Características del español en su expresión escrita en relación a los fenómenos: extranjerismos y code switching en whatsapp
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Licenciatura en Español y Lenguas Extranjeras
Las lenguas cambian y evolucionan a través del tiempo, pero se ha notado que la lengua española ha tenido una transformación acelerada y se cree que la causa radica en factores externos tales como: la globalización, mensajería instantánea Whatsapp, y medios tecnológicos que posibilitan la comunicación. En la virtualidad se ha creado un ciberlenguaje que evidencia la presencia de fenómenos de extranjerismos y codeswitching que afectan la identidad de la lengua materna, ya que se filtran en conversaciones cotidianas de jóvenes hispanohablantes usuarios de las redes. Por esta razón se plantea una pesquisa de carácter descriptivo que implementa el paradigma mixto para caracterizar al español actual desde los niveles de la lengua: semántico y pragmático en su expresión escrita en relación a los fenómenos: extranjerismos y code switching en Whatsapp con jóvenes entre 18 y 24 años de noveno semestre del Programa de Licenciatura en lengua Castellana Inglés y Francés de la Universidad de La Salle
The languages change and develop over time, but one has noticed that the spanish language has had an accelerated transformation and one thinks that the cause reside in such external factors as: the globalization, instant messaging services (Whatsapp), and means of communication which make possible the communication. The virtuality has created a cyber language that demonstrates the presence of “foreign words” and “codeswitching” phenomenous in Whatsapp which affect the identity of the mother language, because they filter in quotidian conversations of young Spanish speaking users of the networks. Because of that one suggest a research of descriptive character, that uses the mixed paradigm for characterizing the actual Spanish from the semantic and pragmatic languages levels, in her written expression, in relation to the “foreign words” and “codeswitching” phenomenons in Whatsapp, with young people between 18 and 24 years old of ninth semester of the modern languages degree in Salle University
The languages change and develop over time, but one has noticed that the spanish language has had an accelerated transformation and one thinks that the cause reside in such external factors as: the globalization, instant messaging services (Whatsapp), and means of communication which make possible the communication. The virtuality has created a cyber language that demonstrates the presence of “foreign words” and “codeswitching” phenomenous in Whatsapp which affect the identity of the mother language, because they filter in quotidian conversations of young Spanish speaking users of the networks. Because of that one suggest a research of descriptive character, that uses the mixed paradigm for characterizing the actual Spanish from the semantic and pragmatic languages levels, in her written expression, in relation to the “foreign words” and “codeswitching” phenomenons in Whatsapp, with young people between 18 and 24 years old of ninth semester of the modern languages degree in Salle University
Palabras clave
Extranjerismos, Codeswitching, Sincronía del español, Whatsapp, Bilingüismo, Foreign words, Spanish synchronicity, Bilingualism, Comunicación escrita, Innovaciones tecnológicas, Written communication, Technological innovations