La práctica pedagógica reflexiva de un grupo de profesores de pregrado de la Universidad Mariana (Pasto): una apuesta desde la pedagogía franciscana y el enfoque de capacidades humanas
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Doctorado en Educación y Sociedad
La presente investigación asumió como marco de comprensión, la teoría del campo de Bourdieu y, se discutió la formación en capacidades humanas desde la pedagogía franciscana en la práctica pedagógica reflexiva de un grupo de docentes de pregrado en la Universidad Mariana (Pasto), logrando Incorpore en el microcurrículo de los participantes, criterios construidos colectivamente a través de la estrategia Comunidad de práctica, que facilitó las reuniones periódicas para dialogar, aprender y construir juntos. Al final, los resultados fueron gratificantes y se avanza hacia la institucionalización de la propuesta Capaz de Ser (CaPaZEr), con el propósito de asumir como eje transversal, la formación en capacidades humanas desde los elementos característicos de la pedagogía franciscana, denominados comúnmente dentro de la estructura curricular, como las competencias del SER. La investigación se desarrolló bajo el enfoque cualitativo, con la metodología de la IAPE en tres fases: Deconstrucción, Reconstrucción y Evaluación de lo reconstruido, mediante la realización de talleres. Para ampliar la información se usó también, diarios de campo y autorrelatos. La tesis lleva a la comprensión de que, la herencia recibida de San Francisco de Asís (capital heredado y patrimonio franciscano) y las humanas (inversión), permitieron un abordaje interdisciplinar en el que se destaca la centralidad de la persona y el desarrollo de sus potencialidades a partir de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, donde intervienen el docente y el estudiante, como principales jugadores. Se concluye afirmando que, es posible armonizar e interrelacionar las dos posturas mediante la articulación del saber, hacer y ser en tomo a la formación integral y humana desde el microcurrículo. Así, la pedagogía franciscana y el enfoque de capacidades humanas abren posibilidades para continuar profundizando en el campo de la práctica pedagógica, en el escenario de la educación superior y en la vida cotidiana, desde unas categorías sugerentes que interrelacionan comportamientos, creencias y valores compartidos.
The present research assumed Bourdieu's field theory as a framework of understanding and proposed to analyze the training in human capacities from the Franciscan pedagogy in the reflective pedagogical practice of a group of undergraduate teachers at the Universidad Mariana (Pasto), managing to incorporate, in the micro-curriculum of the participants, criteria built collectively through the community of practice strategy, which facilitated regular meetings to discuss, learn and build together. In the end, the results are gratifying, and progress is made towards the institutionalization of the CaPaZEr proposal, with the purpose of assuming as a transversal axis, training in human capacities from the characteristic elements of Franciscan pedagogy, commonly called within the curricular structure, as the competences of the BEING. The research was developed under the qualitative approach, with the methodology of Pedagogical Action Research in three phases: Deconstruction, Reconstruction, and Evaluation of the rebuilt, through workshops. To expand the information, field diaries and self-reports were also used. The thesis leads to understanding that the inheritance received from Saint Francis of Assisi (inherited capital and Franciscan heritage) and human capacities (investment), allowed an interdisciplinary approach in which the centrality of the person and the development of their potentialities are highlighted from the teaching and learning processes, where the teacher and the student intervene, as the leading players. It concludes by stating that it is possible to harmonize and inter-relate the two positions through articulating knowing, doing, and being around the integral and human formation from the micro curriculum. Thus, Franciscan pedagogy and the human capabilities approach to open up possibilities to continue delving into the field of pedagogical practice, in the higher education setting and everyday life, from suggestive categories that inter-relate behaviors, beliefs, and values. shared.
The present research assumed Bourdieu's field theory as a framework of understanding and proposed to analyze the training in human capacities from the Franciscan pedagogy in the reflective pedagogical practice of a group of undergraduate teachers at the Universidad Mariana (Pasto), managing to incorporate, in the micro-curriculum of the participants, criteria built collectively through the community of practice strategy, which facilitated regular meetings to discuss, learn and build together. In the end, the results are gratifying, and progress is made towards the institutionalization of the CaPaZEr proposal, with the purpose of assuming as a transversal axis, training in human capacities from the characteristic elements of Franciscan pedagogy, commonly called within the curricular structure, as the competences of the BEING. The research was developed under the qualitative approach, with the methodology of Pedagogical Action Research in three phases: Deconstruction, Reconstruction, and Evaluation of the rebuilt, through workshops. To expand the information, field diaries and self-reports were also used. The thesis leads to understanding that the inheritance received from Saint Francis of Assisi (inherited capital and Franciscan heritage) and human capacities (investment), allowed an interdisciplinary approach in which the centrality of the person and the development of their potentialities are highlighted from the teaching and learning processes, where the teacher and the student intervene, as the leading players. It concludes by stating that it is possible to harmonize and inter-relate the two positions through articulating knowing, doing, and being around the integral and human formation from the micro curriculum. Thus, Franciscan pedagogy and the human capabilities approach to open up possibilities to continue delving into the field of pedagogical practice, in the higher education setting and everyday life, from suggestive categories that inter-relate behaviors, beliefs, and values. shared.
Palabras clave
Práctica pedagógica, Capacidades humanas, Pedagogía franciscana, Pedagogía reflexiva, Capacidades humanas, Testimonio de vida