Evaluación del sistema de filtración particulada y microfiltración en el reúso de agua residual doméstica como técnica previa a la ultrafiltración
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
Las plantas de tratamiento de agua residual (PTAR) domésticas e industriales cumplen con la función de reducir las cargas contaminantes presentes en el agua; sin embargo, muchas de las operaciones empleadas no son suficientes y en ocasiones se requiere implementar tecnologías no convencionales que permitan cumplir con las condiciones necesarias para el reuso. En el presente proyecto se evalúa la eficiencia del sistema compuesto de filtración particulada y microfiltración como técnicas previas a la ultrafiltración, para su posterior reuso. Para el desarrollo del proyecto fue necesario realizar el diseño y montaje de un sistema piloto con unidades de filtración particulada y microfiltración, llevando a cabo una experimentación con variaciones de pH de 4, 7 y 10 unidades, velocidad de filtración de 7,5 y 8,5 m 3 /m2 -h, tamaño de las partículas de arena de 20 y 30 μm y tamaño nominal del poro de 1 y 5 μm, con el fin de ajustar el diseño experimental. En este sistema piloto se analizaron las características del agua residual doméstica al paso por cada una de las unidades evaluadas, con lo que se compararon las variables de respuesta (DQO, SST, turbidez, fosfatos, coliformes totales y fecales). Estas variables demostraron una considerable reducción; por lo que se concluye la necesidad del uso de las dos unidades como tratamientos previos a la ultrafiltración, haciendo ajustes con las variaciones de velocidad de filtración de 8,5 m 3 /m2 -h, pH de 4, tamaño de la partícula de arena de 30 µm y tamaño del poro de microfiltración de 1 µm. Finalmente se realizó un análisis beneficio/costo donde se comprobó la viabilidad del sistema frente a un sistema empleado en una planta de tratamiento real que incluye la precipitación química. Con esto se observó reducción de insumos químicos e ingresos por beneficios económicos al emplear un sistema de reuso de agua residual, mediante un análisis de costos y un flujo de caja
Domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) have the function to reduce pollution loads in water; however, there are many units that aren´t enough and sometimes it requires unconventional technologies that allow the effluent to satisfy the conditions for reuse. Therefore, this project evaluates the efficiency of the filtration system consisting in particulate filtration and microfiltration, as a pretreatment to ultrafiltration for reusing domestic wastewater. For the development of this project it was necessary to design and assemble a pilot system. The first step, was to carry out an experiment with variations of pH of 4, 7 and 10 units, at a filtration velocity of 7,5 and 8,5 m 3 /m2 -h, size of sand particles of 20 and 30 μm and nominal pore size of microfiltration units of 1 and 5 μm, in order to adjust the experimental design. The characteristics of domestic wastewater after passing through each unit were analyzed. Each sample of water was compared with some variables (COD, TSS, turbidity, phosphates, total coliforms and fecal coliforms). There variables demonstrated a considerable reduction. As a conclusion, it was necessary to use particulate filtration and microfiltration as pre- treatment to ultrafiltration by adjustments with variations of filtration velocity of 8,5 m 3 /m2 -h, pH of 4, size of sand particles of 30 µm and nominal pore size of microfiltration units of 1 µm. Finally, this project included a cost/benefit analysis which proved the viability of the pilot system with a system employed in an existing treatment plant with chemical precipitation. The reduction of costs of chemical substances and incomes from the economic benefits of reusing wastewater systems were observed
Domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) have the function to reduce pollution loads in water; however, there are many units that aren´t enough and sometimes it requires unconventional technologies that allow the effluent to satisfy the conditions for reuse. Therefore, this project evaluates the efficiency of the filtration system consisting in particulate filtration and microfiltration, as a pretreatment to ultrafiltration for reusing domestic wastewater. For the development of this project it was necessary to design and assemble a pilot system. The first step, was to carry out an experiment with variations of pH of 4, 7 and 10 units, at a filtration velocity of 7,5 and 8,5 m 3 /m2 -h, size of sand particles of 20 and 30 μm and nominal pore size of microfiltration units of 1 and 5 μm, in order to adjust the experimental design. The characteristics of domestic wastewater after passing through each unit were analyzed. Each sample of water was compared with some variables (COD, TSS, turbidity, phosphates, total coliforms and fecal coliforms). There variables demonstrated a considerable reduction. As a conclusion, it was necessary to use particulate filtration and microfiltration as pre- treatment to ultrafiltration by adjustments with variations of filtration velocity of 8,5 m 3 /m2 -h, pH of 4, size of sand particles of 30 µm and nominal pore size of microfiltration units of 1 µm. Finally, this project included a cost/benefit analysis which proved the viability of the pilot system with a system employed in an existing treatment plant with chemical precipitation. The reduction of costs of chemical substances and incomes from the economic benefits of reusing wastewater systems were observed
Palabras clave
Plantas de tratamiento de agua, Aguas residuales, Agua - Control de calidad