Alteraciones de la superficie ocular en usuarios de pantallas electrónicas
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Optometría
El aumento de usuarios de computador y/o pantallas electrónicas conlleva a múltiples problemas visuales tales como, alteraciones acomodativas, vergenciales, defectos refractivos y/o asociados a la integridad de la superficie ocular; siendo este último el tema de interés para esta investigación. Estudios previos, han evidenciado alteración en la frecuencia de parpadeo en estos usuarios, lo cual causa que la lágrima se evapore más rápido y genere un aumento de la osmolaridad lagrimal, re lacionándose con un daño tisular tanto en células conjuntivales como en epitelio corneal; características clínicas que los individuos refieren con una mayor sintomatología ocular. Objetivo general : ocular en Determinar las alteraciones en la superficie individuos después de la exposición a pantallas electrónicas entre las edades de 18 a 30 años. Materiales y métodos : Para esto, se evaluar o n 21 individuos entre las edades de 18 a 30 años, expuestos a pantallas electrónicas y un grupo control de no expuestos a pantallas electrónicas. Se incluyó el análisis del espesor de la capa lipídica, amplitud y frecuencia de parpadeo, citología de impresión conjuntival y sintomatología ocular.
The increase of computer users and/or electronic screens leads to multiple visual problems such as accommodative and vergencial alterations, refractive defects and/or associated to the integrity of the ocular surface; the latter being the subject of interest for this research. Previous studies have evidenced alterations in the frequency of blinking in these users, which causes the tear to evaporate faster and generates an increase in tear osmolarity, related to tissue damage both in conjunctival cells and corneal epithelium; clinical characteristics that individuals report with greater ocular symptomatology. General objective: surface in individuals after exp To determine the alterations in the ocular osure to electronic screens between the ages of 18 and 30 years. Materials and methods: For this purpose, 21 individuals between the ages of 18 to 30 years, exposed to electronic screens and a control group not exposed to electronic screens will be evaluat ed. The analysis of lipid layer thickness, blink amplitude and frequency, conjunctival impression cytology and ocular symptomatology w ere included.
The increase of computer users and/or electronic screens leads to multiple visual problems such as accommodative and vergencial alterations, refractive defects and/or associated to the integrity of the ocular surface; the latter being the subject of interest for this research. Previous studies have evidenced alterations in the frequency of blinking in these users, which causes the tear to evaporate faster and generates an increase in tear osmolarity, related to tissue damage both in conjunctival cells and corneal epithelium; clinical characteristics that individuals report with greater ocular symptomatology. General objective: surface in individuals after exp To determine the alterations in the ocular osure to electronic screens between the ages of 18 and 30 years. Materials and methods: For this purpose, 21 individuals between the ages of 18 to 30 years, exposed to electronic screens and a control group not exposed to electronic screens will be evaluat ed. The analysis of lipid layer thickness, blink amplitude and frequency, conjunctival impression cytology and ocular symptomatology w ere included.
Palabras clave
Película lagrimal, Síndrome de uso de computadora, Superficie ocular, Frecuencia y amplitud de parpadeo, Interferometría y NIKBUT.