La pregunta constructiva como técnica de comprensión lectora para resolver situaciones problémicas de carácter matemático con estudiantes de grado tercero de la Institución Educativa Divino Salvador
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Maestría en Docencia (Yopal)
En este trabajo se analizó la pregunta constructiva como técnica de comprensión lectora para resolver situaciones problémicas de carácter matemático con estudiantes de grado tercero de la Institución Educativa Divino Salvador Sede la Niata, por ello, se encaminó a procesar información respecto a las prácticas de enseñanza de la comprensión lectora en el quehacer pedagógico del aula. El material empírico recolectado bajo el enfoque de investigación cualitativa con un nivel de conocimiento descriptivo e interpretativo se hizo a través de encuestas, entrevista semi-estructurada, aplicación de la técnica y plantillas de observación. A través del método análisis de contenido (Bardín, 2002) basado en la Destilación de la Información de Vásquez (2013), se buscó identificar las nociones de comprensión lectora en los docentes; reconocer los elementos constitutivos de la pregunta constructiva como técnica de la comprensión lectora para resolver situaciones problémicas de carácter matemático y describir los procesos que se desarrollan con la aplicación de la pregunta constructiva como técnica de comprensión lectora para resolver situaciones problémicas de carácter matemático. En suma, esta investigación destaca que la pregunta constructiva permite guiar y mejorar el proceso de comprensión lectora para resolver situaciones problémicas.
This work analyzed the question as a technique for the reading comprehension of problematic situations of mathematical character in the teaching-learning of mathematics in third grade of the Educational Establishment Divino Salvador sede la Niata, for that reason, it was directed to process information regarding the practices of teaching of reading comprehension in the pedagogical task of the classroom. The empirical material collected under the qualitative research approach with a level of descriptive and interpretative knowledge was made through surveys, semi-structured interview, application of the technique and observation templates. Through the content analysis method (Bardín, 2002) based on distillation (Vázquez, 2010) sought to identify the notions of reading comprehension in teachers; to recognize the constitutive elements of the constructive question as a technique of reading comprehension in the resolution of problem situations of mathematical character and to describe the processes that develop with the application of the constructive question as a reading comprehension technique in the resolution of problematic situations of character mathematical. In sum, this research emphasizes that the constructive question allows to guide and to improve the reading comprehension process for the resolution of problematic situations.
This work analyzed the question as a technique for the reading comprehension of problematic situations of mathematical character in the teaching-learning of mathematics in third grade of the Educational Establishment Divino Salvador sede la Niata, for that reason, it was directed to process information regarding the practices of teaching of reading comprehension in the pedagogical task of the classroom. The empirical material collected under the qualitative research approach with a level of descriptive and interpretative knowledge was made through surveys, semi-structured interview, application of the technique and observation templates. Through the content analysis method (Bardín, 2002) based on distillation (Vázquez, 2010) sought to identify the notions of reading comprehension in teachers; to recognize the constitutive elements of the constructive question as a technique of reading comprehension in the resolution of problem situations of mathematical character and to describe the processes that develop with the application of the constructive question as a reading comprehension technique in the resolution of problematic situations of character mathematical. In sum, this research emphasizes that the constructive question allows to guide and to improve the reading comprehension process for the resolution of problematic situations.
Palabras clave
Comprensión lectora, Técnica, Pregunta constructiva, Situación problémica