Evaluación nivel de aplicación de BPG para peso final en un grupo de fincas de ciclo completo en Une, Cundinamarca
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar los aspectos de Buenas Prácticas Ganaderas en fincas para peso final en producciones de ciclo completo de la raza normando,. Las Buenas prácticas ganaderas BPG son normas que se desarrollan durante todo el proceso productivo, por ende se tuvieron objetivos específicos como determinar mediante una encuesta el nivel de cumplimiento de BPG , analizando las producciones que si aplican vs las que no lo hacen determinando factores de manejo , nutricionales, sanitarios que intervienen en las producciones del municipio de Une. Con el fin de mejorar la calidad de los alimentos y aumentando la productividad en el sector pecuario , para ello se realizaron 48 encuestas en las diferentes veredas a productores de ciclo completo del Municipio de une Cundinamarca, se logró evidenciar que el 77% de los productores de ganado de ciclo competo NO aplica o desconoce de las BPG indica que no se conoce la trazabilidad de los productos consumidos y comercializados dentro y fuera del municipio , teniendo una baja productividad en cuanto a peso al sacrificio o peso final con una media de 450 kilogramos alrededor de los 4 años de edad indicando que se puede llegar a ser más eficientes para la implementación o establecimiento de BPG es necesario iniciar con la toma de registros que permitan tener seguimiento de todas las actividades que se realizan día a día en la producción.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the aspects of Good Livestock Practices on farms for final weight in full cycle productions of the Norman breed. Good GMP practices are standards that are developed throughout the entire production process, so specific objectives were to determine by means of a survey the level of BPG compliance, analyzing the productions that if applied and those that do not, determining management factors, nutritional, health that intervene in the productions of the municipality of Une. In order to improve the quality of food and increase productivity in the livestock sector, 48 surveys were carried out on the different roads to full-cycle producers in the Municipality of Une Cundinamarca. It was shown that 77% of the producers of complete cycle livestock does not apply or unknown of BPG, which indicates that the traceability of products consumed and marketed inside and outside the municipality is not known, having a low productivity in terms of slaughter weight or final weight with an average of 450 kilograms around 4 years of age indicating that it can become more efficient for the implementation or establishment of BPG is necessary to start with the taking of records that allow to follow up all the activities that are realized day by day in the production.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the aspects of Good Livestock Practices on farms for final weight in full cycle productions of the Norman breed. Good GMP practices are standards that are developed throughout the entire production process, so specific objectives were to determine by means of a survey the level of BPG compliance, analyzing the productions that if applied and those that do not, determining management factors, nutritional, health that intervene in the productions of the municipality of Une. In order to improve the quality of food and increase productivity in the livestock sector, 48 surveys were carried out on the different roads to full-cycle producers in the Municipality of Une Cundinamarca. It was shown that 77% of the producers of complete cycle livestock does not apply or unknown of BPG, which indicates that the traceability of products consumed and marketed inside and outside the municipality is not known, having a low productivity in terms of slaughter weight or final weight with an average of 450 kilograms around 4 years of age indicating that it can become more efficient for the implementation or establishment of BPG is necessary to start with the taking of records that allow to follow up all the activities that are realized day by day in the production.
Palabras clave
Buenas prácticas ganaderas, Contaminación, Productividad, Eficiencia, Consumidor, Procesos de producción, Mercadeo de ganado, Industria y comercio de la carne, Ganadería