Vivienda multipropósito en el sur occidente de Colombia Catálogo habitacional para la autonomía rural
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Arquitectura
En el siguiente proyecto de grado, se aborda la problemática de la vivienda rural, el hecho de que gran cantidad de campesinos no posean una vivienda adaptada a sus necesidades, estén en situaciones peligrosas para su bienestar lo cual nos hace pensar y hacernos esta pregunta: ¿Cómo la vivienda multipropósito podría contribuir y adaptarse a las necesidades espaciales que requieren las dinámicas agro-productivas de estos dos departamentos teniendo en cuenta sus modos de habitar y el proceso de transición hacia la paz? Entonces se plantea que se puede lograr, estudiando el entorno que la rodea y, en conjunto con las actividades y dinámicas sociales que desarrollan. La vivienda estará compuesta por espacios que se adapten a las necesidades de habitabilidad, de la producción agrícola que encontramos en los dos departamentos, empleando en las viviendas los espacios adecuados para realizar los debidos procesos, beneficiando tanto a sus productores, como al departamento lo cual se traduce en una autonomía. Se construye un marco teórico y conceptual a partir de conceptos claves que nos ayudaran a través del proceso. Se analiza los departamentos en sus diferentes dimensiones entre ellas la dimensión físico espacial, social y económica para concluir con unos cruces de inventario y matrices DOFA. En cada escala se presenta una propuesta de intervención. Luego se hace un análisis detallado de las determinantes en los municipios, se realizó encuestas en las zonas, se analizó tres referentes, se identificó los espacios donde se llevaban a cabo las dinámicas de la familia rural, su estado, como se podrían mejorar para ser más funcionales, que materiales se estaban usando actualmente.
In the following degree project, we address the problem of rural housing, the fact that a large number of farmers do not have a house, it is not adapted to their needs, they are in dangerous situations for their welfare which makes us think and ask ourselves this question: How multipurpose housing could contribute and adapt to the spatial needs that require the agro-productive dynamics of these two departments taking into account their ways of living and the process of transition to peace? Then it is proposed that it can be achieved by studying the surrounding environment and, together with the activities and social dynamics that they develop. The housing will be composed of spaces that adapt to the needs of habitability, of the agricultural production that we find in the two departments, using in the houses the adequate spaces to carry out the due processes, benefiting both the producers and the department, which translates into autonomy. A theoretical and conceptual framework is built from key concepts that will help us through the process. The departments are analyzed in their different dimensions, including the physical, spatial, social and economic dimensions, to conclude with inventory and dofas crosses. Then a detailed analysis of the determinants in the municipalities is made, surveys were conducted in the areas, three referents were analyzed, the spaces where the dynamics of the rural family were carried out were identified, their condition, how they could be improved to be more functional, what materials were currently being used.
In the following degree project, we address the problem of rural housing, the fact that a large number of farmers do not have a house, it is not adapted to their needs, they are in dangerous situations for their welfare which makes us think and ask ourselves this question: How multipurpose housing could contribute and adapt to the spatial needs that require the agro-productive dynamics of these two departments taking into account their ways of living and the process of transition to peace? Then it is proposed that it can be achieved by studying the surrounding environment and, together with the activities and social dynamics that they develop. The housing will be composed of spaces that adapt to the needs of habitability, of the agricultural production that we find in the two departments, using in the houses the adequate spaces to carry out the due processes, benefiting both the producers and the department, which translates into autonomy. A theoretical and conceptual framework is built from key concepts that will help us through the process. The departments are analyzed in their different dimensions, including the physical, spatial, social and economic dimensions, to conclude with inventory and dofas crosses. Then a detailed analysis of the determinants in the municipalities is made, surveys were conducted in the areas, three referents were analyzed, the spaces where the dynamics of the rural family were carried out were identified, their condition, how they could be improved to be more functional, what materials were currently being used.
Palabras clave
Vivienda rural, Vivienda multripropósito, Vivienda, Productividad, Ruralidad