Evaluar la operación de la planta de tratamiento de agua potable número dos de Chiquinquirá para elaborar una propuesta técnico – económica de mejoramiento
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
La presente investigación evaluó la operación de la planta de tratamiento de agua potable, número dos de EMPOCHIQUINQUIRÁ para elaborar una propuesta técnico – económica de mejoramiento y de esta manera conocer la calidad del agua que consumen la población objeto de este estudio. El proyecto se desarrolló en cinco etapas, constituidas por la Fase I: consulta bibliográfica, en esta fase se realizó un análisis bibliográfico y de esta manera tener conocimiento sobre el tema a investigar. Fase II: estuvo conformada por el diseño experimental, en éste se indagó sobre el proceso de tratamiento y potabilización llevados a cabo en la planta de EMPOCHIQUINQUIRÁ, igualmente estuvo constituida por cinco grandes etapas, a los que se evaluó su funcionamiento desde la perspectiva de rendimiento de proceso. Fase III: Experimento, en esta fase la empresa prestadora del servicio público, EMPOCHIQUINQUIRÁ, suministró algunos datos, en donde se pudo observar que los parámetros se manejan solo de manera global (no por unidad), por lo cual se propuso realizar muestreos en las unidades de las plantas y de esta manera identificar el porcentaje de remoción de cada unidad. Fase IV: Análisis y propuesta económica, en esta fase se obtuvieron resultados de los análisis realizados en las etapas establecidas, los cuales sirvieron como insumo para el análisis técnico del sistema de potabilización de agua de EMPOCHIQUINQUIRÁ. El Estado colombiano con el Decreto 1575 de 2007 y la Resolución 2115 de 2007, garantiza la óptima calidad del servicio de la distribución de agua potable. A partir de la valoración de la calidad del agua potable que se suministró en el año 2018, se buscó generar propuestas de posibles alternativas que contribuyan al mejoramiento de la calidad de agua potable de la planta del municipio de Chiquinquirá, en los términos de lo establecido por la normatividad vigente, contribuyendo con el presente estudio a garantizar la calidad de vida y el bienestar de los chiquinquireños
The present investigation evaluated the operation of the potable water treatment plant, number two of EMPOCHIQUINQUIRÁ to elaborate a technical - economic proposal of improvement and in this way to know the water quality consumed by the population object of this study. The project was developed in four stages, constituted by Phase I: bibliographic consultation, in this phase a bibliographic and This way have knowledge on the subject to investigate. Phase II: it was formed by the experimental design, in this one it inquired about the process of treatment and potabilization carried out in the EMPOCHIQUINQUIRÁ plant, also it was constituted by five big blocks, to which its operation was evaluated from the perspective of performance of process. Phase III: Experiment, in this phase the company providing the public service, EMPOCHIQUINQUIRÁ, provided some data, where it was observed that the parameters are handled only globally (not per unit), so it was proposed to carry out sampling in the units of the plants and in this way identify the percentage of removal of each unit. Phase IV: Analysis and economic proposal, in this phase, results of the analyzes carried out in each of the established blocks were obtained, which served as input for the technical analysis of each of the blocks of the water purification system of EMPOCHIQUINQUIRÁ. The Colombian State Decree 1575 of 2007 and Resolution 2115 of 2007, ensures optimum service quality presentation and distribution of drinking water. Based on the assessment of the quality of the drinking water that was provided in 2018, we sought to generate proposals for possible alternatives that contribute to improving the quality of drinking water in the Chiquinquirá municipality plant, in accordance with the provisions by the current regulations, contributing with the present study to guarantee the quality of life and the wellbeing of the chiquinquireños
The present investigation evaluated the operation of the potable water treatment plant, number two of EMPOCHIQUINQUIRÁ to elaborate a technical - economic proposal of improvement and in this way to know the water quality consumed by the population object of this study. The project was developed in four stages, constituted by Phase I: bibliographic consultation, in this phase a bibliographic and This way have knowledge on the subject to investigate. Phase II: it was formed by the experimental design, in this one it inquired about the process of treatment and potabilization carried out in the EMPOCHIQUINQUIRÁ plant, also it was constituted by five big blocks, to which its operation was evaluated from the perspective of performance of process. Phase III: Experiment, in this phase the company providing the public service, EMPOCHIQUINQUIRÁ, provided some data, where it was observed that the parameters are handled only globally (not per unit), so it was proposed to carry out sampling in the units of the plants and in this way identify the percentage of removal of each unit. Phase IV: Analysis and economic proposal, in this phase, results of the analyzes carried out in each of the established blocks were obtained, which served as input for the technical analysis of each of the blocks of the water purification system of EMPOCHIQUINQUIRÁ. The Colombian State Decree 1575 of 2007 and Resolution 2115 of 2007, ensures optimum service quality presentation and distribution of drinking water. Based on the assessment of the quality of the drinking water that was provided in 2018, we sought to generate proposals for possible alternatives that contribute to improving the quality of drinking water in the Chiquinquirá municipality plant, in accordance with the provisions by the current regulations, contributing with the present study to guarantee the quality of life and the wellbeing of the chiquinquireños
Palabras clave
Planta de tratamiento, Operación, Propuesta técnica económica, Leyes y normatividad, Chiquinquirá, Treatment plant, Operation, Technical - economic proposal, Laws and regulations, Plantas para tratamiento de agua, Calidad del agua, Agua potable - Normas, Water treatment plants, Water quality, Drinking water - Standards