Propuesta para el diseño de las unidades de tratamiento del agua de una empresa de extracción de almidones en el municipio de Pasca, Cundinamarca
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
En la actualidad el municipio de Pasca es uno de los principales productores de sagú para producción de harina como materia prima pen la elaboración de productos alimenticios (El almidón de achira o sagú (Canna edulis, Ker) manual tecnico para su elaboración, 2003). La finca en la cual se implementó el presente proyecto se lleva a cabo la planta piloto productora, desde el cultivo y procesamiento hasta la obtención de la harina. Dado a la producción del alimento para consumo humano es requerida agua con características de para consumo humano, libres de virus, bacterias y/o microrganismos que puedan generar y trasmitir enfermedades en los productos elaborados. Actualmente la empresa cuenta con agua proveniente del acueducto veredal, el cual presenta deficiencia en eliminación de turbiedad, carbono orgánico total (COT) y microorganismos (Escherichia coli y coliformes totales), por lo cual se propuso una planta de tratamiento para potabilizar (PTAP) mejorando de esta manera las condiciones del agua entrante, cumpliendo con la normativa colombiana, así mismo su respectivo tratamiento a las aguas residuales generadas en la empresa, permitiendo su disposición en cuerpo de agua superficial. El proyecto tiene como objetivo proponer y dimensionar las unidades de la planta de tratamiento para agua potable y planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales, así como las unidades para el proceso de recirculación, manejo de lodos y ubicación de cada una de las plantas para la empresa piloto productora de harina de sagú para producción alimenticia.
At present, the municipality of Pasca is one of the main producers of sago for the production of flour as raw material for the elaboration of food products (achira starch or sago (Canna edulis, Ker) technical manual for its elaboration, 2003). In the farm where this project was implemented, the pilot plant of the production company is carried out, from cultivation and processing to obtaining the flour. The production of food for human consumption requires water with characteristics for human consumption, free of viruses, bacteria and/or microorganisms that can generate and transmit diseases in the processed products. The company currently has water from the local aqueduct, which is deficient in the elimination of turbidity, total organic carbon (TOC) and microorganisms (Escherichia coli and total coliforms), so a drinking water treatment plant (WTP) was proposed to improve the conditions of the incoming water, complying with Colombian regulations, as well as its respective treatment of the wastewater generated in the company, allowing its disposal in surface water bodies. The objective of the project is to propose and size the units of the treatment plant for drinking water and wastewater treatment plant, as well as the units for the recirculation process, sludge management and location of each of the plants for the pilot company producing sago flour for food production.
At present, the municipality of Pasca is one of the main producers of sago for the production of flour as raw material for the elaboration of food products (achira starch or sago (Canna edulis, Ker) technical manual for its elaboration, 2003). In the farm where this project was implemented, the pilot plant of the production company is carried out, from cultivation and processing to obtaining the flour. The production of food for human consumption requires water with characteristics for human consumption, free of viruses, bacteria and/or microorganisms that can generate and transmit diseases in the processed products. The company currently has water from the local aqueduct, which is deficient in the elimination of turbidity, total organic carbon (TOC) and microorganisms (Escherichia coli and total coliforms), so a drinking water treatment plant (WTP) was proposed to improve the conditions of the incoming water, complying with Colombian regulations, as well as its respective treatment of the wastewater generated in the company, allowing its disposal in surface water bodies. The objective of the project is to propose and size the units of the treatment plant for drinking water and wastewater treatment plant, as well as the units for the recirculation process, sludge management and location of each of the plants for the pilot company producing sago flour for food production.
Palabras clave
Producción de harina, PTAR, PTAP, Tratamiento de agua, Planta de tratamiento, Agua potable