Utilización de la víscera de pollo como suplemento alimenticio en ganado de ceba comercial
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Zootecnia
El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó con el fin de observar el comportamiento productivo y la rentabilidad entre dos tratamientos, en novillos de engorde en pastoreo adicionando un suplemento alimenticio por tratamiento (concentrado y harina de víscera), para este trabajo se usó un diseño completamente al azar, para estudiar el efecto que tienen los tratamientos sobre la ganancia de peso día, la ganancia de peso mensual, el consumo de alimento, la conversión alimenticia y la relación costo beneficio. Se utilizaron 20 novillos cruzados de los cuales se tomaron 2 lotes de 10 animales cada uno; los animales se ubicaron en la misma zona, con las mismas condiciones medio ambientales, la misma calidad de pastura, así como de agua. Los animales entraron a los planes vacúnales establecidos para la zona (Fiebre Aftosa y Brucella), y fueron vermifugados y bañados en los tiempos establecidos para tal fin. Para el primer tratamiento (T1) se escogieron 10 animales que estuvieran entre 150 y 220 Kg de peso, tanto hembras como machos, entre 15 y 20 meses de edad, independiente del cruce o raza se ubicaron en pastoreo y se les suministro 1.5 Kg día de concentrado comercial. Para el segundo tratamiento (T2), se escogieron 10 animales que estuvieran entre 150 y 220 Kg de peso, tanto hembras como machos, entre 15 y 20 meses de edad, independiente del cruce o raza se ubicaron en pastoreo, con una suplementación de harina de víscera de pollo (1.5 Kg día) formulados en la dieta con otros componentes adicionales, la materia prima se obtuvo en el matadero de aves freskipollo de la ciudad de Barbosa Santander, se tomó una muestra de esta y se llevó a los laboratorios de la Universidad de la Sallé para realizar un análisis microbiológico y proximal; encontrando que cumplía con los valores microbiológicos y nutricionales adecuados para ser suministrado a los animales. En cuanto a los parámetros productivos evaluados se encontraron diferencias significativas (P>0.05) en el peso final, en el incremento de peso diario y en el incremento de peso total. El consumo de alimento fue el mismo en los dos tratamientos, mientras que la conversión alimenticia fue más eficiente en el tratamiento con concentrado (13.68); la relación costo beneficio fue mejor en el tratamiento con harina de víscera de pollo con una diferencia porcentual del 23.9% a favor. Se concluye que aunque el concentrado es más Eficiente sobre los parámetros productivos en novillos en pastoreo, la harina de víscera de pollo repercute positivamente en la relación costo beneficio.
The present work of investigation was performed with the purpose of to observe the productive behavior and the yield between two treatments, in young bulls of fattening in pasturing adding I supplement nutritional by treatment (concentrate and flour of viscera), for this work was used a design completely at random, to study the effect that are the treatments on the gain of weight, the gain of monthly weight, the food consumption, the nutritional conversion and the relation cost benefit. 20 young bulls were used cruzados from which 2 lots of 10 animal were taken each; the animal were located in the same zone, with the same half environmental conditions, the same quality of pasture, as well as of water. The animal entered the established vacúnales plans for the zone (Aphthous Fever and Brucella), and vermifugados and were bathed in the times established for such aim. For the first treatment (T1) 10 animal were chosen that were between 150 and 220 kg of weight, as much females as male, between 15 and 20 months of age, independent of the crossing or race were located in pasturing and them provision 1,5 kg day of commercial concentrate. For the second treatment (T2), 10 animal were chosen that were between 150 and 220 kg of weight, as much females as male, between 15 and 20 months of age, independent of the crossing or race were located in pasturing, with a suplementación of flour of viscera of chicken (1,5 kg day) formulated in the diet with other additional components, the raw material obtained in the slaughter house of birds freskipollo of the city of Barbosa Santander, took a sample from this and it took to the laboratories of the University of the Sallé to performed a microbiological and proximal analysis; finding that it fulfilled the microbiological and nutritional values adapted to be provided to the animal. As far as the evaluated productive parameters were significant differences (P> 0.05) in the final weight, the increase of daily weight and the increase of gross weight. The food consumption was the same in both treatments, whereas the nutritional conversion was more efficient in the treatment with concentrate (13.68); the relation cost benefit was better in the treatment with flour of viscera of chicken with a percentage difference of the 23,9% to favor. One concludes that although the concentrate is More efficient on the productive parameters in young bulls in pasturing, the flour of viscera of chicken positively repels in the relation cost benefit.
The present work of investigation was performed with the purpose of to observe the productive behavior and the yield between two treatments, in young bulls of fattening in pasturing adding I supplement nutritional by treatment (concentrate and flour of viscera), for this work was used a design completely at random, to study the effect that are the treatments on the gain of weight, the gain of monthly weight, the food consumption, the nutritional conversion and the relation cost benefit. 20 young bulls were used cruzados from which 2 lots of 10 animal were taken each; the animal were located in the same zone, with the same half environmental conditions, the same quality of pasture, as well as of water. The animal entered the established vacúnales plans for the zone (Aphthous Fever and Brucella), and vermifugados and were bathed in the times established for such aim. For the first treatment (T1) 10 animal were chosen that were between 150 and 220 kg of weight, as much females as male, between 15 and 20 months of age, independent of the crossing or race were located in pasturing and them provision 1,5 kg day of commercial concentrate. For the second treatment (T2), 10 animal were chosen that were between 150 and 220 kg of weight, as much females as male, between 15 and 20 months of age, independent of the crossing or race were located in pasturing, with a suplementación of flour of viscera of chicken (1,5 kg day) formulated in the diet with other additional components, the raw material obtained in the slaughter house of birds freskipollo of the city of Barbosa Santander, took a sample from this and it took to the laboratories of the University of the Sallé to performed a microbiological and proximal analysis; finding that it fulfilled the microbiological and nutritional values adapted to be provided to the animal. As far as the evaluated productive parameters were significant differences (P> 0.05) in the final weight, the increase of daily weight and the increase of gross weight. The food consumption was the same in both treatments, whereas the nutritional conversion was more efficient in the treatment with concentrate (13.68); the relation cost benefit was better in the treatment with flour of viscera of chicken with a percentage difference of the 23,9% to favor. One concludes that although the concentrate is More efficient on the productive parameters in young bulls in pasturing, the flour of viscera of chicken positively repels in the relation cost benefit.
Palabras clave
Ganado de ceba, Alimentos y alimentación, Rumiantes, Nutrición