Efecto de la suplementación con torta de palmiste sobre la producción de leche en vacas holstein en la sabana de Bogotá
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
La integración de la actividad ganadera y agro - industrial es una realidad para países como Colombia, donde la alimentación animal está muy condicionada a la producción forrajera y por ende a las oscilaciones del tiempo: invierno y verano. Asimismo los costos por concepto de alimentación son definitivos para poder competir a nivel de los mercados internos y lograr en parte la eficiencia en la que la economía globalizada basa la captura de mercados competitivos. La industria de la Palma Africana ofrece interesantes mecanismos de acercamiento con la industria ganadera y con la industria de alimentos balanceados. Estas razones fueron fundamentales para realizar el presente trabajo, con el objetivo además de evaluar el efecto de la Torta de Palmiste como ingrediente de una dieta balanceada para alimentar vacas de la raza Holstein especializadas en la producción de leche, convalidar su aporte nutricional y revisar su impacto económico frente a otras dietas alimenticias que son utilizadas regularmente en los hatos lecheros ubicados en la Sabana de Bogotá. El experimento se hizo con base en la selección previa de 23 vacas de la raza Holstein, que se encontraban en diferentes fases de su curva de lactancia y fueron sometidas a dietas, identificadas así: Tratamiento Concentrado (Tc), tratamiento Afrecho de Cervecería (Tac) y tratamiento Torta de Palmiste (Ttp). Los tres tratamientos se integraron bajo un diseño experimental de sobre cambio o grupos –periodos en el cual los tres grupos; dos de 8 animales, y uno de 7 animales pasaban por los tres tratamientos en tres periodos, los periodos de tiempo de un mes, los cuales contemplaban una fase de adaptación de 10 días y tres semanas adicionales para la recolección de información, datos acerca de la producción láctea. Asimismo se realizó un balance de los tres tratamientos con base en los requerimientos nutricionales de los individuos que conformaban los tres grupos y en el análisis bromatológico de las materias primas empleadas (Torta de Palmiste, Afrecho de Cervecería y Pasto Kikuyo). Bajo esta metodología las dietas se estandarizaron en el suministro de proteína y energía y se obviaron las ventajas nutricionales de una u otra. La dieta base estaba constituida por forraje verde (Pennisetum clandestinum), sal mineralizada y agua ad - libitum. Para la evaluación de los resultados obtenidos fue necesario, en primer termino estandarizar las lactancias de los animales objeto del estudio, según el modelo desarrollado por Jenkins y Ferrel (1984), al estudiar curvas de lactancia reales, se observan diferencias notables entre vacas, con respecto a su duración. Debido al alto potencial productivo de muchos animales, la lactancia del ganado vacuno puede prolongarse más de 12 meses en aquellas vacas que no quedan gestantes. Esto ha obligado a estandarizar la producción de leche y a modelar la curva de lactancia, con el fin de que se puedan comparar distintos animales en situaciones productivas diferentes. Luego de estandarizar las lactancias, se procedió a hacer el cuadrado latino 3X 3 y su respectivo análisis de varianza. Finalmente los resultados indican que no existen diferencias significativas desde el punto de vista estadístico para los tres tratamientos utilizados; Concentrado, Afrecho de Cervecería y Torta de Palmiste, lo cual es congruente con el hecho de haber balanceado las tres dietas en lo concerniente al aporte nutricional (isoproteicas e isoenergéticas). Tampoco se observan diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los diferentes grupos de vacas, ni en los periodos analizados. En contraposición desde el punto de vista económico, se aprecian cambios importantes. La relación costo-beneficio obtenida fue mejor en el tratamiento Torta de Palmiste con 25.4%, seguida por el tratamiento Afrecho de Cervecería con 26.6% y por ultimo el tratamiento Concentrado con 32.4%; que expresado en litros libres corresponde a 13, 12.4 y 12.2 litros respectivamente. Con el suministro de Torta de Palmiste a las vacas no se presentaron trastornos digestivos y se observó una alta aceptabilidad y palatabilidad del producto por parte de los animales.
