Implementación de un manejo técnico en café (Coffea arabica) y análisis de la viabilidad en las ventas de seis sistemas de producción, en el Centro Recreacional La Isla Sasaima, Cundinamarca
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Ingeniería Agronómica
El proyecto productivo de zona de origen se desarrolló en el Centro Recreacional La Isla, ubicada en el municipio de Sasaima, departamento de Cundinamarca. El proyecto desarrolló la implementación de un plan de manejo técnico basado en todas las necesidades del sistema productivo de café (Coffea arabica) y a su vez buscando fortalecer el manejo técnico de los demás sistemas de producción del referido centro. El desarrollo del plan de manejo técnico permitió mejorar procesos de fertilización y obtener registros de la presencia de plagas y enfermedades, permitiendo reconocer que el bajo nivel de producción no se debe a problemas fitosanitarios. De igual manera se desarrolló un acompañamiento técnico a los colaboradores, mediante charlas técnicas, que permitieron mejorar el nivel de conocimiento y entendimiento en el manejo, clasificación y almacenamiento de sustancias químicas. Así mismo se realizó un estudio sobre la viabilidad económica en las ventas de seis sistemas de producción, permitiendo determinar que todos los sistemas de producción presentan óptimos precios de venta, pero bajos niveles de producción
The production project for the area of origin was developed at the La Isla Recreational Center, located in the municipality of Sasaima, department of Cundinamarca. The project developed the implementation of a technical management plan based on all the needs of the coffee production system (Coffea arabica) and in turn seeking to strengthen the technical management of the other production systems of the referred center. The development of the technical management plan allowed to improve fertilization processes and obtain records of the presence of pests and diseases, allowing to recognize that the low level of production is not due to phytosanitary problems. Likewise, technical support was provided to collaborators, through technical talks, which allowed improving the level of knowledge and understanding in the handling, classification and storage of chemical substances. Likewise, a study was carried out on the economic viability in the sales of six production systems, making it possible to determine that all the production systems present optimal sales prices, but low production levels
The production project for the area of origin was developed at the La Isla Recreational Center, located in the municipality of Sasaima, department of Cundinamarca. The project developed the implementation of a technical management plan based on all the needs of the coffee production system (Coffea arabica) and in turn seeking to strengthen the technical management of the other production systems of the referred center. The development of the technical management plan allowed to improve fertilization processes and obtain records of the presence of pests and diseases, allowing to recognize that the low level of production is not due to phytosanitary problems. Likewise, technical support was provided to collaborators, through technical talks, which allowed improving the level of knowledge and understanding in the handling, classification and storage of chemical substances. Likewise, a study was carried out on the economic viability in the sales of six production systems, making it possible to determine that all the production systems present optimal sales prices, but low production levels
Palabras clave
Implementación, Manejo técnico, Cultivo de café (Coffea arabica), Análisis de la viabilidad, Sistemas de producción, Centro Recreacional La Isla Sasaima, Cundinamarca