Evaluación del sistema de pastoreo en pollos de engorde y su efecto en parámetros productivos en el municipio de Palmira, Valle del Cauca
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
Este trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de analizar el comportamiento de los parámetros productivos en el sistema de pollos en pastoreo. Se emplearon 120 pollos machos de raza Ross de un día de nacidos, distribuidos aletoriamente en tres tratamientos (T0: Pastoreo + alimento concentrado + cereales; T1: Pastoreo + alimento concentrado; T2: Pastoreo + alimento cereales). Las variables a evaluar fueron consumo de alimento, ganancia de peso, conversión de alimento, rendimiento en canal, morbilidad, mortalidad, morbilidad/ mortalidad, características organolépticas (color, olor, sabor, dureza). Los resultados se analizaron bajo un diseño completamente al azar. El consumo fue de 10512.64 gr. en T0 y T1 y de 9714.39 gr. en T2, siendo este ultimo el más bajo. En ganancias de peso promedio las aves presentaron en la semana 1, 2 y 3 de edad, ganancias de peso similares, sin encontrarse diferencia significativas; de la semana 4 a la 12 se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos (P0.05). En los rendimientos en canal se obtuvieron promedios de 49,40% ± 1,81 para T0, 64,24% ± 0,53 para T1 y 70,0% ± 0,001 para T2, T1 presentó un mayor contenido de grasa abdominal lo que hizo disminuir su rendimiento en canal. El porcentaje de mortalidad registrada fue del 5% para T0, que fueron el caso de dos aves muertas. Se comprobó que la cría bajo el sistema de pastoreo afecta positivamente la calidad sensorial de la canal (color, olor, dureza, sabor).
The purpose of this experiment was to analyze the productive parameters of behaviors pertaining to grazing chicken. With an assortment, 120 one-day old Ross male fowl were distributed into three different treatments (T0: Grazing + chicken food pellets + cereal; T1: Grazing + chicken food pellets; T2: Grazing + cereal). The controlled variables that were analyzed were food consumption, weight gain, food processing, yield grade, morbility, mortality, organolept ic characteristics (color, odor, taste, stiffness). The results were analyzed by means of a completely random complex. The amount of food consumed was of 10512.64 g in T0 and T1; whereas the food consumption of T2 was of 9714.39 g, the latter being the lowest. During weeks one, two, and three, the fowl presented similar weight gain without significant variations. However, significant differences between treatments were found (P0.05). Pertaining to the canal yield an average of 49,40% ± 1,81 was obtained in T0. The averages of T1 and T2 were 64,24% ± 0,53 and 70,0% ± 0,001, respectively. T1 reported the highest content of abdominal fat, which in turn decreased its performance on the canal. The registered mortality percentage was of 5% for T0, rendering two dead fowl. It was thus proven that breeding under the grazing system positively affects the sensory quality of the canal yield (color, odor, stiffness, taste).
The purpose of this experiment was to analyze the productive parameters of behaviors pertaining to grazing chicken. With an assortment, 120 one-day old Ross male fowl were distributed into three different treatments (T0: Grazing + chicken food pellets + cereal; T1: Grazing + chicken food pellets; T2: Grazing + cereal). The controlled variables that were analyzed were food consumption, weight gain, food processing, yield grade, morbility, mortality, organolept ic characteristics (color, odor, taste, stiffness). The results were analyzed by means of a completely random complex. The amount of food consumed was of 10512.64 g in T0 and T1; whereas the food consumption of T2 was of 9714.39 g, the latter being the lowest. During weeks one, two, and three, the fowl presented similar weight gain without significant variations. However, significant differences between treatments were found (P0.05). Pertaining to the canal yield an average of 49,40% ± 1,81 was obtained in T0. The averages of T1 and T2 were 64,24% ± 0,53 and 70,0% ± 0,001, respectively. T1 reported the highest content of abdominal fat, which in turn decreased its performance on the canal. The registered mortality percentage was of 5% for T0, rendering two dead fowl. It was thus proven that breeding under the grazing system positively affects the sensory quality of the canal yield (color, odor, stiffness, taste).
Palabras clave
Pollos de engorde, Producción, Avicultura, Cría y manejo, Alimentos y alimentación de aves