Evaluación de la aplicabilidad del índice de agua potable como elemento para la determinación de la calidad de agua en el municipio de Honda Tolima
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
Este trabajo se realizó con el fin de aplicar el índice de agua potable para evaluar la calidad del recurso hídrico que se suministra a la población del municipio de Honda (Tolima). La investigación parte de un diagnóstico situacional de las condiciones actuales del sistema de acueducto teniendo presente las operaciones unitarias de captación, potabilización y distribución del recurso hídrico en el municipio. Posteriormente se aplica la metodología del Índice de Agua Potable (IAP) basada en los puntajes máximos de riesgo establecidos en el artículo 13 de la Resolución 2115 de 2007 del Ministerio de la Protección Social y el Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial, con el fin de determinar la calidad del agua potable suministrada utilizando los reportes proporcionados por la Secretaría Departamental de Salud de las caracterizaciones fisicoquímicas realizadas en un periodo de 10 años (2005 – 2014); seguido de esto, se realiza una comparación entre el Índice de Riesgo de Calidad de Agua (IRCA) y el Índice de Agua Potable (IAP), a fin de determinar qué método representa la mayor efectividad para evaluar la calidad del agua potable que consumen los habitantes del Municipio. Finalmente se establecen alternativas y recomendaciones para el buen funcionamiento y mejoramiento de la planta de tratamiento de agua potable, con el objetivo de garantizar y optimizar la calidad del recurso.
This paper is done in order to apply the drinkable water index to evaluate water quality of the resources supplied to the population of the municipality of Honda (Tolima). The research begins with a situational analysis of the current conditions of the drinkable water system including all the operation units such as collection, purification and distribution of water resources in the municipality. Subsequently, the methodology of the Drinkable Water Index was applied based on the maximum risk values set out in Article 13 of Resolution 2115 of 2007 the Ministry of Social Protection and the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development, with the goal of determining the quality of drinking water supplied using the reports provided by the Departmental Health Secretary of the physicochemical characterizations made in a period of 10 years (2005-2014); After that, a comparison between Quality Water Risk Index and the Drinkable Water Index is carried out to determine which index is the most effective method to evaluate the quality of drinking water consumed by inhabitants of the municipality. Finally, alternatives and recommendations for the proper functioning and improvement of the drinkable water treatment plan are set, in order to ensure and optimize the quality of the resource.
This paper is done in order to apply the drinkable water index to evaluate water quality of the resources supplied to the population of the municipality of Honda (Tolima). The research begins with a situational analysis of the current conditions of the drinkable water system including all the operation units such as collection, purification and distribution of water resources in the municipality. Subsequently, the methodology of the Drinkable Water Index was applied based on the maximum risk values set out in Article 13 of Resolution 2115 of 2007 the Ministry of Social Protection and the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development, with the goal of determining the quality of drinking water supplied using the reports provided by the Departmental Health Secretary of the physicochemical characterizations made in a period of 10 years (2005-2014); After that, a comparison between Quality Water Risk Index and the Drinkable Water Index is carried out to determine which index is the most effective method to evaluate the quality of drinking water consumed by inhabitants of the municipality. Finally, alternatives and recommendations for the proper functioning and improvement of the drinkable water treatment plan are set, in order to ensure and optimize the quality of the resource.
Palabras clave
Contaminación del agua, Agua potable, Calidad de agua - Control - Municipio de Honda (Tolima, Colombia)