Ensilaje de vísceras de pescado para la alimentación de cerdos en levante y finalización
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
Después de moler vísceras de pescado, se mezclaron con harina de arroz y melaza, para ser conservadas mediante el proceso de ensilaje. Se determinó el contenido nutricional de la mezcla, incluyendo aminoácidos, energía bruta y recuento microbiológico. En un experimento de digestibilidad, utilizando 4 cerdos en crecimiento alojados en jaulas metabólicas se evaluó la digestibilidad aparente de los nutrientes (PC, EE; FC; ELN y MS) y la energía digestible aparente presente en el ensilaje. 12 cerdos (peso promedio 22 kg) en crecimiento, recibieron dietas que contenían ensilaje de pescado en niveles de 0%, 8%, 16% y 27% de MS, el aumento diario de peso y la conversión alimenticia (p
Fish viscera was ground and mixed with rice polishment and molasses to made silage. In a digestion trial with growing pigs (four animals) digestible nutrients in the silage was evaluated. The digestible energy was determinated. Twelve growing pigs (22 kg average weight) were fed diets containing 0%, 8%, 16% y 27% fish silage. Finishing pigs were fed diets with the same level of silage. There were no significant differences between groups in average daily gain and fed convertion. Carcass measurements did not differ significantly between groups. The level of fish silage had not significant effect on tenderness, juiciness, flavor or acceptability measured by a consumer taste panel. When the level of silage increased in the diet, the rentability was high.
Fish viscera was ground and mixed with rice polishment and molasses to made silage. In a digestion trial with growing pigs (four animals) digestible nutrients in the silage was evaluated. The digestible energy was determinated. Twelve growing pigs (22 kg average weight) were fed diets containing 0%, 8%, 16% y 27% fish silage. Finishing pigs were fed diets with the same level of silage. There were no significant differences between groups in average daily gain and fed convertion. Carcass measurements did not differ significantly between groups. The level of fish silage had not significant effect on tenderness, juiciness, flavor or acceptability measured by a consumer taste panel. When the level of silage increased in the diet, the rentability was high.
Palabras clave
Ensilaje de vísceras, Alimentación de cerdos, Cerdos, Ensilaje de pescado