Evaluación biológico económica de un programa de sincronización de partos en una granja de cerdas de cría en San Antonio del Tequendama Cundinamarca
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Medicina Veterinaria
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la acción farmacológica y el impacto económico de la PGF2a (Lutalyse®) en la inducción del parto en cerdas, bajo las condiciones de una granja comercial de cría y para buscar una mejor atención al momento del nacimiento. La granja se encontraba ubicada en el municipio de San Antonio del Tequendama (Cundinamarca, Colombia). En el trabajo se utilizó un grupo de 32 hembras porcinas gestantes con un rango de partos de 1 a 5, estas cerdas pertenecían a un núcleo comercial; F1 (LXLW) X línea Dekalb, (machos). El estudio clínico se realizó en un período de 45 días (6 semanas). Las cerdas se dividieron en dos grupos al azar uno de 17 cerdas para el grupo tratamiento y otro de 15 cerdas para el grupo control y se utilizó la siguiente metodología: Grupo tratamiento: aplicación a las 8 a.m en el día 112 de gestación para cerdas primerizas o 113 para cerdas multíparas de 10 mg (2 ml) de PGF2a (Lutalyse®) por vía intramuscular en la tabla del cuello y grupo control donde no se aplicó nada y las cerdas se dejaron parir normalmente. Las variables que se tomaron en cuenta para el grupo control y el tratamiento fueron: inicio de parto en día y hora hábil, intervalo tratamiento parto, numero de lechones nacidos vivos y muertos, intervalo de nacimiento de los lechones, intervalo entre primero y ultimo lechón, duración de la gestación, duración del parto y efectos secundarios post tratamiento, además se hizo un análisis económico para determinar la relación costo beneficio frente a la utilización de PGF2a (Lutalyse®) versus el costo de la vigilancia nocturna. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que no existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa del uso de la PGF2a (Lutalyse®) entre el grupo tratamiento y el grupo control frente a los parámetros evaluados. Se observó que la PGF2a (Lutalyse®) provoca el parto en días hábiles en un 100% de las cerdas tratadas. Económicamente fue mayor la relación costo -beneficio para el grupo control frente al grupo tratado, ya que la relación costo - beneficio fue de 1.27 para el grupo control y de 1.20 para el grupo tratamiento.
The present work had the objective to evaluate the pharmacological action and the economic impact of PGF2alfa (Lutalyse®) in order to induction of the farrowing in sows, under the conditions of a breeding commercial farm and to look for a better attention to the moment of the birth. The farm was located in the municipality of San Antonio of the Tequendama (Cundinamarca, Colombia).The work it was used a group of 32 farrowing sows whit a range of farowings from 1 to 5, these sows belonged to a commercial nucleus; F1 (LXLW) X line Dekalb, (males). The clinical study was carried out in a period of 45 days (6 weeks). The sows were ramdomized in two groups one of 17 sows for the group treatment and another of 15 sows for the group control and the following methodology was used: Group treatment: application to the 8 a.m in the day 112 of gestation for gilts or 113 for sows of 10 mg (2 ml) of PGF2alfa (Lutalyse®) for intramusculary way in the neck and control group where anything was not applied and the sows were usually allowed to give birth to. The variables that took into account for the group control and the treatment were: farrowing beginning in day and skilled hour, interval treatment farrowing, number of alive and dead born pigs, interval from birth of the pigs, interval first and finish pig, duration of the gestation, duration of the farrowing, due to the great presentation that has in the farm during this stage and secondary effects post treatment, an economic analysis was also made to determine the relationship cost benefit in front of the use of PGF2alfa (Lutalyse®) versus the cost of the night surveillance. The obtained results demonstrated that a difference doesn't exist statistically significant of the use of PGF2alfa (Lutalyse®) between the group treatment and the group control in front of the evaluated parameters. It was observed that the PGF2alfa (Lutalyse®) it causes the farrowing in skilled days in 100% of the treated sows. Economically it was bigger the relationship cost - benefit for the group control in front of the treated group, since the relationship cost - benefit was of 1.27 for the control group and of 1.20 for the treatment group.
The present work had the objective to evaluate the pharmacological action and the economic impact of PGF2alfa (Lutalyse®) in order to induction of the farrowing in sows, under the conditions of a breeding commercial farm and to look for a better attention to the moment of the birth. The farm was located in the municipality of San Antonio of the Tequendama (Cundinamarca, Colombia).The work it was used a group of 32 farrowing sows whit a range of farowings from 1 to 5, these sows belonged to a commercial nucleus; F1 (LXLW) X line Dekalb, (males). The clinical study was carried out in a period of 45 days (6 weeks). The sows were ramdomized in two groups one of 17 sows for the group treatment and another of 15 sows for the group control and the following methodology was used: Group treatment: application to the 8 a.m in the day 112 of gestation for gilts or 113 for sows of 10 mg (2 ml) of PGF2alfa (Lutalyse®) for intramusculary way in the neck and control group where anything was not applied and the sows were usually allowed to give birth to. The variables that took into account for the group control and the treatment were: farrowing beginning in day and skilled hour, interval treatment farrowing, number of alive and dead born pigs, interval from birth of the pigs, interval first and finish pig, duration of the gestation, duration of the farrowing, due to the great presentation that has in the farm during this stage and secondary effects post treatment, an economic analysis was also made to determine the relationship cost benefit in front of the use of PGF2alfa (Lutalyse®) versus the cost of the night surveillance. The obtained results demonstrated that a difference doesn't exist statistically significant of the use of PGF2alfa (Lutalyse®) between the group treatment and the group control in front of the evaluated parameters. It was observed that the PGF2alfa (Lutalyse®) it causes the farrowing in skilled days in 100% of the treated sows. Economically it was bigger the relationship cost - benefit for the group control in front of the treated group, since the relationship cost - benefit was of 1.27 for the control group and of 1.20 for the treatment group.
Palabras clave
Explotaciones porcinas, Inducción del parto, Cerdas