Sistematización de la experiencia de práctica profesional de trabajo social, en el ámbito de la educación inclusiva Instituto Nuestra Señora de la Sabiduría año 2018
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Universidad de La Salle. Escuela de Humanidades y Estudios Sociales. Trabajo Social
La presente sistematización se realizó a partir del interés de reconstruir y reflexionar sobre el proceso vivido en la práctica de entrenamiento profesional, que se llevó a cabo en el año 2018 en el Instituto Nuestra Señora de la Sabiduría. Busca rescatar diferentes elementos de la intervención profesional de Trabajo Social en un ámbito específico, en este caso el de la educación inclusiva, así mismo contribuir a la producción de conocimiento desde y para Trabajo Social desde el quehacer profesional, es decir cualificar el conocimiento que se generó a partir de la experiencia e identificar aprendizajes, confrontaciones, retos, exigencias y limitaciones que tenemos como profesionales, puesto que a través de la experiencia de intervención se presenta la posibilidad de teorizar para mejorar y aprender de los procesos desarrollados e incluso aportar a otros profesionales interesados en este campo. La metodología desarrollada para la sistematización está orientada por los planteamientos de Oscar Jara y Rosa María Cifuentes, entre otros, quienes permiten a partir de los postulados teóricos y metodológicos propuestos, dar sentido a los momentos significativos de la experiencia a través de un proceso participativo donde se reconocen los actores que permitieron visualizar el panorama profesional en el ámbito de la educación inclusiva mediante talleres participativos, entrevistas, línea del tiempo, etc. Los resultados de la presente sistematización de la intervención de Trabajo Social en el ámbito de la educación inclusiva, permite retroalimentar el proceso desarrollado en el año 2018 en el Instituto Nuestra Señora de la Sabiduría, esto desde la participación de los diferentes sujetos se logra reconstruir la experiencia del quehacer profesional en la institución, teniendo en cuenta el proceso cuando iniciamos la práctica y actualmente ya constituido Trabajo Social, desde elementos metodológicos y fundamentaciones epistemológicas en el quehacer profesional en el ámbito de la educación inclusiva. Así mismo, se pone en tensión diferentes asuntos que ha logrado que el área de Trabajo Social se posicione y continúe proyectándose en pro de la inclusión. Por ello, se generan reflexiones y proyecciones en el quehacer profesional en el interior de la institución.
This systematization was carried out based on the interest of reconstructing and reflecting on the process experienced in the practice of professional training, which was carried out in 2018 at Instituto Nuestra Señora de la Sabiduría, it seeks to rescue different elements of the intervention Social Work professional in a specific area, in this case that of inclusive education and also contribute to the production of knowledge from and for Social Work in this field from the professional work, that is to say to qualify the knowledge that was generated from the experience and identify learning, confrontations, challenges, demands and limitations that we have as professionals, since through the intervention experience the possibility of theorizing to improve and learn from the processes developed and even to carry other professionals interested in this field. The methodology developed for the systematization is guided by the approaches of Oscar Jara and Rosa María Cifuentes, among others, who allow, based on the theoretical and methodological postulates proposed, to give meaning to the significant moments of the experience through a participatory process where the actors that allowed to visualize the professional landscape in the field of inclusive education through participatory workshops, interviews, timeline, etc. The results of the present systematization of the Social Work intervention in the field of inclusive education, it is allowed to feed back the process developed in 2018 at the Nuestra Señora de la Sabiduría Institute, this from the participation of the different subjects It is possible to reconstruct the experience of professional work in the institution, taking into account the process of before and after methodological elements and epistemological foundations in professional work in the field of inclusive education. Likewise, different issues are put into tension that have achieved that the Social Work area is positioned and continues to project itself for inclusion. Therefore, as a result, reflections and projections are generated in the professional work within the institution.
This systematization was carried out based on the interest of reconstructing and reflecting on the process experienced in the practice of professional training, which was carried out in 2018 at Instituto Nuestra Señora de la Sabiduría, it seeks to rescue different elements of the intervention Social Work professional in a specific area, in this case that of inclusive education and also contribute to the production of knowledge from and for Social Work in this field from the professional work, that is to say to qualify the knowledge that was generated from the experience and identify learning, confrontations, challenges, demands and limitations that we have as professionals, since through the intervention experience the possibility of theorizing to improve and learn from the processes developed and even to carry other professionals interested in this field. The methodology developed for the systematization is guided by the approaches of Oscar Jara and Rosa María Cifuentes, among others, who allow, based on the theoretical and methodological postulates proposed, to give meaning to the significant moments of the experience through a participatory process where the actors that allowed to visualize the professional landscape in the field of inclusive education through participatory workshops, interviews, timeline, etc. The results of the present systematization of the Social Work intervention in the field of inclusive education, it is allowed to feed back the process developed in 2018 at the Nuestra Señora de la Sabiduría Institute, this from the participation of the different subjects It is possible to reconstruct the experience of professional work in the institution, taking into account the process of before and after methodological elements and epistemological foundations in professional work in the field of inclusive education. Likewise, different issues are put into tension that have achieved that the Social Work area is positioned and continues to project itself for inclusion. Therefore, as a result, reflections and projections are generated in the professional work within the institution.
Palabras clave
Sistematización, Educación inclusiva, Intervención de trabajo social, Especificidad profesional