Evaluación de cuatro tipos de leche en la dieta larvaria de Cochliomyia hominivorax coquerel
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Medicina Veterinaria
La Comisión México Americana para la Erradicación del Gusano Barrenador del Ganado produce actualmente un promedio de 100 millones de moscas estériles a la semana, para ser enviadas a los centros de dispersión de Panamá, Aruba y Jamaica, en donde se espera erradicar al GBG (Gusano Barrenador del Ganado). Por esto, y pensando en los países que en un futuro requieran de estas moscas estériles para la erradicación el GBG, la Comisión México Americana se encuentra en una constante búsqueda de mejoras en el proceso de producción. Para lograr este objetivo cuenta con una Unidad de Investigación en el Departamento de Desarrollo de Métodos, en donde se encargan de mantener la cepa de la mosca y de realizar diferentes tipos de pruebas que buscan mejorar la producción masiva de moscas estériles del GBG. La comisión recibió de la compañía Purina cuatro muestras de sustituto de leche en polvo para su uso en la dieta del gusano barrenador (Nodricina 200, Nodricina Premium 20/20, Nodricina Plus 20 – 20 y Sustituto de leche para becerros), estos se evaluaron en una prueba completa para determinar la existencia de diferencias significativas en el desempeño de la larva en dietas que incluyan a estos componentes. Se realizaron cinco réplicas, con tres charolas de 16 lts por tratamiento para un total de 15 charolas por réplica. Midiendo y evaluando los parámetros de la cepa Jamaica 03 del gusano barrenador del ganado para determinar el comportamiento de estos sustitutos en la dieta larvaria, y evaluar la posible utilización de los mismos.
The Mexican-American Commission for the Eradication of screwworm currently produces an average of 100 million sterile flies per week, to be sent to dispersal centers in Panama, Aruba and Jamaica, hoping to eradicate the screwworm. For this reason, and thinking the countries that in a future will require sterile flies to eradicate the screwworm, the Commission Mexican-American is in a constant search of improvements in the production process. To achieve this objective, it has a Research Unit in the Methods Development Department, in charge of maintaining the strain of the fly and to do the different tests, looking for the improve of massive production of sterile screwworm flies. The commission received from Purina company four substitute powdered milk samples for be used in the screwworm diet (Nodricina 200, Nodricina Premium 20/20, Nodricina Plus 20 - 20 and milk substitute for calves), they were evaluated in a complete test to determine the existence of significant differences in the development larvae in diets that include these components. Five replicas were made with three 16 lts trays per treatment for a total of 15 trays per replica. Measuring and evaluating the parameters of the Jamaica 03 screwworm strain, to determine the behavior of these substitutes in the larvae diet, and to evaluate the possible use of these substitutes in the larvae diet.
The Mexican-American Commission for the Eradication of screwworm currently produces an average of 100 million sterile flies per week, to be sent to dispersal centers in Panama, Aruba and Jamaica, hoping to eradicate the screwworm. For this reason, and thinking the countries that in a future will require sterile flies to eradicate the screwworm, the Commission Mexican-American is in a constant search of improvements in the production process. To achieve this objective, it has a Research Unit in the Methods Development Department, in charge of maintaining the strain of the fly and to do the different tests, looking for the improve of massive production of sterile screwworm flies. The commission received from Purina company four substitute powdered milk samples for be used in the screwworm diet (Nodricina 200, Nodricina Premium 20/20, Nodricina Plus 20 - 20 and milk substitute for calves), they were evaluated in a complete test to determine the existence of significant differences in the development larvae in diets that include these components. Five replicas were made with three 16 lts trays per treatment for a total of 15 trays per replica. Measuring and evaluating the parameters of the Jamaica 03 screwworm strain, to determine the behavior of these substitutes in the larvae diet, and to evaluate the possible use of these substitutes in the larvae diet.
Palabras clave
Enfermedades en ganado, Parasitología veterinaria, Control de plagas