Características generales de la estructura y dinámica en la cadena del cacao en Colombia 2005-2015
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Administración de Agronegocios
La Universidad de La Sallé con sus estudiantes de pregrado adelantan la caracterización y organización de los datos, información y actualización de los datos históricos de las Agro cadenas en Colombia, con el objetivo de continuar el proceso llevado a cabo por el Ministerio de Agricultura y desarrollo Rural en su Observatorio de agro cadenas de Colombia. En este proyecto de grado se trabajó específicamente con la Agro cadena de Cacao en Colombia, proporcionando una base de datos, que será puesta en el mismo observatorio de agro-cadenas de Colombia por parte de la Universidad de la Sallé para las personas en general e interesadas en el tema puedan revisar un documento actualizado; con la función de dar bases a la generación de mayor conocimiento, que de una perspectiva y una visión global de las características específicas de esta cadena, la relación entre cada uno de sus eslabones. Su comportamiento a nivel internacional y su desempeño general en el territorio nacional.Se realizó una consulta literaria, de diferentes fuentes secundarias: documentos, informes, páginas web, noticias y libros de entidades públicas y privadas, que ofrecen información verídica y confiable. Este trabajo consta de la parte teórica en cuanto a la situación general de la Agro cadena del cacao; la cual se subdivide en tres partes principales, una visualización general del cacao a nivel mundial, otra focalizada en el mercado nacional, y una tercera en la que se desglosan los componentes de la Agro cadena para llevar a cabo su caracterización, en la cual se especifican las características generales y situacionales de la cadena.Por lo anterior y como resultado final, con la recolección de la información se concluyen puntos clave en torno al Cacao y una actualización documental de su comportamiento en el mercado durante los últimos 10 años, en los que se publicó un documento que incluyera toda esta información
The University of La Salle through its observatory for Agro chainsin Colombia advance the characterization and organization of data, information and update the historical data of Agro chains in Colombia. In this graduation project, we worked with the Agrocadena of Cocoa in Colombia, providing a database, which will be placed in the same observatory for agro-chains in Colombia by the University of La Salle, for the people in general and interested in the subject can review an updated document; with the function of providing bases, generating greater knowledge, that of a perspective and an overview of the specific characteristics of this chain, the relationship between each of the links. His behavior at international level and their overall performance in the country.documents, reports, web pages, news and books of public and private entities that provide accurate and reliable information: a literary consultation was made it, different secondary sources was conducted. This work consists of the theoretical part as to the general situation of the cocoa’s Agro chain; which is divided into three main parts, a general display of cocoa globally, another focused on the domestic market, and a third in which the components of the Agrocadena are broken down to carry out its characterization, which are specified the general and situational characteristics of the chain.For this reason and as a final result, with the collection of key information points around Cocoa and documentary update their behavior in the market over the past 10 years, in a document containing all this information it was published are concluded
The University of La Salle through its observatory for Agro chainsin Colombia advance the characterization and organization of data, information and update the historical data of Agro chains in Colombia. In this graduation project, we worked with the Agrocadena of Cocoa in Colombia, providing a database, which will be placed in the same observatory for agro-chains in Colombia by the University of La Salle, for the people in general and interested in the subject can review an updated document; with the function of providing bases, generating greater knowledge, that of a perspective and an overview of the specific characteristics of this chain, the relationship between each of the links. His behavior at international level and their overall performance in the country.documents, reports, web pages, news and books of public and private entities that provide accurate and reliable information: a literary consultation was made it, different secondary sources was conducted. This work consists of the theoretical part as to the general situation of the cocoa’s Agro chain; which is divided into three main parts, a general display of cocoa globally, another focused on the domestic market, and a third in which the components of the Agrocadena are broken down to carry out its characterization, which are specified the general and situational characteristics of the chain.For this reason and as a final result, with the collection of key information points around Cocoa and documentary update their behavior in the market over the past 10 years, in a document containing all this information it was published are concluded
Palabras clave
Caracterización, Mercado, Producción de cacao, Characterization, Market, Cacao production, Desarrollo rural, Comercio de productos agrícolas, Rural development, Produce trade