Alternativas de comercialización para el cacao en el marco de la sustitución de cultivos de uso ilícito en San Miguel, Putumayo. Una mira desde la Asociación de Productores de Cacao La Florida (ASOPROCAF)
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Maestría en Agronegocios
El cacao ha sido empleado en diversas zonas de Colombia como una de las alternativas para la sustitución los de cultivos de uso ilícito como la coca. San Miguel es uno de los municipios del Departamento del Putumayo que se ha unido a esta apuesta teniendo en cuenta el gran potencial que tiene el grano de cacao colombiano por sus características de sabor y aroma; sin embargo, quienes voluntariamente se han adherido a la sustitución de cultivos, enfrentan grandes retos económicos. Es así como se consideró importante aportar en la identificación de alternativas de comercialización que permitan que los productores obtengan mayores ingresos para contribuir en la no reincidencia de estos cultivos en la región. Para esto, se analizaron los casos de éxito internacionales de Tailandia, Bolivia y Perú, y a nivel nacional, del Departamento de Boyacá y se realizaron entrevistas y cuestionarios con expertos y productores. Se estableció que no solamente se debe trabajar en mejorar la calidad, sino también la cantidad de cacao producido; que se deben fortalecer las relaciones entre asociaciones y que, para salir de los esquemas tradicionales de comercialización, es necesario contar con las empresas privadas y el gobierno como proveedor de servicios públicos.
In several regions of Colombia, Cocoa has been used as an alternative to substitute illicit crops such as coca. San Miguel, a municipality in Putumayo department, is one of those that have joined this challenge, considering the great potential that the Colombian cocoa bean has thanks to its characteristics of flavor and aroma; however, those who have voluntarily adhered to the substitution of coca plantations face great economic challenges. This is how it became important to contribute to the identification of marketing alternatives that would allow producers to achieve better incomes and contribute towards the non-re-incidence of illicit crops in this region. With this into consideration, the cases of success of Thailand, Bolivia, and Peru, at the international scale, and of the Boyacá department, at the national scale, were analyzed, and interviews and questionaries were applied to experts in the matter and producers. It was determined that there needs to be an improvement in both the quality and quantity of cocoa beans produced; that the relationships among associations should be strengthened; and that, in order to avoid the traditional marketing schemes, counting with the industries from the private sector as well as with the government as a public service provider, is paramount.
In several regions of Colombia, Cocoa has been used as an alternative to substitute illicit crops such as coca. San Miguel, a municipality in Putumayo department, is one of those that have joined this challenge, considering the great potential that the Colombian cocoa bean has thanks to its characteristics of flavor and aroma; however, those who have voluntarily adhered to the substitution of coca plantations face great economic challenges. This is how it became important to contribute to the identification of marketing alternatives that would allow producers to achieve better incomes and contribute towards the non-re-incidence of illicit crops in this region. With this into consideration, the cases of success of Thailand, Bolivia, and Peru, at the international scale, and of the Boyacá department, at the national scale, were analyzed, and interviews and questionaries were applied to experts in the matter and producers. It was determined that there needs to be an improvement in both the quality and quantity of cocoa beans produced; that the relationships among associations should be strengthened; and that, in order to avoid the traditional marketing schemes, counting with the industries from the private sector as well as with the government as a public service provider, is paramount.
Palabras clave
Comercialización, Cacao, Cultivos de uso ilícito, Sustitución de cultivos