The integration between the live stock activities and the agro – industry is a reality in countries like Colombia where animal nutrition depends on forage. Production and therefore on weather variations: wet or dry season. In the same way, feeding costs are important to be able to be competitive within the internal market and reach the efficiency in which the global economy bases the capture of competitive markets. The palm African industry offers interesting mechanisms of approach with the live stock industry and the balanced food industry. These reasons where important to carry out the present research, with the specific objectives to evaluate the effect of palm kernel cake as an ingredient of a balanced diet to feed Holstein cows. Specialized in milk production, to validate its nutritional contribution and to review its economic impact compared to other nutritional diets that are commonly used for dairy cattle in the Sabana de Bogotá. For the experiment 23 Holstein cows. In different stases of lactation, were selected and submitted to there different diets or treatments: Concentrate treatment (Tc), wet brewers grains treatment (Tac) and palm kernel cake treatment (Ttp). The three treatments were integrated under an experimental design of groups- periods in which the three groups; two of 8 animals and one of 7 animals went through the three treatments in three periods. The time periods were a moth long each in which the ten first days were and adaptation period and the remainder was to collect the information about milk yield. The three of the animals and the nutritional composition of feeds (palm kernel cake, wet brewer’s grains, kikuyo grass) under this methodology the diets were standarized according to protein and energy supply. The basic diet was formed by green forage (Pennisetum clandestinum), mineralized salt, and water ad – libitum. To evaluate the results it was necessary to standarize the lactation of the animals based on Jenkis and Ferel (1984) model. There were great differences among the animal’s stages of lactation. Because of the great productive potencial of the cows the lactation can last more than 12 months in the case of non – pregnant cows. Because of that, it was used the Latin square 3 * 3 and its corresponding variance analysis. Finally the results indicate that there were not significant differences statistically speaking for the treatments; concentrate, wet brewers grains, palm kernel cake, which is congruent and isoproteic and isoenergetic). There were not statistically significant differences among the different groups of animals or the periods of time analyzed. From the economic point of view, there were important changes. The costbenefit relationship obtained was better for the palm kernel cake treatment with 25.4% followed by the wet brewers grains treatment with 26.6% and the concentrate treatment with 32.4 % that expressed in free liter correspond to 13, 12,4 and 12,2 liters respectively. With the supply of palm kernel cake there were nest and signs of digestive problems and the acceptability and palatability of the product was very good.
The integration between the live stock activities and the agro – industry is a reality in countries like Colombia where animal nutrition depends on forage. Production and therefore on weather variations: wet or dry season. In the same way, feeding costs are important to be able to be competitive within the internal market and reach the efficiency in which the global economy bases the capture of competitive markets. The palm African industry offers interesting mechanisms of approach with the live stock industry and the balanced food industry. These reasons where important to carry out the present research, with the specific objectives to evaluate the effect of palm kernel cake as an ingredient of a balanced diet to feed Holstein cows. Specialized in milk production, to validate its nutritional contribution and to review its economic impact compared to other nutritional diets that are commonly used for dairy cattle in the Sabana de Bogotá. For the experiment 23 Holstein cows. In different stases of lactation, were selected and submitted to there different diets or treatments: Concentrate treatment (Tc), wet brewers grains treatment (Tac) and palm kernel cake treatment (Ttp). The three treatments were integrated under an experimental design of groups- periods in which the three groups; two of 8 animals and one of 7 animals went through the three treatments in three periods. The time periods were a moth long each in which the ten first days were and adaptation period and the remainder was to collect the information about milk yield. The three of the animals and the nutritional composition of feeds (palm kernel cake, wet brewer’s grains, kikuyo grass) under this methodology the diets were standarized according to protein and energy supply. The basic diet was formed by green forage (Pennisetum clandestinum), mineralized salt, and water ad – libitum. To evaluate the results it was necessary to standarize the lactation of the animals based on Jenkis and Ferel (1984) model. There were great differences among the animal’s stages of lactation. Because of the great productive potencial of the cows the lactation can last more than 12 months in the case of non – pregnant cows. Because of that, it was used the Latin square 3 * 3 and its corresponding variance analysis. Finally the results indicate that there were not significant differences statistically speaking for the treatments; concentrate, wet brewers grains, palm kernel cake, which is congruent and isoproteic and isoenergetic). There were not statistically significant differences among the different groups of animals or the periods of time analyzed. From the economic point of view, there were important changes. The costbenefit relationship obtained was better for the palm kernel cake treatment with 25.4% followed by the wet brewers grains treatment with 26.6% and the concentrate treatment with 32.4 % that expressed in free liter correspond to 13, 12,4 and 12,2 liters respectively. With the supply of palm kernel cake there were nest and signs of digestive problems and the acceptability and palatability of the product was very good.
Palabras clave
Vacas holstein, Alimentación para ganado bovino, Torta de palmiste como alimento, Producción lechera, Vacas en lactancia