La percepción sobre el riesgo agroclimático en los agentes de la cadena del banano: elementos para la construcción de estrategias de adaptación al cambio climático
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Maestría en Agronegocios
La presente investigación identifica factores de tipo sociocultural en relación con la gestión del riesgo agroclimático que apoyen el diseño de estrategias de adaptación al cambio climático en la cadena del banano en el municipio de Zona Bananera (departamento de Magdalena) de Colombia. Por medio de una encuesta estructurada de opinión pública que se aplicó a 37 productores de la Asociación de Bananeros del Magdalena y La Guajira (ASBAMA) y a 5 cooperativas asociadas, siendo los ejes de análisis: i) Información sociodemográfica y contextual. ii) Apropiación social del conocimiento. iii) Hábitos informativos y culturales. iv) Institucional. v) Actitudes y valores, se recabó información para hacer el análisis. A su vez, en el caso de las cooperativas se realizó una entrevista semiestructurada y finalmente, por medio de un grupo focal se priorizaron los elementos que contribuyan a la elaboración de estrategias de adaptación al cambio climático. Los resultados muestran que el personal directivo de las cooperativas reacciona frente a los desastres por fenómenos de variabilidad climática pero no tienen actitudes prospectivas frente a medidas preventivas y de reducción del riesgo. Los productores organizados tienden a reclamar frente a las pérdidas por los desastres asociados a la variabilidad climática y son poco participativos en los espacios en los que se definen medidas de acción ante el riesgo climático, mientras que los productores de manera individual son participativos en dichos espacios. Además, la percepción está determinada por los efectos sensoriales, especialmente en los pequeños productores sobre los cambios en la atmósfera (tiempo meteorológico) y es sobre estas sensaciones que interpretan la realidad e identifican el cambio climático. La confianza institucional y mecanismos participativos para involucrar a los supervisores de las comercializadoras puede ayudar en las acciones de difusión y divulgación técnica de la comunicación social de los riesgos asociados al cambio climático en el negocio del banano.
This research identifies sociocultural factors related to the management of agroclimatic risk that support the design of strategies for adaptation to climate change in the banana chain in the municipality of Zona Bananera (department of Magdalena) of Colombia. Through a structured public opinion survey that was applied to 37 producers of the Banana Association of Magdalena and La Guajira (ASBAMA) and to 5 associated cooperatives, the axes of analysis being: i) Sociodemographic and contextual information. ii) Social appropriation of knowledge. iii) Informative and cultural habits. iv) Institutional. v) Attitudes and values, information was gathered to make the analysis. In turn, in the case of cooperatives, a semi-structured interview was conducted and finally, through a focus group, the factors that contribute to the development of strategies for adapting to climate change were prioritized. The results show that the management of the cooperatives reacts to disasters due to climatic variability but does not have prospective attitudes towards preventive measures and risk reduction. Organized producers tend to claim against the losses from disasters associated with climate variability and are not very participative in the spaces where action measures are defined in the face of climate risk, while individual producers are participatory in those spaces. In addition, the perception is determined by the sensory effects, especially in small producers on changes in the atmosphere (weather) and it is on these sensations that interpret reality and identify climate change. Institutional trust and participatory mechanisms to involve marketing supervisors can help in the dissemination and technical dissemination of social communication of the risks associated with climate change in the banana business.
This research identifies sociocultural factors related to the management of agroclimatic risk that support the design of strategies for adaptation to climate change in the banana chain in the municipality of Zona Bananera (department of Magdalena) of Colombia. Through a structured public opinion survey that was applied to 37 producers of the Banana Association of Magdalena and La Guajira (ASBAMA) and to 5 associated cooperatives, the axes of analysis being: i) Sociodemographic and contextual information. ii) Social appropriation of knowledge. iii) Informative and cultural habits. iv) Institutional. v) Attitudes and values, information was gathered to make the analysis. In turn, in the case of cooperatives, a semi-structured interview was conducted and finally, through a focus group, the factors that contribute to the development of strategies for adapting to climate change were prioritized. The results show that the management of the cooperatives reacts to disasters due to climatic variability but does not have prospective attitudes towards preventive measures and risk reduction. Organized producers tend to claim against the losses from disasters associated with climate variability and are not very participative in the spaces where action measures are defined in the face of climate risk, while individual producers are participatory in those spaces. In addition, the perception is determined by the sensory effects, especially in small producers on changes in the atmosphere (weather) and it is on these sensations that interpret reality and identify climate change. Institutional trust and participatory mechanisms to involve marketing supervisors can help in the dissemination and technical dissemination of social communication of the risks associated with climate change in the banana business.
Palabras clave
Variabilidad climática, Agronegocios, Sociocultural, Limate variability, Agribusiness, Sociocultural