Evaluación del aislamiento reproductivo en Passiflora biflora, Passiflora capsularis y Passiflora coriácea Passifloraceae especies simpátricas en Cundinamarca, Colombia
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Universidad de La Salle. Escuela de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas. Biología
El género Passiflora comprende gran diversidad genética por lo que se considera el grupo más importante de la familia Passifloraceae, albergando más de 525 especies, siendo Colombia un lugar estratégico para su riqueza. Passiflora biflora, P. capsularis y P. coriácea son especies silvestres que presentan una estrecha relación filogenética y es posible encontrarlas creciendo en simpatría. Con el objetivo de entender la coexistencia de las tres especies de Passiflora en estudio, se evaluó su biología reproductiva teniendo en cuenta los siguientes aspectos: morfología y biología floral, fenología temporal de la población, sistema reproductivo, visitantes florales con su rol en la polinización y la eficiencia en la polinización. El estudio se realizó en poblaciones silvestres ubicadas en el municipio de Anapoima, Cundinamarca. Las 3 especies producen un promedio de 24 flores por individuo y florecen de forma continua a lo largo del año a diferencia de P. capsularis que presenta un período estacional de septiembre a febrero. La polinización en las tres especies es diurna, siendo la xenogamia o polinización cruzada el sistema reproductivo que predomina en las tres especies. Se encontró una diferencia en los polinizadores: P. biflora es polinizada por abejas grandes, P. capsularis en su mayoría por dípteros de tamaño pequeño y P. coriácea por abejas medianas; siendo estas tres especies eficientes en su polinización. En este contexto, se concluye que las tres especies simpátricas presentan estrategias reproductivas eficientes, atribuidas a la presencia de un aislamiento reproductivo de tipo pre-cigótico, evidenciado en las características y atributos florales de cada especie, que permiten la presencia de barreras reproductivas: de tipo morfológico, donde la longitud del androginóforo fue determinante en la selección del polinizador; barreras de tipo fenológico, ya que las tres especies mostraron diferencias en sus picos de floración y por último un aislamiento entomológico, debido a la diferencia de los polinizadores evidenciados en las tres especies. Estos tres mecanismos de aislamiento reproductivo le permiten a las tres especies producir frutos viables que les aseguran un éxito reproductivo.
Passiflora genus comprises great genetic diversity. Because of this, it is considered the most important group in Passifloraceae’s family, sheltering more than 525 species, being Colombia a strategic place for its species richness. Passiflora biflora, P. capsularis and P. coriacea are wild species that present high phylogenetic relationship and would be found living in sympatry. Aiming to understand the coexistence of the three Passiflora species, its reproductive biology was evaluated with the following aspects: Morphology and floral biology, temporal population phenology, reproductive system, floral visitors with its role in the pollination and plant pollination efficiency. The study was conducted in three wild populations, one for each species, located in Anapoima, Cundinamarca. Results showed that the three species exhibit morphological and reproductive differences, despite sharing characteristics attributed to Passiflora’s genus. The three species produce an average of 24 flowers per individual, and bloom continuously throughout the year and bloom continuously throughout the year, in contrast to P. capsularis that presents a seasonal period from September to February. In the three species the pollination was diurnal, being the xenogamy or cross pollination the reproductive system that prevails. A difference in species’ pollinator was found: P. biflora is pollinated by large bees, while P. capsularis mostly by small sized flies and P. coriacea by medium sized bees. Likewise, the results showed that the three species are efficient in their reproduction. In this context, is was concluded that the three sympatric species present efficient reproductive strategies, that are attibuted to the presence of a prezygotic reproductive isolation evidenced in characteristics and floral attributes of each species, allowing the presence of reproductive barriers as a morphological type, where androgynophore’s length was decisive in the pollinator selection; phenological barriers, that is evidenced in the differences around the flowering peaks, and apollinator isolation due to the pollinatior’s differences between the three Passiflora species. These three mechanisms of reproductive isolation allows a reproductive success in the three passionflowers through the production of viable fruits.
Passiflora genus comprises great genetic diversity. Because of this, it is considered the most important group in Passifloraceae’s family, sheltering more than 525 species, being Colombia a strategic place for its species richness. Passiflora biflora, P. capsularis and P. coriacea are wild species that present high phylogenetic relationship and would be found living in sympatry. Aiming to understand the coexistence of the three Passiflora species, its reproductive biology was evaluated with the following aspects: Morphology and floral biology, temporal population phenology, reproductive system, floral visitors with its role in the pollination and plant pollination efficiency. The study was conducted in three wild populations, one for each species, located in Anapoima, Cundinamarca. Results showed that the three species exhibit morphological and reproductive differences, despite sharing characteristics attributed to Passiflora’s genus. The three species produce an average of 24 flowers per individual, and bloom continuously throughout the year and bloom continuously throughout the year, in contrast to P. capsularis that presents a seasonal period from September to February. In the three species the pollination was diurnal, being the xenogamy or cross pollination the reproductive system that prevails. A difference in species’ pollinator was found: P. biflora is pollinated by large bees, while P. capsularis mostly by small sized flies and P. coriacea by medium sized bees. Likewise, the results showed that the three species are efficient in their reproduction. In this context, is was concluded that the three sympatric species present efficient reproductive strategies, that are attibuted to the presence of a prezygotic reproductive isolation evidenced in characteristics and floral attributes of each species, allowing the presence of reproductive barriers as a morphological type, where androgynophore’s length was decisive in the pollinator selection; phenological barriers, that is evidenced in the differences around the flowering peaks, and apollinator isolation due to the pollinatior’s differences between the three Passiflora species. These three mechanisms of reproductive isolation allows a reproductive success in the three passionflowers through the production of viable fruits.
Palabras clave
Fenología vegetal, Hibridación vegetal, Passiflora, Reproducción de las plantas