Rediseño y mejoramiento de sistema detector de calores en tiempo real para ganadería extensiva
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería en Automatización
La detección de celo en la ganadería extensiva se ha convertido en un importante factor para aumentar la producción de carne en los hatos ganaderos dedicados a dicha actividad económica.Es por esa razón que generar un sistema que permite detectar el celo en el ganado cobra un papel determinante para aumentar la rentabilidad económica en el sector. Para el desarrollo del presente proyecto se tomaron a consideración aspectos como tipo de ganado a trabajar, terreno para realizar los trabajos de campo, morfología de los animales y métodos que actualmente se implementan en campo para detectar el celo. Inicialmente, se analizaron todas las posibles soluciones al problema, se identificó para qué se diseña el prototipo, con qué elementos se cuenta y qué importancia e impacto tendrá la investigación a nivel productivo. Una vez determinados dichos parámetros, se procedió a indagar respecto a los tipos de tecnologías existentes para marcar o identificar animales. Posteriormente, se seleccionó el tipo de envío y recepción de datos, teniendo en cuenta aspectos como bandas en las que se realizaría la comunicación, tasa de trasmisión de datos, alcance de la señal portadora en distancia y una investigación respecto a los tipos de fuentes de energía con largo periodo de duración. De esta manera, se llegó a la selección de diferentes tipos de materiales para la elaboración del prototipo y por último por rendimiento, costo y capacidad se determinó qué elementos harían parte del diseño final. Los principales resultados obtenidos, fueron los beneficios que este proyecto puede ofrecer a la detección de celo en el ganado extensivo, a través de tecnologías inalámbricas y sistemas de información confiables y de fácil manipulación. Además, el sistema tiene posibilidad de extenderse a la identificación de diferentes razas o grupos de animales.
Heat detection in cattle ranching has become an important factor for increasing meat production in cattle herds dedicated to this activity that is why they create a system that can detect estrus in cattle takes a role determining economic increase profitability in this sector. For the development of this prototype took to aspects such as type of cattle work, field for field work, animal morphology, and methods currently implemented in the field to detect heat. This research was based mainly on knowing the strategies used to detect estrus in cattle and how the integration of technology would improve the process, to thereby reduce the error rate in the insemination of animals and thus reduce losses economic producers of meat, since each insemination is performed either successful or failed imply different costs. Initially, and in general, we analyzed all possible solutions to the problem, identify it is designed for the prototype, what counts and what elements are important and impact research will have a productive level. Having determined these parameters we proceeded to inquire about the types of existing technologies to mark or identify animals, then select the type of sending and receiving data, taking into account issues such bands that would be held communication rate data transmission, signal range in distance carrier, and finally an investigation into the types of energy sources with long period of time. Thus it came to selecting different materials for the production of prototype and ultimately for performance, cost, and capacity would be determined that elements of the final design. We could analyze the design phase of a system provides a light on the path to be followed, but finally in the exhaustive search for material leads to the conclusion that what was originally seen as a potential outlet to the problem, not really the best solution for the problem at hand.
Heat detection in cattle ranching has become an important factor for increasing meat production in cattle herds dedicated to this activity that is why they create a system that can detect estrus in cattle takes a role determining economic increase profitability in this sector. For the development of this prototype took to aspects such as type of cattle work, field for field work, animal morphology, and methods currently implemented in the field to detect heat. This research was based mainly on knowing the strategies used to detect estrus in cattle and how the integration of technology would improve the process, to thereby reduce the error rate in the insemination of animals and thus reduce losses economic producers of meat, since each insemination is performed either successful or failed imply different costs. Initially, and in general, we analyzed all possible solutions to the problem, identify it is designed for the prototype, what counts and what elements are important and impact research will have a productive level. Having determined these parameters we proceeded to inquire about the types of existing technologies to mark or identify animals, then select the type of sending and receiving data, taking into account issues such bands that would be held communication rate data transmission, signal range in distance carrier, and finally an investigation into the types of energy sources with long period of time. Thus it came to selecting different materials for the production of prototype and ultimately for performance, cost, and capacity would be determined that elements of the final design. We could analyze the design phase of a system provides a light on the path to be followed, but finally in the exhaustive search for material leads to the conclusion that what was originally seen as a potential outlet to the problem, not really the best solution for the problem at hand.
Palabras clave
Automatización, Servomecanismos, Hato ganadero