fifth bureau of Usme, having the participation of 13 teachers and 3 teaching principals. Proposing as a main objective interpreting relationships that teachers establish between the Integral Formation (IF) and Human Rights Education (HRE). Research is defined within a qualitative approach, where it was propounding for its application a study case, which allowed collecting and acknowledging, information around the ideas, concepts and practices in order to achieve the proposed objective, so the techniques used were the semi-structured interview and focus group. The analysis of the information was held having in mind, Torres who proposes four analytical operations: categorization and codifying, management and classification, to establish of relations and finally establishing causal networks and analytical models. The research findings are based on the relationships of Integral Formation (IF) and Human Rights Education in the school, which procure and lead to one of the conclusions and suggestions posed by the research, which is woven around the need that can be established in the educative contexts of Human Rights Education, as a component of the development of Integral Formation
Palabras clave
Formación Integral, Educación en derechos humanos, Ideas, Conceptos, Prácticas, Integral formation, Human rights education, Ideas, Concepts, Practices, Métodos de enseñanza, Derechos humanos, Educación secundaria, Aspectos morales y éticos, Respeto por las personas, Teaching methods, Human rights, Education secondary, Moral and ethical aspects, Respect for persons