Formulación ecohidráulica para evaluar la capacidad de autodepuración de ríos de montaña
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
Colombia, pese a ser reconocido como un país de alta biodiversidad, cuenta con pocos estudios de interacción de variables biológicas de sus ecosistemas estratégicos (como ríos de montaña) con la hidrodinámica de los cuerpos de agua asociados al mismo. Para entender estas dinámicas ecosistémicas frente a la autodepuración de ríos se ha empleado mundialmente la modelación matemática. Objetivo. Formular un modelo matemático que acople variables biológicas y variables asociadas a la ingeniería de los recursos hidráulicos para evaluar la capacidad de autodepuración de ríos de montaña. Materiales y Métodos. Las técnicas de retención de hojarasca y de trazadores conservativos fueron empleadas para formular un modelo ecohidráulico al realizar su validación mediante mediciones en campo, de lo cual se presume que el tiempo que debe emplearse para el ensayo de retención de hojarasca será el mismo tiempo de transporte hallado por la técnica de trazadores conservativos. Resultados. El modelo de la formulación ecohidráulica se realizó con el acople de las dos técnicas permitiendo conocer la hidrodinámica del cuerpo de agua a través de variables como el caudal, la velocidad y el tiempo de transporte, para así evaluar la capacidad del río de retener materia orgánica y degradarla por la acción de organismos propios del mismo (autodepurarse). Conclusiones. La del tiempo de transporte hidráulico experimental a un modelo de retentividad biológica permite evaluar de manera integral las dinámicas reales de autodepuración de un río de montaña dadas unas condiciones hidrodinámicas espaciales y integración temporal específicas
Although Colombia has been recognized as a country of high biodiversity, it has limited studies about the interaction of biological variables with water bodies hydrodynamics of strategic ecosystems such as mountain rivers. Mathematical modeling has been widely used worldwide in order to understand rivers auto-purification dynamics. Objective. Formulate a mathematical model that couples biological and hydraulic variables to assess selfpurification capacity of mountain rivers. Materials and Methods. An ecohydraulic model is formulated based on the leaf litter retention and conservative dye tracer techniques. The formulation is validated using field measurements in a mountain river. It is presumed that the travel time estimated by the conservative dye tracer method can be used for the litter retention.Results. An eco-hydraulic formulation is obtained that would allow to know the hydrodynamics of the water body through variables such as flow, flow velocity and travel time in order to evaluate the river capacity to retain and degrade organic matter by action microorganisms (auto-purification). Conclusion. The integration of the experimental hydraulic travel time to a biological retentivity model makes possible to comprehensively evaluate the real auto-purification dynamics of a mountain river given for specific spatial and temporal hydrodynamic conditions
Although Colombia has been recognized as a country of high biodiversity, it has limited studies about the interaction of biological variables with water bodies hydrodynamics of strategic ecosystems such as mountain rivers. Mathematical modeling has been widely used worldwide in order to understand rivers auto-purification dynamics. Objective. Formulate a mathematical model that couples biological and hydraulic variables to assess selfpurification capacity of mountain rivers. Materials and Methods. An ecohydraulic model is formulated based on the leaf litter retention and conservative dye tracer techniques. The formulation is validated using field measurements in a mountain river. It is presumed that the travel time estimated by the conservative dye tracer method can be used for the litter retention.Results. An eco-hydraulic formulation is obtained that would allow to know the hydrodynamics of the water body through variables such as flow, flow velocity and travel time in order to evaluate the river capacity to retain and degrade organic matter by action microorganisms (auto-purification). Conclusion. The integration of the experimental hydraulic travel time to a biological retentivity model makes possible to comprehensively evaluate the real auto-purification dynamics of a mountain river given for specific spatial and temporal hydrodynamic conditions
Palabras clave
Modelos matemáticos, Retención de hojarasca, Variables hidrodinámicas, Ecosistema acuático, Río de montaña, Mathematical models, Leaf litter retention, Hydrodynamic variables, Aquatic ecosystem, Mountain river, Retenção de folhada, Variáveis hidrodinâmicas, Ecossistema aquático, Rio da montanha, Biodiversidad, Ecosistemas, Análisis del impacto ambiental, Biodiversity, Biotic communities, Environmental impact analysis