Evaluación de la variación morfométrica de frutos de Mauritia flexuosa L.f Arecaceae en tres poblaciones silvestres de la Orinoquía colombiana
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Universidad de La Salle. Escuela de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas. Biología
Mauritia flexuosa L.f (moriche) es una palma muy importante porque es dominante en los ecosistemas que habita, en Colombia se encuentra formando ecosistemas denominados morichales en la Orinoquia y Amazonia Colombiana. Es un recurso forestal no maderable, con poblaciones potencialmente explotables desde el punto de vista ecológico, social y socio económico. La importancia de sus frutos radica en que son fuente de materias primas para la industria alimenticia, cosmética y biocombustibles. En la Orinoquia colombiana, existen poblaciones silvestres altamente productivas pero poco aprovechadas, con esta investigación se quiere dar a conocer cómo es la producción de frutos y cómo estos varían morfométricamente entre poblaciones silvestres, este estudio evaluó las características morfométricas de los frutos de Mauritia flexuosa L. f. (Arecaceae) en tres poblaciones silvestres de la Orinoquia Colombiana. Para ello, se seleccionaron tres poblaciones silvestres correspondientes a los departamentos de Arauca, Casanare y Meta. Es cada población silvestre se realizó una salida de campo de 6 a 8 días para buscar las poblaciones de moriche con facilidad de acceso, seguridad y que se encontraran palmas en etapa productiva, se colectaron flores, frutos y abortos. Se estudiaron la morfología de inflorescencias e infrutescencias y se midieron las características morfométricas de los frutos y su productividad. Dentro de los resultados se encontraron pocas variaciones en la morfología de las inflorescencias femeninas. En las infrutescencias se encontraron variaciones de forma oblonga, globosa y elipsoidal. Las medidas morfométricas de los frutos presentaron variaciones importantes en cuanto a el peso de los frutos con un coeficiente de variación de 11.95% para Arauca, 4.12% para Casanare y 19.27% para Meta y el peso de las semillas fue la segunda variable que presento mayor inestabilidad con un coeficiente de variación de 21.79% en la población de Arauca, 9.85 % en la población de Casanare y 11.82% en Meta. La producción de moriche fue de 2,1 ton/ha para Arauca, 2,3 ton/ha Casanare y 2,0 ton/ha Meta. De lo cual se concluye que Las variaciones en cuanto a la morfología de la inflorescencia en infrutesencias podrían estar asociadas a factores ambientales como precipitaciones, longitud del día, temperatura y tipos de suelo. En cuanto a la morfometría el peso de las semillas y frutos son importantes ya que las poblaciones que presentaron semillas grandes serian seleccionadas para generar productor como aceites mientras que las poblaciones con semillas pequeñas generarían productos alimenticios. En cuanto a la producción M. flexuosa presenta un número óptimo en las tres localidades, en la cual la planta es capaz de proveer recursos importantes para la comercialización de sus frutos.
Mauritia flexuosa L.f (moriche) is a very important palm because it is dominant in the ecosystems it inhabits, in Colombia it is forming ecosystems called morichales in the Orinoquia and Colombian Amazonia. It is a non-timber forest resource, with potentially exploitable populations from the ecological, social and socio-economic point of view. The importance of its fruits lies in the fact that they are a source of raw materials for the food industry, cosmetics and biofuels. In the Colombian Orinoquia, there are wild populations highly productive but little used, with this research we want to know how is the production of fruits and how these vary morphometrically among wild populations, this study evaluated the morphometric characteristics of the fruits of Mauritia flexuosa L. f. (Arecaceae) in three wild populations of the Colombian Orinoquia. For this, three wild populations corresponding to the departments of Arauca, Casanare and Meta were selected. In each wild population, a field trip was made from 6 to 8 days to look for moriche populations with easy access, safety and that palms were found in productive stage, flowers, fruits and abortions were collected. The morphology of inflorescences and infrutescences were studied and the morphometric characteristics of the fruits and their productivity were measured. Within the results, few variations were found in the morphology of the female inflorescences. In the infrutescences variations of oblong, globose and ellipsoidal form were found. The morphometric measurements of the fruits showed important variations in the weight of the fruits with a coefficient of variation of 11.95% for Arauca, 4.12% for Casanare and 19.27% for Meta and the weight of the seeds was the second variable that presented the highest instability with a coefficient of variation of 21.79% in the population of Arauca, 9.85% in the population of Casanare and 11.82% in Meta. Moriche production was 2.1 ton / ha for Arauca, 2.3 ton / ha for Casanare and 2.0 ton / ha for Meta. From which it is concluded that variations in inflorescence morphology could be associated with environmental factors such as rainfall, length of day, temperature and soil types. Regarding morphometry, the weight of the seeds and fruits are important since the populations that presented large seeds would be selected to generate a producer as oils while the populations with small seeds would generate food products. Regarding the production M. flexuosa presents an optimal number in the three localities, in which the plant is able to provide important resources for the commercialization of its fruits.
Mauritia flexuosa L.f (moriche) is a very important palm because it is dominant in the ecosystems it inhabits, in Colombia it is forming ecosystems called morichales in the Orinoquia and Colombian Amazonia. It is a non-timber forest resource, with potentially exploitable populations from the ecological, social and socio-economic point of view. The importance of its fruits lies in the fact that they are a source of raw materials for the food industry, cosmetics and biofuels. In the Colombian Orinoquia, there are wild populations highly productive but little used, with this research we want to know how is the production of fruits and how these vary morphometrically among wild populations, this study evaluated the morphometric characteristics of the fruits of Mauritia flexuosa L. f. (Arecaceae) in three wild populations of the Colombian Orinoquia. For this, three wild populations corresponding to the departments of Arauca, Casanare and Meta were selected. In each wild population, a field trip was made from 6 to 8 days to look for moriche populations with easy access, safety and that palms were found in productive stage, flowers, fruits and abortions were collected. The morphology of inflorescences and infrutescences were studied and the morphometric characteristics of the fruits and their productivity were measured. Within the results, few variations were found in the morphology of the female inflorescences. In the infrutescences variations of oblong, globose and ellipsoidal form were found. The morphometric measurements of the fruits showed important variations in the weight of the fruits with a coefficient of variation of 11.95% for Arauca, 4.12% for Casanare and 19.27% for Meta and the weight of the seeds was the second variable that presented the highest instability with a coefficient of variation of 21.79% in the population of Arauca, 9.85% in the population of Casanare and 11.82% in Meta. Moriche production was 2.1 ton / ha for Arauca, 2.3 ton / ha for Casanare and 2.0 ton / ha for Meta. From which it is concluded that variations in inflorescence morphology could be associated with environmental factors such as rainfall, length of day, temperature and soil types. Regarding morphometry, the weight of the seeds and fruits are important since the populations that presented large seeds would be selected to generate a producer as oils while the populations with small seeds would generate food products. Regarding the production M. flexuosa presents an optimal number in the three localities, in which the plant is able to provide important resources for the commercialization of its fruits.
Palabras clave
Infrutescencia, Morfometría, Moriche, Morichal, Orinoquía, Palmas, Ecosistemas, Palma africana, Productos de palma, Conservación de la vida silvestre