Estudio de prospectiva en un hospital público de III nivel 2016-2025 en la ciudad de Bogotá
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Industrial
El sector salud necesita, con urgencia, ser intervenido con gestión de operaciones, logística hospitalaria, optimización de recursos y con estudios de prospectiva, debido a la pérdida de inversión que se le asigna a este sector por causas como infraestructura deficiente, mala planificación y un servicio poco efectivo. La importancia económica y social de todas las actividades vinculadas con la salud es un elemento determinante en la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos, por ello se hace necesario intervenir en esta área. La prospectiva según Enric Bas (2008), es definida como un método de trabajo basado en la previsión que puede orientar la gestión organizacional, a través de la formulación de futuribles y la determinación de alternativas de actuación contribuyendo, de esta forma, a la reducción de incertidumbre y a la minimización de coste y oportunidad, lo cual conlleva al diseño de estrategias. Este estudio de prospectiva será aplicado en un hospital público de III nivel de la ciudad de Bogotá, para así poder proponer oportunidades de mejora y posibles soluciones que ayuden al servicio. En el presente proyecto, se propone un análisis de tres posibles escenarios que se podrían presentar en un futuro y las estrategias que deberá tomar el hospital, para obtener como resultado uno de los escenarios propuestos para el año 2025. Esta visión busca contribuir con el diseño de estrategias que apoyen la puesta en marcha de medidas para un desarrollo competitivo del hospital, sirviendo así de modelo a otras entidades prestadoras de servicios de salud y las cuales posean características similares. Para ello se aplicó una metodología basada en tres fases. En primer lugar, se identificaron áreas y variables clave, actores que influyen en el sistema y tendencias de las entidades públicas de salud. Para finalizar esta primera etapa se realiza un diagnóstico del estado actual del hospital, teniendo en cuenta los servicios que presta actualmente, el plan estratégico de la entidad, la capacidad instalada y el presupuesto asignado. En segundo lugar, se desarrolló un análisis estructural en el hospital, utilizando la metodología MIC MAC y MACTOR se realizó el estudio de variables clave y actores respectivamente. Posteriormente, con los resultados obtenidos por las técnicas prospectivas aplicadas, se formularon tres escenarios posibles para el año 2025, de los cuales se seleccionó uno por medio de una herramienta para la toma de decisiones. Para concluir esta fase se plantearon estrategias que deben ser ejecutadas en el presente para obtener el escenario deseado. Por último, se valida teóricamente el escenario elegido y las estrategias plateadas, por medio de indicadores de gestión, utilizando herramientas como el Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI) el cual le permitirá analizar y comparar periódicamente el avance en las estrategias
The health sector urgently needs to be involved with operations management, hospital logistics, resource optimization and prospective studies, due to the loss of investment is allocated to this sector for reasons such as poor infrastructure, poor planning and ineffective service. The economic and social importance of all activities related to health is a decisive factor in the quality of citizens´ life; therefore, it’s necessary to intervene in this area.Prospective according Enric Bas (2008), is defined as a working method based on the forecast that can guide organizational management, through the formulation of future events and identifying alternative actions contributing to the reduction uncertainty and minimizing cost and opportunity, leading to the design of strategies. This study will be applied prospectively in a public hospital level III in Bogota, in order to propose improvement opportunities and possible solutions to help service.In this project, it is proposed an analysis of three possible scenarios that could arise in the future and strategies to be taken by the hospital intends to obtain as a result of the proposed scenarios for the year 2025. This vision seeks to contribute with the design strategies to support the implementation of measures for competitive development of the hospital, thus serving as a model for other bodies providing health services and which have similar characteristics.This requires a methodology based on three phases. First, areas and key variables that influence actors in the system and trends in public health institutions were identified. To end this first stage, a diagnosis is made of the current state of the hospital, taking intoaccount the services currently provided, the strategic plan of the organization, the installed capacity and the allocated budget.Second, a structural analysis was developed in the hospital, using the MIC MAC and MACTOR methodology, it was performed the analysis of key variables and actors respectively. Later, with the results obtained by the forward-looking techniques applied, it formulated three possible scenarios for the year 2025, of which one was selected by means of a tool for making decisions. To conclude this phase, strategies are planned to be implemented in the present to obtain the desired scenario.Finally, theoretically it validates the chosen scenario and silvery strategies through management indicators, using tools such as the balanced scorecard, which will allow you to analyze and compare periodically the progress in strategies
The health sector urgently needs to be involved with operations management, hospital logistics, resource optimization and prospective studies, due to the loss of investment is allocated to this sector for reasons such as poor infrastructure, poor planning and ineffective service. The economic and social importance of all activities related to health is a decisive factor in the quality of citizens´ life; therefore, it’s necessary to intervene in this area.Prospective according Enric Bas (2008), is defined as a working method based on the forecast that can guide organizational management, through the formulation of future events and identifying alternative actions contributing to the reduction uncertainty and minimizing cost and opportunity, leading to the design of strategies. This study will be applied prospectively in a public hospital level III in Bogota, in order to propose improvement opportunities and possible solutions to help service.In this project, it is proposed an analysis of three possible scenarios that could arise in the future and strategies to be taken by the hospital intends to obtain as a result of the proposed scenarios for the year 2025. This vision seeks to contribute with the design strategies to support the implementation of measures for competitive development of the hospital, thus serving as a model for other bodies providing health services and which have similar characteristics.This requires a methodology based on three phases. First, areas and key variables that influence actors in the system and trends in public health institutions were identified. To end this first stage, a diagnosis is made of the current state of the hospital, taking intoaccount the services currently provided, the strategic plan of the organization, the installed capacity and the allocated budget.Second, a structural analysis was developed in the hospital, using the MIC MAC and MACTOR methodology, it was performed the analysis of key variables and actors respectively. Later, with the results obtained by the forward-looking techniques applied, it formulated three possible scenarios for the year 2025, of which one was selected by means of a tool for making decisions. To conclude this phase, strategies are planned to be implemented in the present to obtain the desired scenario.Finally, theoretically it validates the chosen scenario and silvery strategies through management indicators, using tools such as the balanced scorecard, which will allow you to analyze and compare periodically the progress in strategies
Palabras clave
Salud pública, Planificación estratégica - Hospitales públicos - Bogotá (Colombia), Hospitales – Administración - Bogotá (Colombia), Planificación de la salud, Salud pública - Participación ciudadana