Evaluación de la calidad del agua microbiológica y fisicoquímica en pollos de engorde con el uso del peróxido y cloro
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
Fueron evaluados dos productos desinfectantes para el agua: El cloro y el peróxido con distinta fuente de agua (acueducto y quebrada), en dos granjas diferentes; esta agua fue suministrada a los pollos de ambos sexos (machos y hembras), en donde 38352 aves fueron tratadas con cloro y 22848 aves con peróxido. Se tomaron semanalmente y durante 6 semanas 5 muestras de agua por cada tratamiento, para análisis microbiológico estos análisis fueron para E. coli, Pseudomona spp., Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., y hongos y levaduras. Asimismo se tomaron muestras para las pruebas físico-químicas en los tanques de almacenamiento del agua de las granjas. El análisis de la biocapa se realizó tomando muestras de agua del tanque de suministro del galpón y de la manguera del último bebedero, antes y después del tratamiento con cloro y peróxido en las tuberías y después fueron enviadas al laboratorio. También se midió el comportamiento zootécnico (mortalidad, consumo, ganancia de peso y conversión alimenticia) para cada uno de los tratamientos. Los resultados obtenidos en los análisis microbiológicos del agua fueron en el acueducto: total eficacia usando los dos productos. En la quebrada: el peróxido obtuvo una mejor eficiencia en la eliminación de los microorganismos estudiados. En los físico-químicos, el agua con mejor calidad fue la del acueducto, pero la de quebrada sobrepasó los límites permitidos por el Decreto 475/1998 en cuanto a turbidez, color y pH. La biocapa fue eliminada satisfactoriamente usando el peróxido, en cambio el cloro no logró lo esperado, pero sí obtuvo una reducción en la carga microbiana que existía en la tubería de suministro del agua. Al medir y analizar los parámetros zootécnicos no se encontraron diferencias significativas en los dos tratamientos realizados.
Two water disinfectant products were evaluated: chlorine and peroxide with different sources of water (pipes and streams), on two different farms. The water was given to chickens of both genders (male and female). Chlorine was given to 38,352 chickens, and peroxide was given to 22,848 chickens. Each week five samples of water were taken (during week six) for each type of treatment, and analyzed microbiologically. The samples were analyzed for E. coli, Pseudomona spp., Clostridium perfringers, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., and fungus and yeast. At the same time samples were taken for physical-chemical testing from the water storage tanks at the farms. The biofilm analysis was done by taking water samples from the water tank that serves the chicken house and the hose that supplies the farthest water dish before and after the each type of treatment step was to treat the water pipes with chlorine and peroxide and before sent to the laboratory. At the same time they measured the productive parameter of the chickens (mortality, diet, weight gain, and digestion) that received each type of treated water. The results of this water microbiological examination for the piped water were: both products were totally effective. In the streams: the peroxide treatment was more effective in eliminating the microorganisms that were studied. The physical-chemical analysis showed that the piped water was high quality, but the stream water exceeded the limits permitted under law 475/1998 on turbidity, color and pH. Biofilm was satisfactorily eliminated using peroxide, but the chlorine treatment did not meet expectations even though the treatment reduced the microbial weight in the water supply pipe. The measurement and analysis of the productive parameters did not reveal significant differences between the two types of treatment.
Two water disinfectant products were evaluated: chlorine and peroxide with different sources of water (pipes and streams), on two different farms. The water was given to chickens of both genders (male and female). Chlorine was given to 38,352 chickens, and peroxide was given to 22,848 chickens. Each week five samples of water were taken (during week six) for each type of treatment, and analyzed microbiologically. The samples were analyzed for E. coli, Pseudomona spp., Clostridium perfringers, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., and fungus and yeast. At the same time samples were taken for physical-chemical testing from the water storage tanks at the farms. The biofilm analysis was done by taking water samples from the water tank that serves the chicken house and the hose that supplies the farthest water dish before and after the each type of treatment step was to treat the water pipes with chlorine and peroxide and before sent to the laboratory. At the same time they measured the productive parameter of the chickens (mortality, diet, weight gain, and digestion) that received each type of treated water. The results of this water microbiological examination for the piped water were: both products were totally effective. In the streams: the peroxide treatment was more effective in eliminating the microorganisms that were studied. The physical-chemical analysis showed that the piped water was high quality, but the stream water exceeded the limits permitted under law 475/1998 on turbidity, color and pH. Biofilm was satisfactorily eliminated using peroxide, but the chlorine treatment did not meet expectations even though the treatment reduced the microbial weight in the water supply pipe. The measurement and analysis of the productive parameters did not reveal significant differences between the two types of treatment.
Palabras clave
Pollos de engorde, Enfermedades, Epidemiología, Calidad del agua