Estudio exploratorio de Leptospira spp. en porcinos, roedores y agua en el ciclo productivo de una granja en Puerto López, Meta
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Maestría en Ciencias Veterinarias
Leptospirosis es una zoonosis con múltiples huéspedes y reservorios de Leptospira, su agente etiológico, que se debe abordar desde el concepto de “Una Salud”. Son pocos los estudios que involucran todas las etapas del ciclo productivo porcino y que emplean diferentes metodologías para el estudio de Leptospira en los porcinos y en fuentes de agua. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue realizar un estudio exploratorio de Leptospira spp. mediante métodos diagnósticos convencionales y moleculares en porcinos, roedores sinantrópicos y agua en el ciclo productivo de una granja en Puerto López, Meta, Colombia. Se tomaron muestras de sangre a los porcinos (n=65) para realizar la prueba de aglutinación microscópica (MAT), también muestras de orina y agua (n=80) con las cuales se realizó el aislamiento a través de cultivo, la clasificación a nivel de serogrupo por MAT, y se detectó Leptospira por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR). Las trampas para la captura de roedores fueron ubicadas en la granja. La prevalencia encontrada en porcinos fue del 89.2% (58/65), siendo Grippotyphosa el serogrupo de mayor presentación. La frecuencia de Leptospira spp. a través del cultivo fue del 25% (20/80). Se identificaron las cepas aisladas de porcinos y agua mediante PCR encontrando que el 100% (20/20) de los cultivos positivos correspondía al género Leptospira por el gen rrl, y el 50% (10/20) correspondía a especies patógenas por el gen lipL32. No se logró capturar ningún roedor. Se concluyó que como la bacteria está presente en los porcinos y fuentes de agua de todas las etapas del ciclo, posiblemente existe transmisión de Leptospira spp. en la interfaz animal-ambiente
Leptospirosis is a zoonosis that has multiple hosts and reservoirs of Leptospira, the causative agent, which must be addressed from the concept of “One Health”. There are few studies that involve all the stages of the pig production cycle and that also use different methodologies for the study of Leptospira in pigs and water sources. The aim of this work was to perform and exploratory study of Leptospira spp. by conventional and molecular diagnostic methods in pigs, synanthropic rodents and water in the pig production cycle on a farm in Puerto López, Meta, Colombia. Blood samples were taken from pigs (n=65) for microscopic agglutination test (MAT), also urine and water samples (n=80) with which the isolation through culture was made, the classification at serogroup level by MAT, and Leptospira was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The traps to catch rodents were placed on the farm. The prevalence found in pigs was 89.2% (58/65), Grippotyphosa was the serogroup with the highest presentation. The frequency of Leptospira spp. through culture was 25% (20/80). Strains isolated from pigs and water were identified by PCR finding that 100% (20/20) of the positive cultures belonged to the genus Leptospira by the rrl gene, and the 50% (10/20) corresponded to pathogenic species by the lipL32gene. It was not possible to capture any rodent. It was concluded that as the bacteria is present in pigs and water sources of all the stages of the cycle, there is possibly transmission of Leptospira spp. in the animal-environment interface
Leptospirosis is a zoonosis that has multiple hosts and reservoirs of Leptospira, the causative agent, which must be addressed from the concept of “One Health”. There are few studies that involve all the stages of the pig production cycle and that also use different methodologies for the study of Leptospira in pigs and water sources. The aim of this work was to perform and exploratory study of Leptospira spp. by conventional and molecular diagnostic methods in pigs, synanthropic rodents and water in the pig production cycle on a farm in Puerto López, Meta, Colombia. Blood samples were taken from pigs (n=65) for microscopic agglutination test (MAT), also urine and water samples (n=80) with which the isolation through culture was made, the classification at serogroup level by MAT, and Leptospira was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The traps to catch rodents were placed on the farm. The prevalence found in pigs was 89.2% (58/65), Grippotyphosa was the serogroup with the highest presentation. The frequency of Leptospira spp. through culture was 25% (20/80). Strains isolated from pigs and water were identified by PCR finding that 100% (20/20) of the positive cultures belonged to the genus Leptospira by the rrl gene, and the 50% (10/20) corresponded to pathogenic species by the lipL32gene. It was not possible to capture any rodent. It was concluded that as the bacteria is present in pigs and water sources of all the stages of the cycle, there is possibly transmission of Leptospira spp. in the animal-environment interface
Palabras clave
Leptospirosis – Enfermedades – Diagnóstico - Puerto López (Meta, Colombia), Ganado porcino – Enfermedades – Puerto López (Meta, Colombia), Roedores - Enfermedades - Muestras - Puerto López (Meta, Colombia), Industria porcina, Zoonosis, Una Salud, Interfaz animal-ambiente, Pig industry, Zoonoses, One health, Animal-environment interface