Evaluación de las estrategias reproductivas y de la especialización de polinizadores de dos especies de cyclanthaceae en Colombia
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Universidad de La Salle. Escuela de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas. Biología
Este estudio presenta los resultados de la evaluación de las estrategias reproductivas y de la especialización de polinizadores de dos especies de Cyclanthaceae de Colombia. Para ello a lo largo de tres capítulos preparados en formato de manuscritos de artículos se muestran los resultados de: i. Ecología de la polinización de Carludovica palmata (Cyclanthaceae) en un bosque seco tropical en Cundinamarca, Colombia; ii. Ecología de la polinización de Dicranopygium omichlophilum (Cyclanthaceae). Una planta riparia, cantarofila y con un sistema especializado de polinización; iii. Variación espacial de los polinizadores de Carludovica palmata (Cyclanthaceae) en siete localidades de Colombia. Este estudio se realizó entre el 2015 y el 2017 en Colombia. Se identificaron y cuantificaron los insectos que visitan las inflorescencias en antesis, así como su riqueza, abundancia, diversidad, biología reproductiva, el papel de visitantes en la polinización, nivel de especificidad, comportamiento y la relación de cada visitante con la inflorescencia en fase masculina y femenina. Dentro de los resultados obtenidos se evidencio que dentro de los visitantes de C. palmata y D. omichlophilum se encuentran órdenes como Coleoptera, Hymenoptera y Diptera, encontrando que una especie de Acalyptini (Curculionidae: Coleóptera) es una especie exclusiva que transporta polen para D. omichlophilum. Para C. palmata se encontró una mayor variación en cuanto a visitantes, 31 morfoespecies con cuatro géneros de la familia Curculionidae que vistan las inflorescencias, en donde Perelleschus, sp 1 es el polinizador principal. Las especies de los géneros Azotoctla, Ganglionus, Perelleschus y Acalyptini, Gen. 2 están íntimamente asociados a las especies de Cyclanthaceae y presentan mecanismos especializados de polinización, en donde algunos polinizadores presentan especificidad por localidades, convirtiendo a las Cyclanthaceae en un modelo de estudio interesante y de fácil acceso dado que las inflorescencias están distribuidas en gran cantidad de departamentos siendo ideales para estudiar los sistemas tropicales
This study presents the results of the evaluation of reproductive strategies and the specialization of pollinators of two species of Cyclanthaceae from Colombia. For this, along three chapters prepared in manuscript format, the results of: i. Pollination ecology of Carludovica palmata (Cyclanthaceae) in a tropical dry forest in Cundinamarca, Colombia; ii. Ecology of the pollination of Dicranopygium omichlophilum (Cyclanthaceae). A riparian, cantaloupe plant with a specialized pollination system; iii. Spatial variation of the pollinators of Carludovica palmata (Cyclanthaceae) in seven locations of Colombia. This study was conducted between 2015 and 2017 in Colombia. The insects that visit the inflorescences in anthesis were identified and quantified, as well as their richness, abundance, diversity, and reproductive biology, the role of visitors in pollination, level of specificity, behavior and the relation of each visitor with the inflorescence in masculine and feminine phase. Within the obtained results it was evidenced that inside the visitors of C. palmata and D. omichlophilum are orders like Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera, finding that a species of Acalyptini (Curculionidae: Coleoptera) is an exclusive species that transports pollen to D. omichlophilum. For C. palmata a greater variation was found in terms of visitors, 31 morphospecies with four genera of the family Curculionidae that dress the synflorescences, where Perelleschus, sp 1 is the main pollinator. The species of the genera Azotoctla, Ganglionus, Perelleschus and Acalyptini, Gen. 2 are intimately associated with the species of Cyclanthaceae and present specialized mechanisms of pollination, where some pollinators have specificity by localities, turning the Cyclanthaceae into an interesting study model and of easy access since the inflorescecnias are distributed in great amount of departmanetos being ideal to study the tropical systems.
This study presents the results of the evaluation of reproductive strategies and the specialization of pollinators of two species of Cyclanthaceae from Colombia. For this, along three chapters prepared in manuscript format, the results of: i. Pollination ecology of Carludovica palmata (Cyclanthaceae) in a tropical dry forest in Cundinamarca, Colombia; ii. Ecology of the pollination of Dicranopygium omichlophilum (Cyclanthaceae). A riparian, cantaloupe plant with a specialized pollination system; iii. Spatial variation of the pollinators of Carludovica palmata (Cyclanthaceae) in seven locations of Colombia. This study was conducted between 2015 and 2017 in Colombia. The insects that visit the inflorescences in anthesis were identified and quantified, as well as their richness, abundance, diversity, and reproductive biology, the role of visitors in pollination, level of specificity, behavior and the relation of each visitor with the inflorescence in masculine and feminine phase. Within the obtained results it was evidenced that inside the visitors of C. palmata and D. omichlophilum are orders like Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera, finding that a species of Acalyptini (Curculionidae: Coleoptera) is an exclusive species that transports pollen to D. omichlophilum. For C. palmata a greater variation was found in terms of visitors, 31 morphospecies with four genera of the family Curculionidae that dress the synflorescences, where Perelleschus, sp 1 is the main pollinator. The species of the genera Azotoctla, Ganglionus, Perelleschus and Acalyptini, Gen. 2 are intimately associated with the species of Cyclanthaceae and present specialized mechanisms of pollination, where some pollinators have specificity by localities, turning the Cyclanthaceae into an interesting study model and of easy access since the inflorescecnias are distributed in great amount of departmanetos being ideal to study the tropical systems.
Palabras clave
Cantarofilia, Coleóptera, Especificidad, Polinización, Insectos, Fauna tropical, Ecosistemas, Biología de población