Análisis comparativo de los efectos del saneamiento de la brucelosis bovina en pequeños ganaderos de Facatativá y Guatavita
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Especialización en Gerencia de Empresas Agropecuarias
La Brucelosis es una enfermedad zoonótica de distribución mundial, importante desde el punto de vista económico, social y sanitario a nivel nacional e internacional. El programa nacional de control y erradicación de brucelosis, tiene como principal objetivo convertir a Colombia en un país libre de brucelosis y poder así acceder a los mercados internacionales y ganar las oportunidades que con ésta certificación se consiguen; pero para los pequeños ganaderos no existen incentivos en la realización de inversiones en el procedimiento y el saneamiento, ya que para ellos la relación costo / beneficio es negativa y las bonificaciones obligatorias existentes llegan en mayor proporción al mediano y gran ganadero. Por otro lado existen efectos intangibles sobre los riesgos en salud humana que deben considerarse. Por estas razones se pretende realizar un análisis comparativo de los efectos del saneamiento de la brucelosis bovina en pequeños ganaderos de ocho veredas de los municipios de Facatativá y Guatavita.
The brucellosis is a zoonotic disease of world diffusion. It is important to a national and international level from an economic, social and sanitary point of view. The national program of control and eradication of this disease has as its main goal to become Colombia in a country free of brucellosis. Its main purpose is to give Colombia access to international markets and the advantages and opportunities it may bring with this registration. The small stock-farmers do not have encouragement to invest in these procedures and their improvement. The relation cost-benefit is negative for them. As well as the systems available on bonuses by low, proportionally with the ones the middle and large stock-farmers have. On the other hand there are intangible effects on human welfare that most be considered. The reasons mentioned above lead us we to prepare a comparative analysis of the improvement these procedures may have to eradicate the bovine “brucellosis” in low stock-farmers of eight small towns in Facatativá and Guatavita.
The brucellosis is a zoonotic disease of world diffusion. It is important to a national and international level from an economic, social and sanitary point of view. The national program of control and eradication of this disease has as its main goal to become Colombia in a country free of brucellosis. Its main purpose is to give Colombia access to international markets and the advantages and opportunities it may bring with this registration. The small stock-farmers do not have encouragement to invest in these procedures and their improvement. The relation cost-benefit is negative for them. As well as the systems available on bonuses by low, proportionally with the ones the middle and large stock-farmers have. On the other hand there are intangible effects on human welfare that most be considered. The reasons mentioned above lead us we to prepare a comparative analysis of the improvement these procedures may have to eradicate the bovine “brucellosis” in low stock-farmers of eight small towns in Facatativá and Guatavita.
Palabras clave
Administración de proyectos agropecuarios, Enfermedades en el ganado - Saneamiento, Ganado - Desarrollo