Evaluación de alternativas de tratamiento de agua residual doméstica para reúso en irrigación en una hospedería en el municipio de Villa de Leyva - Boyacá
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Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria
En el presente proyecto se llevó a cabo la evaluación de 3 alternativas de tratamiento de agua residual doméstica en la hospedería Duruelo ubicada en el municipio de Villa de Leyva departamento de Boyacá, con el fin de elegir la alternativa más económicamente viable y ambientalmente sostenible para la Hospedería. Se siguió la metodología de estudio de caso la cual consta de 4 fases fundamentales, en la FASE I “RECOLECCIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN PRELIMINAR”, se llevó a cabo la revisión bibliográfica correspondiente a los tratamientos de agua residual más pertinentes para una hospedería, de la misma manera se halló el PBOT del municipio de Villa de Leyva y su plan de desarrollo municipal 2012 – 2015 para el desarrollo de la línea base del municipio; en la FASE II “RECOLECCIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN EN CAMPO”, se llevó a cabo la visita de campo en la cual hubo reconocimiento del área de estudio, elección del posible sitio de emplazamiento de la alternativa, levantamiento topográfico, recolección de los datos necesarios para realizar el balance hídrico y dos muestreos realizados: uno en temporada alta (14 Junio 2015) y el otro en temporada baja (09 Julio 2015). En la FASE III “ANÁLISIS DEL CASO DE ESTUDIO”, se llevó a cabo la evaluación de 3 alternativas de tratamiento de agua residual doméstica propuestas para la hospedería Duruelo que incluyen su diseño, análisis de costos y planos, también se realizó la georreferenciación del lugar y de las alternativas en el programa ArcGis, finalmente en la FASE IV “ELABORACIÓN DEL REPORTE DEL CASO DE ESTUDIO”, a partir de la información recolectada en las fases anteriores se llevó a cabo la construcción del documento para su posterior entrega a la Universidad de la Salle y a la administración de la hospedería Duruelo. Con el desarrollo de esta investigación se determinó que la alternativa más apropiada a ser instalada en la hospedería Duruelo resulta ser una Planta de Tratamiento de Agua Residual, pues al respecto de las otras dos alternativas resulta ser menos costosa y es la única que requiere un espacio adecuado, pues el humedal y las lagunas de estabilización por las características del agua requieren un espacio demasiado grande con el cual no cuenta la hospedería.
In this project it was carried out the evaluation of three alternatives for domestic wastewater treatment in Duruelo inn located in the municipality of Vila de Leyva Boyaca department, in order to choose the most economically viable and environmentally sustainable alternative to the hostelry. The case study methodology which consists of four main phases, Phase I "PRELIMINARY INFORMATION COLLECTION" followed took place corresponding to the most relevant treatment wastewater to a hospice literature review thereof the PBOT the municipality of Villa de Leyva and 2012 municipal development plan way was found - 2015 for the development of the base line of the township; In Phase II "DATA COLLECTION IN FIELD" was conducted field visit in which there was recognition of the study area, choice of possible site construction alternative, surveying, collecting the data necessary to perform water balance and two surveys performed: one in high season (June 14, 2015) and the other in low season (July 9, 2015). In Phase III "THE CASE STUDY", was conducted evaluation of three alternative treatment of domestic wastewater proposals for Duruelo inn including design, cost analysis and plans, georeferencing place was also performed and alternatives to the program ArcGis finally in Phase IV "MAKING THE CASE STUDY REPORT" from data collected in previous phases was carried out construction of the document for later delivery to the University of La Salle and the administration of the Duruelo inn. With the development of this research it was determined that the most appropriate to be installed in the guest quarters Duruelo alternative proves Treatment Plant Wastewater that although the matter of the alternative appears to be more expensive, is the only one that requires adequate space because the wetlands and stabilization ponds for water features require too large a space which does not have the guest.
In this project it was carried out the evaluation of three alternatives for domestic wastewater treatment in Duruelo inn located in the municipality of Vila de Leyva Boyaca department, in order to choose the most economically viable and environmentally sustainable alternative to the hostelry. The case study methodology which consists of four main phases, Phase I "PRELIMINARY INFORMATION COLLECTION" followed took place corresponding to the most relevant treatment wastewater to a hospice literature review thereof the PBOT the municipality of Villa de Leyva and 2012 municipal development plan way was found - 2015 for the development of the base line of the township; In Phase II "DATA COLLECTION IN FIELD" was conducted field visit in which there was recognition of the study area, choice of possible site construction alternative, surveying, collecting the data necessary to perform water balance and two surveys performed: one in high season (June 14, 2015) and the other in low season (July 9, 2015). In Phase III "THE CASE STUDY", was conducted evaluation of three alternative treatment of domestic wastewater proposals for Duruelo inn including design, cost analysis and plans, georeferencing place was also performed and alternatives to the program ArcGis finally in Phase IV "MAKING THE CASE STUDY REPORT" from data collected in previous phases was carried out construction of the document for later delivery to the University of La Salle and the administration of the Duruelo inn. With the development of this research it was determined that the most appropriate to be installed in the guest quarters Duruelo alternative proves Treatment Plant Wastewater that although the matter of the alternative appears to be more expensive, is the only one that requires adequate space because the wetlands and stabilization ponds for water features require too large a space which does not have the guest.
Palabras clave
Contaminación del agua, Aguas de albañal, Biodegradación de aguas de albañal, Tecnología - tratamiento de aguas de albañal