Dinámicas territoriales en la conformación de un asentamiento de población victima; seguridad alimentaria. El caso de Paraíso en Mocoa Putumayo
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Arquitectura
Esta investigación tuvo como objeto estudiar las dinámicas territoriales presente en el asentamiento el Paraíso, ubicado a las afueras del casco urbano del municipio de Mocoa en el departamento del Putumayo, evaluando y determinando las condiciones de diversas índoles existentes en éste y la manera en la que en los procesos de conformación del asentamiento y en los mecanismos de ocupación del suelo de los habitantes, así como en el estilo de vida de los mismos se vio contemplada la seguridad alimentaria y en consecuencia de esto si en este momento se ve garantizada esta condición para la totalidad de sus habitantes, en concordancia se establecieron cuatro categorías de análisis a manera de líneas de abordaje del contexto y su complejidad, de modo que las aproximaciones fueran lo más verídicas posibles y en sinergia con la configuración del territorio y la caracterización poblacional de la comunidad, estas fueron correspondientemente 1. Ordenamiento territorial, 2. Campo y productividad, 3. Salud y nutrición, 4. Condición de víctima y desplazado
The purpose of this research was to study the territorial dynamics present in the settlement of El Paraíso, located on the outskirts of the urban helmet in the municipality of Mocoa in the department of Putumayo, evaluating and determining the conditions of various types existing in it and the manner in which in the processes of conformation of the settlement and in the mechanisms of occupation of the soil of the inhabitants, as well as in the life style of the same ones, the Food safety was contemplated and in consequence of this if in this moment this condition is guaranteed for the totality of its inhabitants, in agreement four categories of analysis were established as lines of approach to the context and its complexity, so that the approximations were as true as possible and in synergy with the configuration of the territory and the population characterization of the community, these were correspondingly 1. Territorial ordering, 2. Field and productivity, 3. Health and nutrition, 4. Condition of victim and displaced
The purpose of this research was to study the territorial dynamics present in the settlement of El Paraíso, located on the outskirts of the urban helmet in the municipality of Mocoa in the department of Putumayo, evaluating and determining the conditions of various types existing in it and the manner in which in the processes of conformation of the settlement and in the mechanisms of occupation of the soil of the inhabitants, as well as in the life style of the same ones, the Food safety was contemplated and in consequence of this if in this moment this condition is guaranteed for the totality of its inhabitants, in agreement four categories of analysis were established as lines of approach to the context and its complexity, so that the approximations were as true as possible and in synergy with the configuration of the territory and the population characterization of the community, these were correspondingly 1. Territorial ordering, 2. Field and productivity, 3. Health and nutrition, 4. Condition of victim and displaced
Palabras clave
Arquitectura - Diseños y planos, Asentamientos rurales, Ordenamiento territorial, Seguridad alimentaria, Población desplazada, Architecture - Designs and plans, Rural settlements, Territorial planning, Food safety, Displaced population