Adaptabilidad en Colombia al programa de Manejo Integrado de zonas costeras ICAM de la Comisión Oceanográfica Intergubernamental IOC
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
En este planeta de superficie 71 por ciento aguas, donde los continentes son islas, la afectación del océano repercute tarde o temprano en el conjunto. El Océano regula el clima y de él depende la vida. Su progresivo deterioro por la acción del hombre y sus efectos, está concentrado en las costas, vitales para muchas especies y para la mayor parte de las actividades humanas. Es necesario cambiar la visión sobre el desarrollo relacionado con las zonas costeras, para que la raza humana pueda continuar disfrutándolas. En algunos puntos el deterioro requiere acciones urgentes combinadas de todos los sectores involucrados. La geopolítica deja su concepción terrestre y pasa a una oceánica ya una visión global de la interacción y de las zonas de contacto. Todos los Estados, aún sin litoral, tienen intereses, derechos y deberes dentro del Océano y deben formular sus políticas al respecto, de conformidad con su visión del futuro. Para Colombia, con un área marítima del 50% de su territorio, es un imperativo. La Comisión Colombiana del Océano como mecanismo de coordinación y planeación Intersectorial está comprometida con la administración integral de la Zona Costera. El desarrollo de la estrategia debe aprovechar los recursos internacionales dedicados al estudio del tema y captar los recursos financieros de entes como la Comisión Oceanográfica Interestatal, para impulsar las investigaciones en el área. Este condensa y consigna los esfuerzos actuales en el tema por parte de diversas entidades, los mide en sus aspectos cuantificables en términos comparativos con otros sectores, y contrasta las iniciativas nacionales con las definiciones interestatales para el desarrollo de la investigación en el área. El propósito es describir el potencial de aporte colombiano a los organismos internacionales, facilitar su evaluación y posibilitar el acceso a los recursos financieros.
In this planet with 71 percent water surface, where the continents are islands, the affectation of the ocean repel sooner or later in the set. The Ocean regulates the climate and on the life depends on it. Its progressive deterioration by the action of the man and its effects is concentrated in the coasts, vital for many species and most of human activities. The need is to change the vision on the development related to coastal zones, so that the human race can continue enjoying them. In some points the deterioration requires combined urgent actions of all the involved sectors. Geopolitics leaves its terrestrial conception towards an oceanographic one and then reaches a global vision of interaction and zones of contact. All the States, even without a coast, have interests, rights and duties within the Ocean and must formulate their policies on the matter, in accordance with their vision of the future. For Colombia, with a marine area of 50% of its territory, such a purpose becomes an imperative. The Colombian Commission for the Ocean, as a mechanism of coordination and multi sector planning, is partially devoted to the integral administration of coastal zones. The development of this strategy must take advantage of the international resources dedicated to study the subject and catch the financial resources of beings like the Interstate Oceanographic Commission, to impel research in the area. This work condenses and lists the present efforts in the subject on the part of diverse organizations; it measures them in their quantifiable aspects in comparative terms with other sectors, and reviews the national initiatives against the interstate definitions for developing investigation in the area. The goal is describe the potential of Colombian contribution to the international organisms, facilitate its evaluation and make the access to the financial resources a real event. Simultaneously, as a derivate from the knowledge within the policies and guides developed by the Interstate Oceanographic Commission, the work picked out recommendations on the development of future research work, in order to improve its effectiveness and facilitate reusability in other geographic points
In this planet with 71 percent water surface, where the continents are islands, the affectation of the ocean repel sooner or later in the set. The Ocean regulates the climate and on the life depends on it. Its progressive deterioration by the action of the man and its effects is concentrated in the coasts, vital for many species and most of human activities. The need is to change the vision on the development related to coastal zones, so that the human race can continue enjoying them. In some points the deterioration requires combined urgent actions of all the involved sectors. Geopolitics leaves its terrestrial conception towards an oceanographic one and then reaches a global vision of interaction and zones of contact. All the States, even without a coast, have interests, rights and duties within the Ocean and must formulate their policies on the matter, in accordance with their vision of the future. For Colombia, with a marine area of 50% of its territory, such a purpose becomes an imperative. The Colombian Commission for the Ocean, as a mechanism of coordination and multi sector planning, is partially devoted to the integral administration of coastal zones. The development of this strategy must take advantage of the international resources dedicated to study the subject and catch the financial resources of beings like the Interstate Oceanographic Commission, to impel research in the area. This work condenses and lists the present efforts in the subject on the part of diverse organizations; it measures them in their quantifiable aspects in comparative terms with other sectors, and reviews the national initiatives against the interstate definitions for developing investigation in the area. The goal is describe the potential of Colombian contribution to the international organisms, facilitate its evaluation and make the access to the financial resources a real event. Simultaneously, as a derivate from the knowledge within the policies and guides developed by the Interstate Oceanographic Commission, the work picked out recommendations on the development of future research work, in order to improve its effectiveness and facilitate reusability in other geographic points
Palabras clave
Zonas costeras, Adaptabilidad en Colombia