Estudio para la creación de una tienda en línea para servicios veterinarios y productos para mascotas delimitado a Bogotá
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Medicina Veterinaria
Se realizó el planteamiento preliminar de una empresa llamada “The Animal Shop”, que es una tienda en línea que busca facilitar a los propietarios de mascotas la adquisición de productos y servicios veterinarios para sus animales. La empresa se realizó en Colombia, donde se desarrolla lentamente la apropiación del uso de internet para compras de productos y servicios veterinarios que benefician a las mascotas. Con una investigación de mercados inicial, se intentará explorar la disposición de los dueños de mascotas para comprar los productos principales y adquirir servicios veterinarios por una página de internet. Finalmente, se proponen los lineamientos preliminares para la creación de la tienda virtual “The Animal Shop”, para que los propietarios de los animales tengan un acceso más fácil a la compra de los productos y servicios de sus mascotas, con lo que estos llegarán a su destino sin ningún inconveniente.
To make everything easier for animal owners when they buy products for their mascots, we created the preliminary planning of a company called “The Animal Shop”, which is an online store. The company will be created in Colombia, where there’s not much use of the Internet when it comes to buying accessories and articles that benefits pets. We will try to explore the interest of the pet owners, with an investigation of marketing, to find the principal products and services to start selling on the website. Finally, present a preliminary design of the website for “The Animal Shop”, so owners of several pets have an easier access when it comes to the products of their mascots and arrive to their houses by delivery without any inconvenience.
To make everything easier for animal owners when they buy products for their mascots, we created the preliminary planning of a company called “The Animal Shop”, which is an online store. The company will be created in Colombia, where there’s not much use of the Internet when it comes to buying accessories and articles that benefits pets. We will try to explore the interest of the pet owners, with an investigation of marketing, to find the principal products and services to start selling on the website. Finally, present a preliminary design of the website for “The Animal Shop”, so owners of several pets have an easier access when it comes to the products of their mascots and arrive to their houses by delivery without any inconvenience.
Palabras clave
Internet, Mercadeo, Tienda virtual, Innovaciones tecnológicas, Desarrollo tecnológico, Ventas y servicios veterinarios