Producción de 5.000 m2 de maíz criollo amarillo duro (Zea mays) para comercialización en grano seco y canales de comercialización de banano bocadillo en el municipio de Landázuri Santander
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Ingeniería Agronómica
En este trabajo se implementó un área de 5.000 m2 de maíz (Zea mays) criollo amarillo duro para comercialización en grano seco, en el municipio de Landázuri Santander, al cultivo se le desarrolló un plan de manejo técnico que se basó en, monitoreo, fertilización , manejo de plagas, enfermedades y arvenses y post-cosecha. Se obtuvo una producción de 2,1 toneladas y un ingreso por ventas de $ 3.024.000, generando una utilidad de $ 1.133.700. Durante el desarrollo del cultivo se presentaron problemas con plagas como el gusano cogollero (Spodoptera frugiperda) y el loro cabeza azul (Pionus menstruus), también se presentó la enfermedad de carbón del maíz causada por el hongo Ustilago maydis. Se incluyó en el proyecto una investigación basada en conocer la dinámica de la comercialización del banano bocadillo (Musa acuminata) en Landázuri Santander, ayudando en el conocimiento sobre cómo se realizan las ventas en el municipio. De esta manera, se pudo establecer el volumen comercializado en el año 2019. Se determinó que los precios del producto son fijados por los intermediarios, así como por el consumo nacional, el mercado objetivo de los intermediarios, la calidad del producto; se destaca la influencia de la distancia de los cultivos a la vía carreteable central del municipio sobre el precio del producto. Entretanto, el componente social se desarrolló en el corregimiento de Miralindo, con productores de banano bocadillo, con los cuales se realizaron un trabajo de acompañamiento en cuanto al mantenimiento, mejora y comercialización del cultivo. Para llevar a cabo lo anterior, se buscó caracterizar y demostrar prácticas agronómicas sobre el cultivo de banano bocadillo, realizar visitas a un campo personalizado a los agricultores. El desarrollo de los cuatro componentes del proyecto logro obtener una visión positiva en la comunidad por los resultados obtenidos, evidenciando desde la vivencia propia que el desarrollo de los cultivos bajo la implementación de un plan de manejo técnico relativamente económico genera rentabilidad. Se conoció como esta manejado el mercado del banano bocadillo en el municipio, permitiendo dar a conocer esta información a productores. Por otra parte, se evidencio desde el trabajo directo con los agricultores, que algunos de ellos no están disponibles a arriesgar tiempo y dinero en la mejora de las unidades productivas, y más aún si están en asocio con otro cultivo como el cacao (policultivo) , a diferencia de los agricultores que tienen estas unidades productivas como monocultivo,
In this work, an area of 5,000 m2 of hard yellow Creole maize (Zea mays) was implemented for commercialization in dry grain, in the municipality of Landázuri Santander. A technical management plan was developed for the crop, based on monitoring, fertilization, pest, disease and weed management and post-harvest. There was a production of 2.1 tons and a sales income of $ 3,024,000, generating a profit of $ 1,133,700. During the development of the crop, there were problems with pests such as the armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) and the blue-headed parrot (Pionus menstruus), as well as the charcoal disease of corn caused by the fungus Ustilago maydis. An investigation based on knowing the dynamics of the commercialization of the banana sandwich (Musa acuminata) in Landázuri Santander was included in the project, helping in the knowledge on how sales are made in the municipality. In this way, it was possible to establish that the volume marketed in the year 2019. It was determined that the prices of the product are set by the intermediaries, as well as by national consumption, the target market of the intermediaries, the quality of the product; the influence of the distance of the crops to the central road of the municipality on the price of the product stands out. Meanwhile, the social component was developed in the township of Miralindo, with sandwich banana producers, with whom an accompaniment work was carried out regarding the maintenance, improvement and commercialization of the crop. To carry out the aforementioned, an attempt was made to characterize and demonstrate agronomic practices on the cultivation of banana sandwiches, making personalized field visits to farmers. The development of the four components of the project managed to obtain a positive vision in the community for the results obtained, evidencing from their own experience that the development of crops under the implementation of a relatively economic technical management plan generates profitability. It became known how the sandwich banana market is managed in the municipality, allowing producers to make this information known. On the other hand, it was evident from direct work with farmers that some of them are not willing to risk time and money on improving production units, but fortunately there will be people willing to learn and improve their agricultural unit
In this work, an area of 5,000 m2 of hard yellow Creole maize (Zea mays) was implemented for commercialization in dry grain, in the municipality of Landázuri Santander. A technical management plan was developed for the crop, based on monitoring, fertilization, pest, disease and weed management and post-harvest. There was a production of 2.1 tons and a sales income of $ 3,024,000, generating a profit of $ 1,133,700. During the development of the crop, there were problems with pests such as the armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) and the blue-headed parrot (Pionus menstruus), as well as the charcoal disease of corn caused by the fungus Ustilago maydis. An investigation based on knowing the dynamics of the commercialization of the banana sandwich (Musa acuminata) in Landázuri Santander was included in the project, helping in the knowledge on how sales are made in the municipality. In this way, it was possible to establish that the volume marketed in the year 2019. It was determined that the prices of the product are set by the intermediaries, as well as by national consumption, the target market of the intermediaries, the quality of the product; the influence of the distance of the crops to the central road of the municipality on the price of the product stands out. Meanwhile, the social component was developed in the township of Miralindo, with sandwich banana producers, with whom an accompaniment work was carried out regarding the maintenance, improvement and commercialization of the crop. To carry out the aforementioned, an attempt was made to characterize and demonstrate agronomic practices on the cultivation of banana sandwiches, making personalized field visits to farmers. The development of the four components of the project managed to obtain a positive vision in the community for the results obtained, evidencing from their own experience that the development of crops under the implementation of a relatively economic technical management plan generates profitability. It became known how the sandwich banana market is managed in the municipality, allowing producers to make this information known. On the other hand, it was evident from direct work with farmers that some of them are not willing to risk time and money on improving production units, but fortunately there will be people willing to learn and improve their agricultural unit
Palabras clave
Producción, Cultivo de maíz criollo amarillo duro (Zea mays), Comercialización, Grano seco, Canales de comercialización, Banano bocadillo, Municipio de Landázuri, Santander